Kara sat on top of him, hair longer than he'd seen this morning. It no longer fell down to the nape of her neck but went just pass her shoulders. Her hand was over her mouth, trying to muffle her laughter. Grey eyes were shimmering from mirth.
As if that wasn't ludicrous enough, a resounding wail reverberated across the room. Kara sprang into action, shrugging on a long t-shirt which was most definitely his as she exclaimed "Jason's awake!"
Jason? Stephen's eyes nearly bulged out as he watched her leave, eyes straying to an ass he always knew she had, but he'd never really looked before.
"Mommy's here baby." Kara's voice filtered into his room. What the hell...? Stephen turned his head and spotted a baby monitor. Picking it up, he saw a black and white image of Kara nuzzling the little baby. In the corner was today's date. Stephen nearly had a heart attack.
Oh shit oh shit oh shit!
He'd just travelled six years into the future!
The door banged open and Stephen almost fell off the bed in fright. What now?
A three-years-old boy with black hair and brown eyes identical to Stephen's bounded into the room. Stephen scrambled for the bedsheets. He was naked and this little monster was making a beeline for him.
"Let's pway daddy!!" The boy exclaimed, jumping up and down on the bed.
Stephen massage his temples. No way. He had two kids? With Kara? Had he gone insane? What the hell...(that seemed to be his mantra for the entire fiasco)
"Jayden!" Kara scolded as she entered the bedroom. She held a small baby in her arms. "I told you to let daddy rest. Weren't you supposed to be playing with your toy cars?
Jayden was now piling pillows, one atop the other.
The toddler looked at Kara sheepishly.
"I wanted to pway!" The child exclaimed.
Kara's eyes softened at her son.
"I know you do hun, but you know daddy was just getting some sleep after coming back from an assignment. Mommy's got patrols tonight, so he's going to be the one staying up with your little brother."
Things just kept getting more unbelievable by the second, she was going to leave him alone with two kids? Was she insane? But all thoughts fled the minute Kara sat down next to him and whipped out a boob to start feeding the baby in her arms. Stephen felt himself blush and avert his eyes. This was weird and uncomfortable.
Hell it was bizarre watching a girl who had always prided her masculine side, sitting there doing such... feminine thing like being a mother.
Jayden was running circles around him now, chanting ‘pway cars with Daddy!’ Stephen's eye twitched.
"He'll be out like a light in a few hours." Kara leaned in and said in an undertone. "I didn't give him any sugar after 5pm like we agreed."
It was then, without arousal muddling brain that Stephen picked up her signature scent of strawberries. There was a faint undertone of mint as well and her nearness was intoxicating. His wolf hummed content at her nearness. His wolf had always liked being close to her but this...this coupled with the sparks from her touch seemed like the mate pull. Trying to seem as if it was the most normal thing in the world, Stephen lifted a hesitant hand to brush back the soft hair at the side of her neck.
There it was. He'd marked her too. So then couldn't she feel how off-kilter he felt right now? Kara leaned into Stephen's touch, smiling softly. She looked so happy, so peaceful and so beautiful like this. Is this what she always looked like when her defence were down? Hanging out with most guys had given her a pretty tough exterior but the woman underneath was so much more.
Stephen shook his head, trying to rid himself of such emotional thoughts.
"Stop worrying about it." Kara laughed. It was softer, more carefree than he'd ever heard her before and Stephen decided the sound was wondering, magical. "The great Stephen Sinclair was bound to suffer from premature detonation one day. "I'm just glad it was me that made it happen." Kara winked at him.
Stephen was promptly reminded of his poor performance in bed. Fuck. That was embarrassing.
Kara had Jason on her shoulder now, and he'd fallen asleep after being burped. "I'm going to go settle him down. He'll sleep for a few hours."
Then she was gone and Stephen was left feeling alone. Jayden jumped on his back playfully. Totally not in the mood to deal with this hyper-active kid, Stephen extracted himself from the little monster and got up to go to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror critically. Six years really didn't make that much of a difference. In fact, he looked better. His face was more defined and his body looked sharper, edgier. Like he was now devoting more time to training and staying fit. Stephen's mind momentarily went to Kara's abs and supple body.
Just as Stephen finished putting on a shirt and pants, he heard a loud thud, hoping everything was alright to see Jayden sitting on the floor sniffling, trying his best not to cry.
"That's why we don't jump on beds." Stephen couldn't help but sneer. What a stupid kid.
Jayden promptly burst into tears. Kara rushed in, scooping Jayden up in her arms.
"It's ok my big strong wolf." She crooned and began peppering his face with kisses.
Stephen promptly wished he'd fallen off the bed too. Kara walked over, depositing Jayden into his arms.
"Put him to bed while I get ready to go for patrols.
She then disappeared into the bathroom.
"Daddy." Jayden pressed his face into Stephen's chest happily.
Stephen felt something deep in his guts as Jayden's small arms came around his neck. This kid was looking at him as if he was the coolest on planet.
"Wanna tell me where your room is kiddo?" Stephen queried softly.
He had no clue which was the nursery and which was the toddler room. It was surreal, feeling like a stranger in your own home.
Jayden laughed, his cheek dimpling like Kara's.
"So funny!" Jayden squealed and pointed in the direction of it
As Stephen helped Jayden get ready for bed, he couldn't help but take in the cars themed decor. And as Stephen helped him into his batman pajamas, Stephen was pleased that his son had the good sense to like the right superheroes too. The kid wasn't half-bad to be honest.
"Storytime!" Jayden clapped his hands together.
Stephen looked around stupidly before Jayden grabbed the book for him. With a huge sigh, Stephen resigned himself to reading ‘The Ugly Duckling ’ to his son who smiled and laughed at the funny voices Stephen used to read. He was 20 and his youngest sibling was 7. He'd done his fair share of story time with the kids. But this was different. This was his son. His son who was basically the spitting image of him and looked to him for all his wants and needs.
So as Stephen pulled the covers over a sleepy Jayden and received a sloppy kiss on the nose from the three-years-old, a hallow ache blossom inside his heart. Stephen realised this was around the time he'd be getting ready to go out and find some random girl to take him for the night. But this life...this life he built with Kara was so, so much more. It was full of love and laughter and happiness. How did they get here?