"What's up?" Kara queried as she sat across from Stephen, spearing a piece of banana from atop the waffles Stephen had prepared using his toaster.
Stephen sighed, as he stopped mulling over the map in front of him. It was a top secret assignment, he couldn't tell her everything, but he could ask for her advice.
"I have to go hide something. It's something Lilliana asked me to do. I'm just trying to figure out where to hide it. It's really important I do this right."
Kara rubbed her chin thoughtfully before pulling the map towards herself. She took his pen and circled a cluster of caverns which were a few hours drive from their pack lands.
"But that's a tourist attraction." Stephen objected.
Kara smiled, her cheek dimpled.
"Exactly. No one will ever think to look there. Remember when we went on our high school field trip? I remember there were some pretty obscure spots. Actually–" Kara made a face. "–I remember those spots because you were the one using them to make out with Anya."
Stephen got a stupid smile on his face. "That was back when I was still a virgin." He gave a devilish grin. "I could put those spots to better use now." He waggled his eyebrows and Kara smacked his arms.
"Be serious for once and don't mess this up!" Kara scolded.
Stephen rubbed his arm in mock pain, but Kara only told him to quit being a baby. Once Kara left, even though Stephen was exhausted, he gave himself only a few hours to sleep before making the drive to the cavern. It was mid-afternoon by the time he made it to his destination. It was a good three hours later that Stephen realised maybe this wasn't such a good idea. The place was teeming with the tourist and their annoying little spawn. Being an older siblings to three brothers and a younger sister, Stephen knew too well how little kids got into everything. It was one of the main reason he'd moved out the moment he hit 18. He just couldn't live without his privacy.
Finally, Stephen found a small cave attached to a bigger one that was left alone for the most part due to the bats that inhabited this part of the caves. He was able to fit through the small passage despite his 6ft 1 height and muscular build. A sexy blond had made small talks with him earlier. Stephen was eager to get this over with so he could go back to his place and order take-out before getting to the best part of the night.
He took the artefact out of his backpack. It was a wooden grandfather clock no bigger than his forearm. He contemplatively opened the back and looked at the circular gears labeled year, month and day. Lilliana had said you rotated the gear clockwise to go forward in the time and counterclockwise to go back in time. She'd also told Stephen that if the device was activated, his consciousness would switch places with his future or past self while his body remained in the present time.
As Stephen made six full rotations for the gear labeled year, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to suddenly be transported to his body 6 years into the future. What would he look like? Would he still be as fit as he was now? And it was at that exact moment that a flurry of movement caught his attention. It was a bat flying straight at him. In an attempt to ward it off, Stephen lifted the grandfather clock over his head as the bat crashed into it, pushing the small button on the clock face.
Stephen felt a jerk in his navel as the world around him went black.
* * * **
Smooth cool feminine hands brushed across his bare stomach. They travelled down to grip his manhood as soft lips trailed kisses down his abdomen. Jolts of desire travelled down his spine. Stephen smiled. He'd probably hit his head a little too hard in the caverns. But what a nice dream.
The lips closed over his hardened member and Stephen gasped involuntarily. Yup. This was a dream all right. She swirled her tongue around him as she worked his length and Stephen faint thought maybe he'd died and gone to heaven. Because there was no girl alive that could ever give head this good.
He finally peeped an eye open to see a familiar ceiling. This was his room. He looked down to see a head of pin straight drown hair between his thighs, curtaining around the angels face so he couldn't see her. She took him deeper and his eyes rolled back into his head. This was heaven.
"You're my angel all right." He rasped out the words, a big hand coming to touch the back of her head.
She giggled and Stephen groaned. His fingers ran through soft, silky hair he'd never had the pleasure of touching.
And there was another thing. Jolts were firing across his body. Like an electric charge, shooting sparks of desire into him. He'd never felt that before. The angel released him from her mouth and before Stephen could even open his eyes to see what was going on, he was sheathed inside her like a second skin. She began to move and gyrate against him, panting softly. She sounded familiar...but this definitely wasn't one of his regular girls. Her every thrust jolted him to his core and just as he opened his eyes to try to get a good look at her, his eyes landed on smooth abbs and the most amazing pair of tits he'd ever seen. Stephen loved boobs, and he'd never seen a pair of more perkier breasts. They were smaller than he preferred but round and, fuck! Her nipples were a light brown instead of pink.
It sent him over the edge, he came only after two minutes of her riding him. It might have had something to do with the fact that this was the first time he was experiencing these sensation without a condom. Because Stephen was a sentimental fool and had decided that he'd only go bare back with his mate. But he'd never told anyone that, ever.
As he spent himself inside her, his angel let out a surprise "oh!"
He definitely knew that voice. That's when Stephen's eyes flew to her in near comical disbelief to see a slightly older version of Kara sitting atop him, hand over her mouth to muffle her laughter.