Introduction of the boys:
Kabeer Bhartiya: Hey, guys, I am Kabeer Bhartiya. I am from Delhi and am a model by profession. I am here to win but if I get a good connection, I will for sure take it forward. But winning the game is my priority now. My number is 1.
Karan Manocha: Hello, guys, I am Karan Manocha. I am a dancer. I am sure my dancing skill can impress any girl and it won't be difficult to make a good connection. Let's see what's waiting for me in the villa and am number 2.
Uttkarsh Gupta: Hey, everyone, I am Uttkarsh Gupta. I am an actor and dancer. I never got perfect chance to show my dancing skill. I hope here I will get to show them m I am here to win. I am from Delhi and am number 3.
Varun Sood: Hey, I am Varun from Delhi. I am a VJ and fitness expert. I want to find a perfect match for me here with whom I can win the show and I want that connection to be beyond the show. I am number 4.
Anshuman Malhotra: Hello, everyone, I am Anshuman from Kanpur. I am an actor. Don't go to my face because may be I look innocent but actually I am not. Let's see who falls for my charm and holds my hand. I am number 5.
Ayaz Ahmed: I am Ayaz Ahmed from West Bengal. I am an actor. I want to find someone to love here. She should be my friend first then we can win this show together. I am number 6.
Shiddharth Sharma: I am Siddharth from Delhi. I am an actor come model. Love is just not made for me, winning the game is all. So, I want to win the show. I am number 7.
Baseer Ali: Hi, everyone, I am Baseer Ali from Hydrabaad. My close ones calls me Bob. I am a fitness model. I am here only to win but in between I won't mind building a good connection. I am number 8.
Rohan Hingorani: Hey, everyone, I am Rohan Hingorani. I am from Australia. I have always wanted to be in this show for that only I have come to India for the first time. I want to make simple love connection, then winning the game doesn't matter. I am number 9.
Fahad Ali: I am Fahad Ali from Dehradhun. I am an actor. Looking at me anyone can say I am similar to Sharukh Khan. Here I have come to win and I will do anything to win the title this year. I am number 10.
Paras Chabra: I am Paras Chabra. I was the winner of season 5. I am here again to win it because I know how to play the game. Everyone says I am a playboy and I don't mind that. So, girls be aware of me. I am number 11.
Zaan Khan: I am Zaan Khan. I am here to win. On that way may be I can find someone for me. I am number 12.
Parth Samthaan: Hey, guys, I am Parth Samthaan. I am from Pune. I am an actor and model. Splitsvilla is like a dream come true for me. This show is more about love and I am here to find someone special for me actually I am here to find a wife (winking). I want to win the show with her. Lets see what happens where this show leads me. I am number 13.
Sunny: So, girls, I hope you enjoyed your time with the boys.
Girls (shouted): Yes.
Nikhil: Did you get to interact with everyone? How was it?
Aarushi: Not with everyone as the time was less but it was nice with most of them.
Sunny: That's good. You will know them more later on. Now it's the time. Make your choice. Each girl will choose 2 boy. Then we will see the boys.
Nikhil: Let's start. 1st start with Aarushi.
At first Aarushi chose 5 and 13 number boys.
Then one by one all the girls came and made their choice.
Shruti- 9, 10
Priyanka- 4, 6
Sana- 9, 12
Akshata- 6, 13
Naina- 8, 13
Sunny: it's time for our Niti to choose. Make your final choice, Niti.
Niti's pov
Should I choose the last boy? But he didn't approach me nor I did talk to him. Then how can I choose him? It will be unfair to those who spent their time on me. Yeah I should select other boys. But....
Urghhh leave it. I will not think about that boy. I will talk to him only when he will come to me.
end of Niti's pov
Niti: I will choose number 4 and 10.
Sunny: why?
Niti: they had approached me and among all I liked talking to them more. It's not that others were not good but I had to choose only 2 so I am picking them.
Nikhil: So, who has got the highest number of vote?
Number 13 raised his hand.
Nikhil: Oh ho popular boy.
Parth laughed.
Sunny: Yeah.
Nikhil: Now the boys who was not chosen by anyone step on this side and others on that side.
Number 1, 2, 3, 7, 11th stepped on other side as they were not chosen. Number 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13 stayed on the other side.
Sunny: Now it's the time to remove the mask from their face. I am so excited.
Nikhil: Lady's first so let's start with the girls.
One by one all the girls remove their mask. All the girls were looking so beautiful so seeing them all the boy's eyes come out of their socket. They clapped as well as hooted for them.
Girls passed them smile in which they too returned the favour.
But one of the boys was rooted at his place seeing Niti.
Nikhil: Now let's see the boys.
Sunny: at first the boys who are chosen.
Then one by one Varun, Anshuman, Ayaz, Baseer, Rohan, Fahad, Zaan and Parth removed their masks.
Seeing Parth, Niti was damn shocked. She was looking at him with wide eyes. Parth's condition was also the same. But they didn't say anything. Not to mention seeing many known faces they were happy.
Sunny: (pointing towards the unselected boys) Now it's time for you boys to remove the mask.
One by one then all the boys removed their mask. Kabeer, Karan, Uttkarsh, Siddharth and Paras came out.
Nikhil: Girls, are you happy with your choices?
Girls: Yeah.
Nikhil: Now you all will go to the villa and talk to all of them to form a connection as you all know Splitsvilla is all about making connections. You are safe till the time you have a connection.
Sunny: Make a strong connection which will help you to go ahead in this game. In every pace of this game, you will need the connection. I hope it's clear to all of you.
Nikhil: Parth you are the one who is chosen by most of the girls so you have a special power which you will come to know later. And the boys who are not chosen go to the villa. Take some rest and then I will tell you guys what will happen to you.
Sunny: Bye, guys. See you.
All: Bye.
Precap: In the villa.
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