Everyone goes to the villa for the first time. They were excited. They entered in and started checking all the rooms and around the villa. The villa was decorated beautifully with all the necessary things.
Girls choose their rooms and started to talk among themselves. Boys were roaming as well. The safe boys were having fun and the unsaved ones were tensed. They tried to talk to Parth as they already know Parth has some special power. They guessed it to be that Parth will have the power to dumb one of them today.
When all of them were talking that time a scroll came. They all hooted as it was the first scroll of Splitsvilla. They ran out to get it.
Aarushi took the scroll and started reading it loudly,
"Hello, splitsvillains!!! The boys who are unsafe will go on a date with the girls. After that Sunny and Nikhil will meet you soon."
All: Ohooooo
Kabeer, Karan, Uttkarsh, Siddharth and Paras went to get ready.
Girls were waiting for the boys at the date side. The decorations were amazing. They were talking. Then all the boys were given a chance to show their skills one by one to empress the girls.
At first Karan danced. He did some solo steps which for sure amazed the girls. Then Uttkarsh came and asked Sana to join him. He also showed his dancing skills.
Next was Kabeer. He sang a song which mesmerized most of the girls. It was good.
After that it was Siddharth. He did some sayeri. Girls hooted for him.
At last Paras came and he did his all time flirting which irritated most of the girls. He did nothing just wanted his time in flirting with the girls and passing comments to them which didn't go well with anyone.
As soon as the date came to an end. Everyone went to their room to change. After that they were discussing about what to do. Everyone was present there except Parth and Niti. Niti was changing in other room and Parth was also no where to be found.
After some time Niti was coming towards the room where everyone were present. That time Parth was also coming there. They collided with each other. Both were shocked and Niti was about to fall.
But before she could fall and touch the floor, Parth held her from her waist to save her from falling down. They looked into each others eye and got lost in them. There were so many unspoken things in their eyes which they both wanted to share but couldn't. They had so many hidden emotions.
But a sound of scroll broke their trance. They stood straight. They were looking at every where except at each other. Before they could say anything everyone were out. Sunny and Nikhil were also present there.
Nikhil: So, girls, you had a date with the unsafe boys.
Girls: Yeahhh
Sunny: How was it? How did it go?
Girls: Good.
Sana: Except some people's weird activities it was good.
Girls: yeah
Nikhil: Okay lets move on. Parth I had said earlier that you have some special power because you were the popular one.
Parth: Yes, sir.
Sunny: Now it's time for you to use the power. Your power is you can choose a girl with whom you want to face oracle. The girl you think can be your ideal match. You will be safe with her in the next dome session.
Everyone hooted for him. Though Parth was happy that he is safe but deep down he was feeling restless.
Parth: (smilingly) okay.
Sunny: Before you pick the girl, let me tell you, you have one more power.
Nikhil: And your another power is you can dumb a boy among these 5 directly. And one other boy will be chosen by the girls. So, the journey will be end here only for those two boys.
Parth: Okkay, sir.
All the 5 boys were very tensed and the girls were thinking whom to vote for dumbing.
Sunny: Parth, make a decision. First with whom you want to face the oracle?
Parth looked at all the girls. His eyes stopped at Niti for few seconds. Niti also looked at him. As soon as their eyes met, Parth looked away. Niti felt a little bad for some unknown reasons.
Parth once glanced at everyone at first then told, "I would like to go with Aarushi. I had not interacted with everyone properly. But I had a nice conversation with her and she had chosen me as well. So, I think I will go with her."
Nikhil: okay. Aarushi, are you happy with his decision? You want to go with him in front of the oracle?
Aarushi: Yeah, I had talked with him. It was good. He is a nice person and I think I can be with him.
Hearing all this someone was feeling sad. More than sadness, it was jealousy. As it's said how much you try, you can never get over your feelings totally.
It was none other than Niti Taylor.
Parth was also sad somewhere in his heart. But chose to ignore it for time being.
They both had a lot of things to say, to explore but couldn't approach each other.
Nikhil: Okay then Parth whom do you want to dumb?
Parth: I want to dumb Uttkarsh.
Uttkarsh looked at him surprisingly.
Sunny: Why, Uttkarsh?
Parth: I have known him from before among these 5. I have had some personal problems with him. I won't be comfortable here much, if he is around. So, I want him to leave for my own game.
Nikhil: Uttkarsh, Parth has dumbed you. You want to say something to him?
Uttkarsh: No, I know what he is talking about and I was expecting it only. I just want to say all the best to him for his journey.
Parth: Thank you.
Nikhil: So, now it's time for the girls to vote for the one boy whom they don't want to be here.
All the girls wrote down one name at the card.
Sunny: We will start with Niti. Niti, show us your vote.
Niti showed her card. There was written Paras.
Sunny: Paras why?
Niti: Because at the date, he was just flirting around. I did not like his behaviour as well. He is not that kind of boys I like. He was spreading negativity and I also don't like negativity around me. So, it's Paras.
Sunny: Okay.
One by one everyone showed their card. All of them has written the name of Paras.
Nikhil: Okay, it's clear from Parth's decision and girl's vote that Uttkarsh and Paras is leaving us today.
Sunny: Thank you guys for joining us.
Then after meeting everyone Uttkarsh and Paras left.
Nikhil: Good night, splitsvillains. Will meet you all tomorrow at your first task.
Sunny: Bye.
All: Bye.
Then everyone retired to their room as is was such an eventful day.
Precap: First task.