"you ready" I hear Ben question me from the car, I slowly limp with the crushes over to the car, I don't want to use them. But everyone is making me; I notice hazyn sitting in the front seat of the car with ben leaving the backseat open for me, I have a feeling me and hazyn will kill each other soon. The minute the car starts, I drift off into a peaceful sleep.
"wake up" I hear a voice chirp making me open my eyes with slits to glare at ben.
"guess we know that you are not a morning person" he laughs, making me roll my eyes and get up and out of the car. The first thing I notice is the alphas talking with all of Matthews friends.
"I don't want to use these stupid things" I growl throwing the crutches back into the car, I know if I have them out the boys will use it to there advantage.
"I have rooms upstairs ready for both you and the beta" the alpha speaks, making me roll my eyes.
"and what about the room for Erika" hazyn questions making me look at him in shock,
"We thought she would be going back to the den on the outskirts of the territory" Matthews second-hand man eric speaks making me gulp
"no she won't be, she can just stay in the room with me" hazyn speaks making me and ben turn to each other in shock.
"yes, alpha hazyn, your bedrooms are next to each other in the guest wing, third and fourth room on the right I'm sure Erika will show you to the rooms" the alpha speaks before they all rush off inside.
"she can stay in my room man I know you don't like sharing" ben states warily.
"no, it's fine your mate won't thank me if she finds out you had a female in your bed before even meeting her" he smiles.
"Neither will yours" ben states making hazyn roll his eyes.
"already told you I won't find her" he states before taking off, I slowly limp after him knowing ben is following behind me. I push past hazyn and lead the way to our rooms.
"your room, our room" I point at the doors making them nod their heads and walk into there rooms. I slowly walk into mine and stare at hazyn
"shes dead isnt she" I state once I closed the door.
"don't know what you mean" he replies back sharply sitting on the bed.
"The room is soundproof, and as a rejected mate I know the look, and you are screaming it, but you don't look in pain when she is mentioned making me think she is dead, and it has been a while. probably before you came alpha and that's why no one knows" I state
"fine you got me, she died a week before I became alpha and they don't need to know that I'm not fit to be an alpha" he states putting his hands on his face.
"I am going to go get some food and leave you alone, I won't tell anyone, and I know you hate being around me so once Matthew is awake and we leave you can dump me in no man's land, I will be fine" I smile before walking out of the bedroom and down the hallway.
trigger warning
I feel my head colid with a wall making my vision blur together.
"You stupid whore, you made him like this" I hear eric growl making me gulp knowing this isnt going to be pretty
"he rejected me not the other way around, tomorrow ill be gone and he will be awake isnt that better then him dying like he was going to?" I question confused as to why they are so pissed off it could be so much worse
"You shouldn't have been his mate" they state making me roll my eyes which lands a punch to my gut.
"I don't pick who my mate is" I state, I thought they knew that or are they that stupid.
"You could have left when you found out and allowed him to pick his mate" Alex chimes in
"I'm sorry I am, he can do that now. I am leaving again once he's awake" I state
"yea in a body bag" eric snarls before throwing me to the ground and kicking at me, I feel my heart pounding as a panic attack makes it way to the front.
trigger warning over
"what are you boys doing" I hear hazyn yell though the corridor making them rush off, even they are not stupid enough to go against an alpha
"You okay?" I hear him question, which makes me get off the ground and walk my ass back into our room
"I don't want to talk about it, you should have just killed me" I state before curling up in the bed and closing my eyes
"so sorry for caring" is the last thing I hear before I fall to sleep.
"she looks so cute in your arms." someone comments.
"I know she does, but don't wake her she had a rough night, kept screaming in her sleep, wrapping her in my arms was the only way for the nightmares to stop." another voice responds, what are they talking about?
"I think she's waking up." the person adds on.
I hear the same two voices speak over and over again giving me a headache, I push my face further into my pillow when I hear it chuckle, that so can not be a pillow. I open my eyes to come face to face with hazyn chest, well great.
jumping out of bed I smile sweety at the guys
"I am ready to wake Matthew up and get dropped into no man's land" I smile heading straight towards the clinic, I hear the boys following behind me closely.
"How can I help you" the lady at the front desk who I've actually never seen before speaks
"I'm here to wake Matthew up" I smile sweetly.
"room 15" I nod my head as thanks and walk straight into room 15 where I see his parents,
"if you want your son awake I want you out; I'm not waking him up if you are here" I state not caring if it sounds rude. The minute their feet are out of the door. I shut the door and lock it so that only Matthew and I are in the room.
"god damn it, Matthew, you make my life hell, and now I am forced to wake you up, I loved you for a year and all I wanted to do was for you to feel the same way and change, to kiss me and mark me and us be the pack betas but no. you make my life hell and reject me like I feared you would, then no one would even kill me which leaves me here having to wake you up, and to top it off your friends are dicks. But I know my presence isnt going to be enough I have to touch you literally, so I am going to make this count" I state out loud before approaching his bed and planting my lips on his, my body wants to crumble under me and make me love him forever. However, it would never work, and that's the sad thing, I feel him stir under me, so I pull back and wipe the tears from my eyes that somehow made their entrance.
"goodbye, Matthew, have a good life" I speak with my eyes closed before unlocking the door and stepping out of the room to come face to face with his parents and the alpha, my mum and her mate with my dad and his mate, Matthews friends and ben and Hayden.
"he's waking up" I state before walking away from everyone.
"wait up" I hear ben yell making me walk faster.
"come back to the pack with us; you're a true where you can join the pack" I close my eyes and let out more tears before turning around.
"I never asked for this, I never asked to be mates with him and I sure as hell don't want pity from you" I state before continuing to walk.
"it isnt pity making me say all of this, I want a bestie" ben states making me nod in understanding.
"no" I reply before walking past the car and to the territory line.