"Daisy! Send Miss Gadodia to my cabin",Virat yelled at Daisy.
Daisy just nodded her head and went as she was ordered.
"May I come in Sir",Virat heard a knock on the door.
As soon as Sakshi entered the room,Virat pinned Sakshi to the wall.
"What the hell were you doing with that bastard?" Virat shouted making her scared.
"He is just a friend. I was casually talking to him",Sakshi said.
"Talking or enjoying with him?"Virat said.
"Talking or flirting with him?" Virat said.
Sakshi felt disgusted to listen this.
"He was right about you. You are not a man to be respected. You are a bloody cassonava",Sakshi said out of disgust.
"Do you know what you were doing with Nikhil is also called whoring",Virat said pressing her shoulder more tightly.
He wasted no time in putting his lips on her which she doesn't accept because she is trying to push him back buy he wants to steal all the softness of her lips,so he doesn't stop at her restriction,but her refusal is raising his passion so he stops.
"If you don't stop protesting the next moment, it will be more painful for you. Don't make the situation worse",Virat said.
Sakshi stopped protesting and let him do what he wants.
Virat again started biting her lips it was painful experience for her.
He touched her neck with his lips. His touch was painful for her. It was not a touch of love,it was a touch of need of body,need to quench his thirst. It was a touch of anger and lust.
"Sir,please leave me",Sakshi protested trying to get out of his grip.
Tears flowed down from her eyes. She felt vulnerable, humiliated and violated. She turned back to go but Virat again pulled her wrist and she landed on his chest. She kept moving back and he kept moving forward until Sakshi's back hit the wall. He angrily placed his hand beside her head.
"Remember You Are Mine. Don't you dare talk with any other man",Virat said in bossy tone.
Sakshi just stared at him in shock and disbelief.
"What do you think of yourself haan?? I am not yours",Sakshi said and again started hitting his chest.
"Stop",Virat commanded.
Sakshi stopped when she saw his fiery eyes turning red with anger. She gulped down the saliva and her throat went dry.
Virat again licked her lips demanding entrance, which she refused. Virat, not being one to back down bit Sakshi's lips harshly causing her lower lip to fall. Instantly, Virat's tongue invaded every corner of Sakshi's mouth. His hands travelled down from her hairs to her waist,pulling her more close,leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.
Virat kissed all over her neck making her bite her lip as his kisses had butterflies erupting in her belly.
"Sir just leave me",Sakshi said pushing him.
"How dare you push me",Virat said grabbing Sakshi by her shoulder.
He brought his face closer to her. Sakshi turned her face i disgust.
"Oh! So you despise my touch? You hate my touch but you never opposed to Nikhil's touch?' Virat smirked.
"He is my friend not like you....",Sakshi's sentence remained incomplete as Virat slapped her.
"What am I...? A womanizer? A casonava? Cheap? A rapist? You know nah what does it mean?" Virat said in anger.
Sakshi stayed silent.
"Answer me damn it", Virat said.
But again she was silent.
"It means a man who force a girl without their consent. Am I forcing you? Am I raping you?" Virat said.
"Then what is this?", Sakshi said.
"What? Mene sunna nahi.. Say it loudly",he said pressing his cheeks.
"No",Sakshi said feebly.
"Then? Mark your words before you speak",Virat said and turned back.
"But you kissed me... without my consent",Sakshi said crying.
Virat being speechless turned back. He was not able to answer her question. Why did he kiss her? Why can't he control himself? Why he felt like killing Nikhil when he saw her with him?? Why??
He didn't had answer to these questions.
Some question comes with no answer. Its us who have to find the answer to questions.
"Nikhil touched me as a friend. It was a friendly touch",Sakshi said.
"Friendly touch? Are you mad? Don't you know he was flirting with you. He was...", Virat said hitting his hand on the table.
"Ohh! I guess ... You enjoyed his touch. That's why you were comfortable", Virat said near her ear.
Sakshi being astonished looked at him in disgust. Did he really say that?
"You are pathetic sir. Aapki soch hi esi hai.. Chii.. Do you really think me of that type? I am working with you since whole 5 days.... and still you think I am like that type of girl. Have you ever seen me talking with anybody? Any man? Have I ever talked with you except for yes or no? Then? How can you think about me like that? Never question or taunt a girls character. It's their most expensive thing",Sakshi's anger finally came out.
"I always stay silent. It doesn't mean that I am weak. It is my choice to be silent not my weakness",Sakshi added.
Sakshi wiped her tears and turned the doorknob to open it.
"I want you Sakshi",Virat said and Sakshi turned towards him.
''I want you... in my bed. I want to touch you,kiss you and explore you. Just once.. Fulfil my need and then you are free to go anywhere",Virat said.
"Chii! You are a pervert. You think you will say and I will do it? Noo!! Never!! Not in your wildest dream also Mr.Maheswari. You know Mr.Virat Maheswari you all businessman are like this only. You can stoop any low just for your profit. There must be thousands of girl who are interested to be with you on your bed,but not everyone is like that. Some are also like me who will never give in to your demands",Sakshi said and finally opened the door.
"Not even for this video?" Virat said making Sakshi stop from taking a step out.