Knock knock knock…..
The sound on my door snapped me out of the shock that surged through my body, remembering the scene from downstairs, while cleaning up my room.
"Come in," I hoped it wasn't Dad, I didn't want to look him in the face after such a heated but confusing scene.
"I can see you have done a lot of clean up piccolo," Nanny sat on my bed, staring at me with the old grey eyes. I knew what she came here to do, she never stopped her old habits, it was glaring.
"Out with it Nanny," I let out the words like they were choking me.
"You know Papa loves you, right?" she said
"I know Nanny," I groaned "But he confuses me a lot of times."
"He got up one morning," I continued in a bitter tone "And decided we had to move."
"For reasons Ella," she said, removing strands of hair from my face "For reasons."
"What reasons Nanny!!?" I retorted "What reasons?"
If only he knew how I had to struggle to fit in school, how hard I had tried not to run home countless times and cry on his shoulders because I missed mom, and felt everything was crumbling without her. If only he knew I finally made friends after several years of bullying from kids who got nothing but D minus on their tests and exams. If only he knew about Josh….oh Josh…sweet Josh.
"I just want to go back home" I wailed, burying my head in her lap.
"Common now Ella, but we just got here," she chuckled. "I know this is very hard on you child," her hands brushed my hair gently, "But it wasn't easy for your papa as well you know, he left all he knew behind and made sure he found a comfortable place for us to start afresh."
"But what if I don't want to start afresh?" I interrupted.
"shush!!" her voice came closer to my ears "I know your heart races each time you think of what it would be like to make a name for yourself in a new city, and if you would ever find a man that you love….just like Josh."
I raised my head, startled, wiping my tears with the back of my palm I asked;
"How did you know about Josh?"
"I have been with you ever since you were born, plus… " she continued "I might have overheard you spell it out to Carla during one of you girls' sleepovers."
"Nannnyyyy!!!!" I could feel my cheek turn red. It took a lot of courage to tell Carla about Josh. I never wanted to tell Nanny or Dad about anything that concerned my love life. I felt they were too old to understand.
"Don't worry, Papa won't know about your love escapade," she smiled.
I could feel that old but very familiar mocking tone.
"Thank you, Nanny," I smiled back.
"Now can Papa come talk to you?" and there it was, the reason she came to my room. But how could I say no to those loving grey eyes?
"Yes Nanny, yes he can," I hugged her.
"Thank you Caro Mio," she gave me a peck on my forehead and stood up from the bed.
I was never going to hold a girl's sleepover at my place ever again. I was still trying to wrap my head around how long Nanny knew about Josh when I heard another sound at my door.
Knock knock knock
This time, I was sure it was Dad.
"Come in Dad," I straightened my skirt.
"Still mad at your old Pops, Piccolo?" piccolo, was the name my Dad called me anytime he felt he offended me and wanted to make amends.
"Maybe, a little," I said, still not looking in his direction.
He bent down, hands reaching out for my face, and he lifted my jaw.
"Please let's stop fighting, I hate it when you are mad at me," his eyes always sold him out before his mouth did, I was sure that was one of the reasons why Mom loved him.
"It's fine Dad, we are here already aren't we?" Not like there was anything I could do now.
"Tell you what," he stood up to sit on the bed. "How about you and Nanny go shopping tomorrow, while I do the rest of the house chores," There was a sparkle in his eyes.
Damn!!! Dad knew how to win a lady over. Another reason why mom loved him.
"Huh?" he urged.
"Alright Dad, but promise me one thing," I turned to look at him.
"Anything Ella."
"No more surprise announcements or late-hour notice regarding relocation, promise?" I stuck out a pinky finger.
"I promise," he coiled his pinky finger around mine and kissed me on my nose.
"I love you piccolo," he drew me closer to hug me.
"I love you too Dad," I said, embracing all his scents.
His large scent still lingered even after he had left the room. I was relieved to be on good terms with Dad now. It always felt like the air was too hot to breathe each time there was a misunderstanding. Nanny would always be the one caught in the middle, good thing she didn't have to choose sides, she just had to talk to each party and help settle the differences.
"Shoot! I forgot to give him this" I slipped my hands under my pillow and brought out the frame. 'It was beautiful….'
"I wonder why he was so furious earlier," I said, still puzzled.
I kept looking at it, wondering what inspired such a painting. The Werewolf looked like it wanted to protect the child, and at the same time, like it wanted to stay away. The child's hair was red, just like mine.
"Gabriella!!" Nanny's voice was loud from the kitchen.
"A minute!! I will be down shortly," maybe I could keep the painting for a little while, I smiled and ran downstairs.