Cruella slowly opened her eyes and at first, her vision was blurry but soon became clear as crystals which was a slight surprise since she didn't have that kind of vision. She almost got lenses but didn't have time to see an ophthalmologist and now she's opening her eyes with perfect vision?
She slowly raised herself up and found herself in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room wearing unfamiliar clothes.
“Where am I?” She asked and immediately squeezed her face as she felt so hungry. She's never been this hungry before and she was confused as to what was happening. Not only did she have clear vision but felt very thirsty and hungry at the same time.
Her last memory was that of the heavy blocks falling on her and then she blacked out. She suddenly remembered Swayer and jumped out of the bed. If she was still alive after everything, she hoped Swayer would be too.
Almost immediately, the door came open and an elderly man holding a food tray walked in. He had a shocked expression at first but it got replaced by a smile.
“You're awake. This is indeed a miracle.” He said as he walked closer to her but Cruella took a step back.
“I'm not going to hurt you. I brought you lunch.” He said stretching the food tray to her.
“Where am I and who are you?” Cruella asked, not wanting to trust another human easily.
“You're in my home. My name is Gerald Ford. I found you under a pile of broken blocks and to my surprise, you were still alive.” Gerald explained and Cruella furrowed her brows.
“You found me? Wait, someone actually came to put out the fire?” She asked with a smile. If he had found her, that means they had saved Swayer as well.
“Yes but it was already too late. The entire building was burnt to the ground before we got there.” Gerald replied.
“We?” Cruella asked curiously.
“Yes, I'm from the fire department. I'm actually the captain. When I found you, you were burnt up and I thought you were dead but you suddenly started breathing and I knew God had given you a second chance.”
“God? Who is that?” Cruella asked with a frown.
“You don't know God? He is the creator. He created everyone and everything.” Gerald explained and Cruella frowned.
“You mean the moon goddess. She didn't give me any second chance, in fact if I had died, it would be her showing me mercy.” She muttered and Gerald furrowed his brows not understanding what or whom she was talking about.
“Anyways, I took you to the hospital and they told me it was of no use bringing you there. They said you were as good as dead and that I should just take you back.”
“You should have just let me die, I have no reason to live.” Cruella said with a sigh and suddenly remembered Swayer.
“There was someone else in that building. A blonde girl, did you see her?”
“I don't really know. I left the moment I found you but maybe when you're better, you can find out for yourself.” Gerald replied and walked towards the side bed table, dropping the tray.
“I must say, you heal pretty fast. It's only been two days since the incident and it's like you were never in that building.” He added, feeling perplexed at the situation. Was it even possible for her to survive or even heal that fast?
Even if she did survive, it would take years for her to heal and she would have scars except she goes for surgery.
“Like you said, I must have been given a second chance.” Cruella replied, also feeling perplexed at the situation. If she was pretty burnt up like he had said then how come she's alive and fresh? Does it have to do with her powers? Is her powers maybe an ability to come back from the dead or heal herself?
She didn't have time to think about it anymore as her hunger intensified and she turned towards the old man before staring at the tray of food. She was hungry and yet she didn't feel like eating the food.
“It's not poisoned if that's why you're hesitant.” Gerald said with a chuckle.
“Here, let me help you.” He added and picked up the knife to help her slice the meat but it accidentally cut his finger and he winced a bit.
Cruella began perceiving something so sweet and she walked towards the man, sniffing like a dog to know where the smell was coming from.
A confused Gerald stopped moving and looked at her with a questionable gaze, wondering what she was doing.
The moment Cruella sniffed his blood, her eyes turned steel red and the next thing Gerald knew, he was pinned against the wall with Cruella's teeth plunged into his neck.
Cruella didn't know what she was doing, she was only following instinct and right now that instinct wanted Gerald's blood. She dug her fangs which she was unaware of into his neck and began drinking his blood. It was the sweetest thing she had ever tasted and the fact that it was human blood confused her more but she didn't stop.
She kept drinking and soon, life went out of Gerald's eyes and his body became still. When Cruella couldn't suck out anymore blood, she pulled away and that's when she realized what she had done.
Gerald dropped dead immediately she let go of him and her eyes widened.
“ No no no!” She screamed and began shaking Gerald.
“Mr, wake up please. Mr?” She called but Gerald was already dead. Suddenly, her eyes glowed bright gold before turning back into it's normal blue color but she didn't notice this change.
It finally dawned on her why she had survived.
“I..I'm a vampire? But how is that possible?” She asked no one in particular. She began hearing people's voices and fear gripped her immediately.
If they find her here with Gerald, they'll definitely put her in jail and give her life sentence for killing an innocent man. She didn't mean to hurt him. She didn't even know she was a vampire until now. She tried running out of the room and suddenly found herself outside the small house.
Her eyes widened at how she had reached there so fast and that's when she remembered vampires had super speed.
This was both good news and bad news. Good news because she had finally gotten her powers, bad news because she knew nothing about being a vampire and she was a danger to these humans now.
She suddenly remembered Swayer and decided to find her first. She knew it would be unsafe to be around Swayer but from the little knowledge she had about vampires, she won't need blood for a few more hours, enough time to get to Swayer.
“Please be okay Sway.” Cruella said before running off with her super speed, back to the school.
The first place she went was their dorm and it was empty, then she went to the building that had burnt down. Indeed there was nothing left of it.
“Gosh, where are you Swayer?” She asked no one in particular.
“Gosh thank God I was nowhere near this building two nights ago.” Cruella heard someone speak from behind and she turned to see a fragile looking lady standing behind her.
“You know what happened here?” She asked and the girl bounced her head.
“There was a gas leak two nights ago and I heard two students were trapped.” The girl replied with a pitiful look.
“Do you know what happened to them?” Cruella asked since it was obvious the girl didn't know the students.
“One was found dead, totally burnt beyond recognition and the other wasn't found. I think someone already took her out.” The girl said, and Cruella's eyes widened.
“Do you know where she was found? The one who died I mean.” She asked in a shaky voice. She didn't want to believe Swayer was the one found dead. Maybe she was the one before Gerald carried her away.
“Oh, I didn't know she was a girl but they said her location was somewhere close to the cafeteria. Do you know her?” The girl asked and Cruella fell to the ground immediately.
The fire must have started close to the cafeteria and that's why Swayer took so much time to return.
“This can't be. No it can't be!” Cruella yelled as hot tears fell from her eyes. The only person who truly loved her was dead. The only person who defended her from bullies was dead. The only person who made her feel like she wasn't entirely useless was dead.
“Why didn't you kill me too moon goddess! Why did you have to take her?!” Cruella yelled in pain and the girl behind her felt sorry for her.
“I'm so sorry. Was she someone close to you?” The girl asked but Cruella didn't even hear a word. She just kept on crying her heart out.
“This is really so tragic. I'm sure they would have gotten out if those students hadn't locked the exit.” The girl stated, and Cruella stopped crying immediately.
“What did you say?” She turned to the girl with her now swollen eyes.
“Someone said he saw some students by the exit about twenty minutes before the fire. He said he saw them locking the exit and didn't suspect anything until he heard about the fire and the students trapped in it.” The girl explained and Cruella clenched her fist.
Now she understood why she couldn't go out to get help on time. She couldn't think of anyone else who would do such a thing aside from Maeve and her minions.
“I swear on Swayer's soul that I will make you all pay.” She said sternly and her eyes turned steel red again but this time not for bloodlust but out of anger. For vengeance!