After the party on Friday, the weekend was uneventful. Beth came over on Saturday worried, wondering why I left the party. I told her what had happened and she was furious. She couldn't believe what Nate wanted to do. I agreed with her. I couldn't believe that was the reason he asked me to the party.
It was now Monday and I was getting ready for school. I went downstairs to the smell of bacon and pancakes. My mom was in the kitchen. She smiles when she saw me.
"Morning honey." She greets.
"Morning Mom." I said. I went over to the table and sat down. She brought a plate of pancakes and bacon to me. I ate as quickly as possible as I did not want to be late for school.
After I finished eating, I went back upstairs to brush my teeth. I came back downstairs and kiss my mom on the cheek.
"Bye Mom, love you." I said.
"I love you too, sweetie. Do you want a ride to school?" She asks.
"That's okay, I will take the bus." I reassure her.
"Okay, if you insist. Be careful." She said.
"I will." I said as I open the door and head for the bus stop.
At school, Nate was glaring at me every time I ran into him. I just ignored him.
Seriously, what was his problem?
The bell has just rang for lunch and I practically run from the class. Man was I hungry!
I turn the corridor swiftly and bump into someone. I look up to the deepest blue eyes I have ever seen. I was mesmerised for a second and I felt my heart skipped a beat.
"Sorry." I said.
He didn't say anything, he just turn away. I look at him until he turns the corridor. I mentally shake my head from the daze I was in and head to the cafeteria. I got my lunch and head to our usual table. Beth was already there.
"What took you so long?" She asked when I sit down.
"I had a bump in with Liam. Nothing really." I said as I pluck a French fry in my mouth.
Beth just snickers. "That must have been awkward. He's really weird."
"Yes it was." I admit.
Beth did not say anything more. We continue eating. After a while Brian came and joined us. He usually sit with his friends, but now and then he would sit with us.
After a while, the bell rang and I went to my locker for my English book and head to class. The teacher was not there yet and there was only a few people in class. Liam was there also, at the back by himself as usual. His head was bend over, scribbling something in his notebook.
I don't know what got over me, but I find myself walking toward him. When I reach him, I sit beside him. He looks up at me and there was a cold expression in his eyes. He obviously doesn't want to be disturbed.
"Hey." I said, smiling at him. He looks down in his book once more and ignores me.
"I'm Julia and you are Liam, right?" I tried to make conversation.
"What do you want?" He demands. I was taken aback by the anger in his voice. I look down at my hands before looking at him again. He looks at me waiting for me to respond or better yet, for me to get up and leave him alone.
"I was only trying to be friendly because you are around here all alone." I defend.
"That's the thing, I want to be left alone. Got it!" He shouts the last part.
I look at him with a shocked expression, but didn't say anything else because Mrs. Saunders came into the classroom and called for our attention.
"So class, I know you all have read the book that I asked you to read last class." Mrs. Saunders was saying. "So now for your assignment. This assignment will be done in pairs and is due at the end of the month. So pick your pairs and come to me for an assignment sheet. You and your pair will review the questions and come up with ideas for the rest of the class."
Desk started to scrape against the floor and noise started to make as everyone rushed to their friends or to find a suitable partner.
I usually pair with Monica, one of my friends in class for class assignments but she already had a partner. She looks over at me and give me an apologetic smile. I sigh and look around and everyone already had partners except Liam and there were an even number of us in the class.
I look at him and he sighs. I get up from my seat and went to our teacher for the assignment sheet. I went back to my seat and we just sat there. Neither of us saying anything.
"If we want to get a good grade, we have to start working on this assignment at some point." I said after a while.
I was irritated at him because he was acting like a child who did not get the candy they wanted. He took the paper and starts to read the question to himself.
I sigh. I was really getting annoyed by his behaviour. "Look, if you don't want to work with me or you want to be left alone, I will do this myself and we both get the grade, okay?" I ask.
He looks at me, then looks down at the paper in his hands. He then sighs again. "Listen, I'm not used to people talking to me. They always left me alone and I rather it that way. But I'm not going to allow you to do this assignment by yourself. I'm not going to take a free grade." He said.
"Okay, fine. Let's get to work." I said. We work for almost an hour and then the bell rings.
"Do you want to come over to my house after school and continue working on the assignment?" I ask as I grabbed my books off the table.
For a second, it looked like he was going to decline, but then realized that he had no choice. "Sure. Whatever." He replied not looking at me.
"See you after school." I said and head to the door for my other class.
When school was over, I head to the parking lot, where Liam was leaning on his black challenger waiting for me. I went up to him and went in the passenger seat. He went around the other side and got in the drivers' seat. I put on my seatbelt as he starts the ignition and back out of the parking lot.
The drive was silent, apart from the music playing on his radio and me occasionally giving him directions. When he reaches my house, he pulls into the driveway and cut the engine. We got out and walk to the front door. I got my keys out and open the front door. My mom was not home as yet. She works at a department store and is usually home around six.
When we were in the living room, Liam just stood there looking awkward. I told him to have a seat while I made us snacks.
When I came back five minutes later with two sandwiches in my hands, Liam was sitting on one of the brown couches in the living room. His notebook was spread across his lap. I sat beside him and offer him one of the sandwiches. He takes it and murmurs a thanks.
"So, what's first?" I ask. I was feeling nervous for some reason. That was weird. I am not normally nervous around anyone.
"Let start with the easy part." He suggests.
"Seriously? Which part is easy? Right, because Mrs. Saunders always gives us something easy to do in her assignments." I said sarcastically.
Liam just give me a blank look. Man, this boy has no sense of humour! I didn't realize I was still staring at him, until I saw him shift his gaze from me and look back down to his books. "Let's get this assignment over with." He said blankly.
I nod my head and take out the books that I need from my bag. "Okay, let's begin."
We work for two hours not realizing that it was getting dark. We both look up when the front door opens.
"Hey sweetie." Mom said when she saw me. He eyes land on Liam. "Who is your new friend?" She asks.
"Mom, this is Liam. We are doing an assignment together." I said. I look at Liam. "Liam, this is my mother, Maria Cameron."
Liam stands up and give my mother a polite nod. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Cameron." He said politely. At least he was being civil and polite to her.
"The pleasure is all mine." Mom said. "Do you want to stay for dinner, Liam?" she asks him.
"No, thank you. I'm actually leaving now." He turns to me. "We can continue another time." He said then starts gathering his bags and his books.
"Okay." I said and stand up too and follow Liam to the door. I watch as he got in his car and drive away without a backward glance.
"He seems like he doesn't talk much." Mom observed as I close the door.
"Yeah." I admit. "That's how he is."
"Well, he is cute." My mom said. She had a smile on her face and her eyebrows were lifted.
"Mom, please don't." I groan as I went upstairs to wash up and help my mom with dinner.