I stood on the balcony of my new apartment, gazing out at the nuzzling city of New Orleans. Finally, I was here, in the vibrant and historic city. I had heard a lot about New Orleans, particularly the weather. The summers were hot, long, and oppressive, while the winters were short, cool, and windy.
I thought of ways to gradually embrace my new life and feel excited, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The scene from last night flashed back and a sudden sense of shivers ran down my spine. Dad had always been secretive about his past, and I had never been able to pry it out of him. But I knew something was haunting him. It was the way he looked at me sometimes, with a mixture of love and fear.
I shook my head, trying to dispel the negative thoughts. I was here to start a new life, so I might as well start trying to make the most of it. I turned away from the balcony, waiting for Nanny to get dressed. It surprised me all the time how I always managed to get ready before her.
"I wonder what she always does that takes so much time," I murmured. "I mean, you are old, you just have to jump into your boggy gown, it can't be that hard."
"Gabriella!!" My heart skipped at the sound of her voice. I hope she didn't hear me.
"Nanny," I protested while walking down the stairs. "I have told you not to strain yourself shouting like that." I searched her eyes to see if there was any glint of disappointment.
"You have a cell phone, just call me when you need me," I smiled.
"pst…" she scoffed, "I told your papa I didn't know how to handle one of those," she said frowning.
I laughed, took her hands, and walked out the front door.
We managed to get to the mall in less than an hour using a train after Nanny had several stops watching numerous street performances, and rewarding each of them with a coin. She decided to shop at the food section, while I walked aimlessly around the mall thinking of what to buy with Dad's credit card.
I had intentions of spoiling myself a lot today, all at the expense of Dad of course.
'This should teach him never to drop an impromptu one on us ever again'.
I had tried not to sound so excited when he offered to cover all expenses, or else he was going to get suspicious.
"I like your Dad," Lucy once told me. "He knows the way to a lady's heart, and shopping is one of them!" she exclaimed while twirling around in her new gown.
A feeling of nostalgia came rushing back.
I came to a halt when I saw a puppy signboard that had 'Kennel' written on it.
'No way' I never knew they had a place where people could buy dogs at a mall. I walked into the hall and it immediately felt like I was in heaven.
"Hey cuties," my voice was high-pitched. I was overly excited.
"Hi there, what's your name," I picked up a puppy and looked at his tag, "Let's see…"
"Oh, it says here that you are Mi…."
"Stop him! Stop him!!" a scared voice screamed from across the hall "He stole my bag, someone please stop him."
I watched in amazement as the security guards ran after a man covered in a hoodie. Trying to jump over every cart while apologizing to everyone they bumped into.
"Here's your bag ma'am" The guards handed the young girl her bag after what seemed like a wild goose chase.
'Thank God they caught him'
"You don't mess with me next time you see me," The young girl said hitting his chest and stamping her legs on his feet.
She smiled across the hall to where I was standing. I turned back to be sure I was the one she was smiling at and gave a nod when I saw nobody was standing behind me. She waved at me and walked away from the security guards and the man who stole from her.
I smiled in amusement 'What a funny character' I liked her instantly.
"Would you like to get this one miss?" The husky voice startled me. Shifting my attention from the drama across the hall to the whining sound of the puppy on my hands.
"Yes please, I love this one," I raised him. "He is super cute…"
My voice left me, as I stared at the man standing close to me. 5' 7'' inches, broad shoulders, Viking gold hair, bristly eyebrows, a hawkish nose, firm long legs, alluring eyes, and sensual lips. 'God the man was sexy!!'