The shoe selection didn't go well. Only about half of Edie's robust shoe collection survives scrutiny, and releases are largely due to fit issues. The styles that have survived are mainly sneakers, pumps, and mules. The ones that normally fit one foot don't fit Jasmine's foot at all.
Jasmine asks about drawers. I gestured for him to look. The bra is too small; Jasmine is considerably more talented than Edie. Some lace panties and underwear are also useful; but Jasmine refused the 'old lady' panties and a few other things. Nylon and tights are set aside to try on when the occasion arises. Edie's sock selection needed a complete overhaul, so most of them ended up in the trash because the rubber bands were shot.
Jasmine danced in the master bedroom, holding up some new outfits in front of her and looking at herself in the big mirror. She said, "You have to take me somewhere so I can wear all of this. It's like finding a treasure trove of the best clothes in the world and then having nowhere else to go. to wear it."
I nodded. “Planned to go to dinner. I'll take you to the Yacht Club.
Jasmine gapes at me and teases, "Are you in the TRAVEL CLUB? Damn it. I discovered Mother Lode. She paled, "I hope you don't think I'm chasing your money." He continues to bathe me with all his wealth of clothes, cars, expensive meals, and life in this mansion. I can happily go back to my car as long as there's something. "
" What? “I asked innocently. Wealth is beautiful, but you are the best. If the rest have to go, I still want you. "I haven't been to the Yacht Club since Edie died. I always pay the fee mainly so I can keep my boat there and not have to worry about it, but I haven't used the extensive facilities at the club or the boat for that matter. Edie and I had a lot of friends among our members, but I think most of them have faded over time. I met and said hello to a few of these friends as I drove around the neighborhood, but found none. Some people who come to me are always trying to match me up with a widow or a divorced person, and that doesn't sound very appealing to me, so I avoid invitations. Finally they stopped.
Jasmine drove us to the Club in “her” little white BMW with the top down. The trip is only half a mile. She wore it new in one of Edie's fancy evening gowns. The dress did for Jasmine things she hadn't done the time I remember Edie wearing it.
On the one hand, the dress has a deep neckline. Edie has small breasts so she doesn't have much cleavage to show off. This is not the case with Jasmine. It's stacked, and while still within the bounds of the decor, the dress is hardly legit. A patient observer would hope that a sudden twist or twist by Jasmine would expose one of her breasts to the public, and if both were lucky.
Also, Jasmine has longer legs than Edie. All of Edie's dresses are thigh-high for Jasmine. It shows a lot of legs, and often brings the hem of her skirt up and dangerously close to her vulva. Once again, one patiently observing the cloak she wore that night could locate her with a vision and hope of flashes of lightning from the Promised Land.
Jasmine has found some really glamorous shoes with four-inch heels that also help make her feet look like a million dollars. I laughed because the Club rarely saw such a young and truly coveted woman. I often joke that the average age of club members is in the 90s. Me and Edie consider ourselves the youngsters at the club.
We walked around the club from the parking lot while I told him about the venue and its members. That month, there was a fine art exhibition where we viewed and commented on the various paintings and sculptures displayed by some of the members.
The maître d' met us, confirmed my reservations, and escorted us to a table by the windows that overlooked the Club's marina. People were still returning from a day of sailing, so outside was bustling with nautical activity as well as refueling for the powerboats.
I pointed out various features of some of the boats, promising yet another surprise or two after dinner. She found the whole scene exciting and interesting. She had never been in a yacht club and only seen pictures in magazines.
We had cocktails, and before we had a sip my old friends Marge and Henry Stoker came to dinner. They greeted me and I introduced them to Jasmine. She stood up, almost to the spotlight, to meet the couple who were clearly curious about Jasmine, who she was, how I escorted such a "sexy" woman, we met. how, etc They also expressed hope that I would return to social media soon.
Jasmine and I agreed in advance that instead of saying I recognized one of my favorite star dancers at the grocery store and starting a conversation, that we would say we were started a conversation at Starbucks about coffee, and developed a close friendship.
When Marge pushed about me being ready to socialize again, I mentioned that WE were always up for that. I emphasized the plural and made sure she got the message. I wanted her to know that Jasmine and I were a couple beyond the dinner we were there to enjoy. I even moved close to Jasmine and held her hand, a move that in the Club was tantamount to carving a heart and your two initials in it on the Club door. I tried to recall the old custom of posting of banns of marriage.
Marge and Henry left and joined a larger table of friends. Knowing they were all like me, I made sure they were all well informed that Jasmine and I were an ongoing event. We ate in peace for most of our meals.
Several other couples from my past have also stopped by to say hello, perhaps to learn something about my young, beautiful dinner companion, and express the hope that they will. see me more often. I make sure to use "We" and "Our" in most of the answers.
During a respite from dinner, Jasmine bent over her plate and asked in a calm and somewhat surprised voice, "Aren't you ashamed of me?"
"Damn, no. Why do you think that?"
"Because I'm a slut, and pretty famous too. You know sooner or later one of your friends will recognize me as you did."
I smiled, "And what do you think I would say if they challenged you somehow?"
Jasmine shook her head. "I don't like lying, and I also don't like people who make arbitrary value judgments about the truth, especially when they don't know the person. I'll try to smile and say something about the truth. . you're on your call."
"Will you admit to your friends that I've acted in porn?" She seemed surprised.
"Of course. What's the worst that could happen?"
, Jasmine thought. “They give up their friendship with you and force many others to do the same. Maybe this Club kicks you out as a member for associating with persons of questionable morals."
"Did you break the law when you made the videos?" I asked her.
I shrugged, "So, you aren't a felon. You're simply my girlfriend and lover. As such, you are afforded every right and privilege I choose to defer upon you, in addition to all the others you get by living here as you do. THEY have no voice in that process. If their friendship is as superficial as this, I wish them a happy breakup.
I scoffed and added, "Of course all men would wish they were in my place. I can imagine them thinking, 'Damn old Bob locked up with a real dancer. I bet is they doing sex things together that will shake the world I wonder if I can get my wife... No!
Jasmine smiled, "Well, for you, it might be okay. ." Just wait until we get home.
I teased Jasmine, "Sure, we can all have fun." Why don't you go to the women's bathroom and take off your underwear and show it to me on the table. Don't flaunt it. Our age difference alone makes her very attractive to most men here. ”
Jasmine smiled apologetically from the table. About five minutes later she came back and shoved a small wet panty into my hand. I look at the black lace panties, inhale its beautiful scent, and put it in my coat pocket. Jasmine kissed me and sat down. I know a lot of men who have been stalking Jasmine, so I bet they saw the deal. Nor would it take a rocket science degree to figure out what she gave me.
Jasmine and I finished our dinner and had coffee at the table. We both moved slightly away from the table so we could cross our legs. Mine is nowhere near as exciting as hers, especially when she carefully places one foot on top of the other and shows off her shaved pussy. Well, he's not completely shaven; she still has a bit of a clue to make her a bit sexier if that's possible. Although the flicker of her pussy lasted less than a second, I'm sure at least two of the strategically positioned men at another table filled it under the miniskirt.
After having coffee, I signed the ticket, then we went out. Jasmine grabbed my arm in a loving gesture. We went down a large circular staircase to a lower level that allowed us to go outside where the boats were moored. Three men were talking and watching us as we went down. Jasmine's dress is so short that with a little imagination, men can see her dress reaching all the way down to his lower body.
I salute the men; I know two of them. They were pretty sure they were also introduced to Jasmine. I wonder if they think she's my daughter...or my niece. We chatted for a while and continued.
We walked along the path along the sea wall until we came to a large and elegant boat, the largest boat in the small marina. Lights on a nearby pole give the boat a warm and graceful appearance. I stopped and commented on Jasmine. “It looks like a very nice boat. Why not take a look? "
She hesitated a bit, wondering if what we were about to do was right. There were several lights on the boat that indicated someone might be on board. I escorted her along the ship to a small railing trail that led to the deck. I walked over to her and gave her my hand. I don't want her to fall on her heels.
Jasmine approached me but protested, "Are you sure everything is fine?" ce. "
The boat is a luxury SeaRay 550 50 meters above the water. The craft was five years old and had been one of the diversions I bought to entertain Edie in our retirement. We never got to take the cruises we'd planned. We did take a few long trips, but nothing like down and back up the Caribbean islands, or up the east coast to Maine or even Nova Scotia.
Jasmine suddenly whirled around and faced me. We were standing in front of the 'cockpit' for the boat, with electronic instruments, throttles, and steering in front of us. I opened the door so she could go downstairs. She challenged, “You own this boat, don't you? "
I smiled and nodded," Yes. "
" Hooooolllllyyyyy ssssshhhhhiiiiitttttt! "
I opened the door that led inside a little lower. "I think you'd be better off without heels." Jasmine dropped her heels and followed me into the crafts lounge. comfort comparable to my home I saw him with new eyes. I showed her the kitchen, then went deeper into the yacht to some dormitories and full bathrooms.