Cruella felt her heart shatter into a million pieces as Ethan pushed her to the side and walked into the lecture hall with his guys. They were all laughing as they entered and she finally realized it was all planned.
How could she have been blinded by love to let her guard down? This meant he never loved her from scratch and was only trying to get into her panties and now that's done, he's finally showing her his true personality.
“Cruella! Cruella are you okay?” Cruella heard Swayer's voice but she wasn't ready to face anyone now. She wasn't even sure if she could still trust Swayer at this point since Ethan had stabbed her in the back.
“Cruella, come on,we can just skip the morning lectures until you feel better. First we need to take down that video.” Swayer said and grabbed Cruella's hand but she yanked it off.
“Don't touch me! You're all the same! You humans are so cruel! How could I have been so blind?! How could I have thought my life would change for the better here?!” Cruella cried out, holding her chest as it ached her badly. It felt like thousands of tiny needles had been pierced into her heart.
Swayer felt sorry for Cruella but at the same time she felt perplexed at Cruella's words. She just assumed it was the pain that was making her talk that way and chose to ignore it.
“Ella, I know you're hurting right now and I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I swear if I had known that was Ethan's plan all along I would never have suggested going to that party.” Swayer rushed her words, trying to console her friend but Cruella only cried even more.
Right now all she wanted was to go back to Greenville and keep getting bullied for not having powers. It would be better than staying here where everyone had seen her s*x video which was done without her knowledge.
Now they were not only calling her useless but a slut as well. She couldn't take the embarrassment anymore.
“What did I ever do moon goddess?! Why didn't you make me like one of them? Why did you give me such a cruel fate? Why didn't you just kill me right from birth?!” She yelled and Swayer hugged her tight even with her struggles.
“I'm sorry this had to happen to you Cruella. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.” Swayer said and began crying as well. Even though Cruella was older than her by a year, she still saw her as her little sister who needed guidance and protection. She wondered who the moon goddess was that she was calling out to but that wasn't important right now.
“Come on Ella. Don't show them your weakness. Don't let them win. It's humiliating I know but this is just what they want. To see you suffer, to see you defeated.” Swayer said and began rubbing Cruella's back as she cried on her shoulders.
“I have a friend who can hack into the original account that posted the video and take it down. That alone will take down all the shared videos as well. We will skip lectures for today and tomorrow you'll show no more tears. Don't give them any chance to hurt you anymore.” Swayer added and Cruella finally stopped crying and raised her head. Her eyes were already red and swollen.
“Are you going to betray me as well?” She stuttered her question. Right now, Swayer was the only one she had and she didn't know what she would do if Swayer turned her back on her as well.
“Of course not. You're like my sister and I fucking hate that son of a bitch right now for making you cry. Come on, let's go back to the dorm.” Swayer said with a faint smile before raising Cruella up and they began walking away from the building.
“We have a test tomorrow, are we supposed to miss classes today?” Cruella asked as they entered their room, yes, they were roommates too.
“We can just go to the lab tonight and study on our own. We will definitely pass the test.” Swayer said with a smile and kissed Cruella's forehead.
“Get some rest, I'll call my friend now to take the video down.” she added before leaving the room.
“What's the point anyways, everyone has already seen it.” Cruella muttered before taking out her phone. She searched for the site and it was the first video on the playlist. She clicked play and tears began falling out again as she watched the video. She could still remember how she had begged him to stop because of the pain she felt. Now she understood why he didn't stop because somewhere, there was a camera recording them.
She got a message on her phone and exited the site to check what it was. Surprisingly, it was a message from Ethan.
“Hey babe, no hard feelings. I really enjoyed our night, can we meet up tonight again?”
Cruella's eyes widened at his text. Was this the devil she had been dating for two years now? How could she not have noticed this? Of course she wouldn't notice because he's been a sweetheart to her all those while since she was yet to spread her legs for him.
“Fuck you!” She texted back and immediately blocked his line.
The door came open and Swayer walked in with a smile.
“My friend is already on it. The video will be down in half an hour.” She said, and Cruella bounced her head.
“Hey cheer up. S*x isn't something to be ashamed of. I'm just sorry it had to be with that asshole.” Swayer said with a sigh.
“Easy for you to say, you're still a virgin.” Cruella scoffed.
“Ouch. I'm trying to make you feel better here, don't take your anger out on me!” Swayer scolded but later smiled sweetly.
“I know what will make you feel better... Chocolate cake!” Swayer gushed but Cruella only laid on the bed and shut her eyes.
“Fine or you can just sleep.” She added before laying next to her.
“Everything will be alright.” She whispered in Cruella's ear before wrapping her arm around her and shutting her eyes as well.
“So what exactly am I expected to find here? Is it the heat of combustion or the entropy change?” Cruella asked with furrowed brows.
They were in the lab as planned since they had a test the next morning. They've been studying for an hour now and Swayer's tommy was beginning to grumble.
“I think we should pause now, I'm starving.” Swayer said with a cute pout.
“Me too. Should we go back...”
“No need, I'll just get us something to eat at the cafeteria.” Swayer said, and Cruella bounced her head.
Meanwhile at the front of the building, Maeve and her minions had just arrived at the building with a big padlock, all wearing black to avoid being seen.
“And you're sure she's in there?” Maeve asked one of the girls.
“Yes I saw her going in with some books.” The girl replied and Maeve immediately hooked the padlock on the gate, bolting it and throwing the key away.
“Let's see how you'll make it to the test building tomorrow bitch. No one messes with me and goes free.” Maeve said with a smirk and the other girls giggled.
“Shush! C'mon, let's go before someone sees us.” She said and the girls ran off immediately.
Back in the building, Cruella checked her time and wondered why Swayer was yet to come back with the food. She was about to go look for Swayer but suddenly began perceiving something.
“Is that smoke?” She asked and almost immediately, the fire alarm went off. Her eyes widened and she wondered where the fire had come from. She immediately packed up her books and that of Swayer as well then ran towards the lab door but what welcomed her when she opened the door was frightening.
Everywhere was already covered in smoke and her heartbeat skyrocketed as she thought of Swayer's whereabouts.
“Swayer!!” She yelled and began running towards the cafeteria but the fire had already gotten to that area. She decided to go get help and silently prayed Swayer was okay but on getting to the exit of the building, she couldn't open the door.
She pushed the door over and over again but it wouldn't open.
“Somebody help!” Cruella yelled and coughed at the same time as the smoke was starting to choke her. She yelled once more before running back into the building. She needed to save Swayer first then they would later figure out a way to get out but on getting to the hallway, the ceiling suddenly collapsed, blocking her from going anywhere.
She turned back and the fire had already covered the exit. Her vision became blurry and she could hardly breathe well. She had already taken in too much smoke and needed fresh air.
Cruella fell to the ground, gasping for air while the fire spread and more walls collapsed.
“Swayer.” she muttered before the walls around her collapsed on her and everywhere went silent except for the sound of the blazing flame as it burnt the entire building to the ground.