It was now Monday after first period and I was heading to my locker. Over the weekend, I had really enjoyed myself with my parents.
My dad had took us to the city fair and in the evening, he took us to a nice restaurant to have dinner. I had a great time. Even though he works a lot, he would always find time for his family. On Sunday, we all stayed home and had a family night.
As soon as I reached my locker, I put in my books and took out my books for art class. I closed my locker and went upstairs to class. I went into the classroom and noticed that easels were set up with canvases all over the classroom. I became excited. I guess we were painting today. I went to the back of the classroom and sat on a stool in front of a canvas.
Two minutes later, I saw Liam walk in. I noticed that all the other canvases were taken, except the one beside mine. He came to the back and sat down. I didn't say anything to him. I didn't want to seem pushy and I also wanted to give him his space. I was actually glad that he decided to come to class and not skip it again.
Finally, Mr. Weir walked in and addressed the class, "Good day students. As you can see today you will be painting. I want you to paint anything, but don't worry this won't be graded. This is for practice. So please begin." Mr. Weir walked out of the classroom again and left us to paint.
I began to think. What should I paint? There were a lot of ideas running through my head and I didn't know which one to choose.
After a lot of deliberation, I decided to paint a butterfly in a flower garden. I didn't have much time to paint anything else. I went to the storeroom in the class for the colour paints I will need and sat back down. I took up my paint brush and began to work.
After a while, I decided to look over to Liam. I couldn't make out what he was doing and he looked frustrated.
"Are you okay over there?" I asked him. He looked over at me and back down. "Come on. Tell me." I tried again.
He sighs, "I just don't get this. Every time I begin to put the brush down on the canvas, it becomes messy." He sighs again in frustration. I chuckled. He really was no good at art.
"First of all, you are holding the brush wrong. You are holding it too straight. Just try and relax your hands." I said. He did as I said and began to paint, but he still messed up.
He groaned in frustration, "You know what? There is no point. This is just not for me."
"Don't say that." I said as I got up from my seat and went over to him. I removed the canvas that was messed up and gave him another one. I took up his hand that was holding the brush in mine. "Hold the brush like this and in this angle. Just relax. Good." I remove my hand from his. "Now, don't think too hard, just let the brush and your hand do the work for you. Try it."
He began to brush the paint against the canvas. It wasn't that great, but at least it wasn't messy like the others. "You're doing good." I said.
He turned to me and gave me a heart warming smile. This was the first time I have ever seen a real smile from him and it was beautiful. "I kind of get it, don't I?" He asked, still smiling. I returned his smile and nodded. "Thanks." He said.
"No problem." I went back to my stool and continued with my painting.
When class was almost finish, I turned to him again and look at what he had done. He still needed more work, but at least I could make out what he painted. He had painted three palm trees and a moon. The background was dark.
"Nice." I stated looking at his work.
"I'm sure you're just saying that. It's not great." He replied.
"I agree that you are not there yet, but I can see progress." I said. He looked at me for a second and then he looked at my painting.
"I will never be as good as you." He said.
"Well, I had years of practise and I love art. I'm good at it." I explained.
"I can see that. That is wonderful." He indicated my painting.
I smiled, "Thanks." I was glad you was talking to me. This was the longest he has held a conversation with me.
"I wanted to paint a cat, but I didn't know where to start. I love cats." He said almost to himself.
"Maybe you will one day." I said, but I couldn't help but imagine Liam playing with a cat. This boy had many surprises.
Mr. Weir came back in the classroom and collected our work. Bell rang and I began to gather my things and pack my bag. As soon as I was finished, I noticed that Liam had already packed his bag and was already out the door.
I left the classroom as well, went to my locker and then head to the cafeteria. I met Bethany in the cafeteria and we went to our seat and eat our lunches.
Lunch went by quickly and I went to English class. After a while Liam entered and went to the back of the classroom by himself. He didn't even acknowledge me. I shook my head to myself. I really thought we were getting somewhere and was becoming close. I guess I thought wrong.
I couldn't really blame him though. He was used to being by himself all this time and I shouldn't really expect that to change. The rest of the school day went by as well and Beth and I were leaving school to go shopping. I was really hoping that she would forget, but I had no such luck. We went to the mall and luckily we both found dresses that we could wear to the school dance with no problem.
Beth decided to have a sleep over at my house, so after we left the mall, we headed home. When I got home, we both went upstairs to my room. I put my bag in a corner and lay on my bed. I was really exhausted.
Before I could relaxed in my bed anymore, Bethany came and pulled my hand. "Come on, make me a sandwich. I'm hungry." She whines.
"You know where the kitchen is. Make it yourself." I said, pulling my hand back.
"I want you to follow me. Come on, Julie." She continued to pull my hands.
"Beth, you have already tortured me with shopping, let me rest a while." I reply.
"If you don't come, I'm going to start singing at the top of my lungs." She threatens. She knew I hated when she does that. She is a terrible singer. "You asked for it." She adds when I didn't say anything.
She went to my dresser and took up a hairbrush and climb up on my bed.
"I threw a wish in a well, don't ask me, I'll never tell. I looked to you as it fell and now you're in my way.
I'd trade my soul for a wish, pennies and dimes for a kiss, I wasn't looking for this, but now you're in my way."
"Beth! Beth!" I shouted. "Please stop singing!"
"Are you going to come with me?" She asks.
I looked at her, but didn't say anything.
"Your stare was holding, ripped jeans, skin was showing. Hot night, wind was blowing. Where'd you think you're going baby?
Hey, I just met you-"
"Okay, okay. I will go with you!" I exclaim. She stopped singing and gave me a smirk, because she knew that she had won. "I hate you, you know that right?"
"No you don't," She said as she got off my bed, "and I love you too, sweetie." She grins at me. Rolling my eyes at her, I followed her out of my room and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.