I hear a rustling sound to my left and immediately perk up, this so can not be happening right now.
"Get up, rouge." I hear a demanding voice making me whimper.
"Summer? How are we alive." I question confused, I look down at my appearance and realize I have somehow shifted back to my human form.
I stand up in the bush making myself known, I know this is no man's land, so why is someone with so much power here.
"No idea, but please kill us" my wolf whimpers in pain before retreating into my mind.
"I didn't know this was pack territory. I am so sorry I promise that I thought it was no man's land." I power out with pride, the man sniffs the air trying to work out my rank before becoming rouge. Something only Betas and Alphas can do. The confused look in the man's eyes makes me know immediately that I have three different ranks coming off in waves.
"Rank before rouge" he questions, I sniff the air and smell the scent of a Beta.
"Well, it depends, my mother is the pack doctor and my father a warrior, I was demoted to the position of omega because they weren't mates and she cheated. My mate, now ex-mate was a future beta" I state with no waver in my voice.
"Rejected?" he questions his tone starting to become more gentle like a concerned brother.
"Yes sir, I knew who my mate was for a year because I am older, the whole time I was bullied and abused by him. He turned sixteen yesterday and rejected me. I don't know how I am alive" I state making the man in front of my nod.
"My name is Ben; this is no man's land. I was looking for my sister, who just so happened to run out of our territory. You look injured; if you are willing to help me find her, I will allow you onto our territory so you can be checked out by the pack doctor and healed."
"Are you not scared that I will attack anyone?" I question warry of Bens invitation.
"You are injured pup, and you haven't attacked me yet so no I'm not" he states, I nod my head before leaning down and grabbing my backpack. I sniff the area for non-rouges and am caught with one other scent. I take off running towards it when I sense other rouges around. I know Ben isnt too far behind me. Living on the outskirts of the pack made it very easy for me to learn to fight and separate scents something most wolves would dream of.
I look around and see a circle of rouges surrounding the scent of the non-rouge which I am guessing is Bens sister. Pushing through the crowd, I see a little girl no older than ten curled in a ball.
"are you Bens sister?" I question, I know Ben is keeping back as not to cause trouble.
"How do you know my brother" she cries out, I can tell she is scared of what is going on.
"I just met him. I'm Erika, come on" I hold my hand out to her to take, I know she is staring at it worriedly, but she also knows she is in more danger just laying here.
"she is ours' rouge, go find your own meal" one of the rouges growls out. Out of nowhere Summer roars to life letting out a ferocious growl.
"How is she a Beta and a rouge, let's get out of here" they all yell at once running away.
I hear Ben run over and soon spot him beside his sister.
"Are you sure he rejected you?" Ben questions making me nod.
"Let us get you checked out, you are bleeding after all" he smiles before we head off in the direction of his pack.
the minute we get into the territory everyone is bowing.
"I let the pack and the alpha know that you where coming to get checked out and what you did, this little munchkin is the only true female Beta left born from the line of first werewolf Betas," Ben states making my eyes bulge out of my head. This is the last true werewolf pack. All werewolves are descended from either the first Beta or alpha line, but over the years other supernatural creatures and humans alike got mated to werewolves making the line not pure.
"So I just saved one of the most important people from being dinner?" I laugh out making Ben nod.
"She's here, mum" Ben yells out, making an older woman run down the stairs.
"wait if that is your mum" I start to say when Ben cuts me off.
"yes my father cheated on my mother, her mother was the last and died in childbirth making her the last" I nod my head in understanding.
It is a very complicated process, but basically, you need to sleep with a true werewolf descended from the alpha or beta line and be a true werewolf yourself to make a true werewolf baby, the downfall is most of the true Beta and alphas are born male and very little are born female making the true werewolves die out.
If this little girl is the last true Beta, that means if she dies before sleeping with a true werewolf, she will kill the Beta line. The pro side is a true werewolf can get pregnant from the same sex, but most prefer not to.
"Thank you for protecting her. You should go see a doctor before you bleed out" Bens mother smiles while ushering her into the house, I wish I had found out her name.
Looking down at my legs, I realize one is broken and bleeding badly. I hadn't even realized I was running so much on adrenaline and sorrow that my body must have been ignoring it.
"Come on, let's go" Ben smiles sadly while leading me towards a small centre which I assume is the medical ward.
My heart starts to ache, making Summer cry in pain.
"What's wrong" I question trying to work out what's wrong with us.
"We didn't die, so mate didn't either. His heart can't take it, so it keeps stopping and then restarting until we die it will stay like that" Summer whimpers making me think about just not getting checked out and fixed by the doctor. I will be allowed out of the territory so I can go and die in peace. While I know it is making him stop suffering which he should suffer, it is causing us pain to which i don't want.
"You know what? I am okay. Nothing that won't heal on its own. I think I will go" I smile at Ben.
"I can't let you do that" Ben states making me growl.
"And why not" I question putting my hands on my hips.
"Because I know you won't heal by yourself, I also know your mate is still alive and keeps dying and coming back because you are alive meaning you will just leave and commit suicide or piss off a rouge to kill you themselves," he states matching my tone.
"How do you know that?" I question with a glare
"Because I found it interesting you didn't die after being rejected, then I thought back to my dad explaining to me why he cheated, and I realized you must be one of the three true Alpha werewolves" he states making me stop dead in my tracks.
Say what now.