I was upset about Dan's call so I had to hit something. I went to my apartment. I had bought it to stay there during my visits to New York. This time I stayed in my jet because I only had two days to go and also because I know Anderson and his men are just waiting for a misstep from me to handcuff me. They were watching me and I knew it, but that didn't prevent me from doing my business in peace.
I changed into black shorts, shirtless and hit the sandbag really hard. The sweat beading off my body made it gleam like oil. The more I sweated, the more I wanted to punch.
After a while, the doorbell rang indicating that I had a visitor. I stopped everything I was doing to open. There, in front of me, Dan was standing, his face and neck covered in scratch marks. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Poor guy, he was embarrassed and surprised to see me laugh like that.
- Say, Dan, did you fight with a wildcat?
Dan: More of a boss tigress. This girl didn't make it easy for us. You would laugh even more if you saw Vladimir's face.
It didn't surprise me, it was still Donovan's daughter raised by McAllister.
- She got the better of two of my best men?
Dan: Of course not. We wanted to capture her alive and unscratched like you asked. But...
- But?
Dan: I had to inject him with a tranquilizer to keep him from hurting more men.
- And now?
Dan: She's on her way to Russia with Vlad by her side.
- Well now you can go. I don't want to see you anymore except tomorrow when I land. Take a flight tonight. McAllister will come get me and I don't want him to see you.
Dan: Yes boss.
Once alone, I continue my training. When it's time for my meeting with my subordinates at the Holiday Hotel restaurant, I take a shower and put on my twelve thousand dollar suit before going downstairs to get my Audi. At this moment, I get a call and my lips stretch into a wide smile.
- What do you want Ashley? Oh excuse me Sergeant Griffin.
Nicole: Is it true that you have Donovan's daughter?
- Donovan had a daughter?
Nicole: Don't play dumb with me. Stay away from that girl. I forbid you to touch her, she is only twenty-two.
- And who is talking to me? Agent Griffin, Donovan's mistress or the insatiable madwoman who runs into my bed when she gets the chance? I don't care what you think, but I don't have that little one. On the other hand, you can join me at Holiday Hotel if you want. I'm meeting some friends, and I promise to take good care of you afterwards.
She gets angry and hangs up the phone. I smile, knowing that very soon I will be visiting Mike. I purposely told her my location, because I knew she had been in contact with the other bastard otherwise how would she know about the disappearance of the little one?
I've been sitting for almost an hour and I already feel boiling inside. My organization is made up of three major divisions. Ice is in charge of all that is entertainment in the country (night club, bars, restaurants), Santiago was in charge of the reception and the distribution of the different dr***es (he***ne, c***ne , ma***na). Of all of them, John was the one who made me smile a little at the moment. He is excellent in everything he does and he has the heavy task of selling the ar***es that Ivan, one of my trusted men, sent from Russia.
- Are you telling me I'm going to have negative sales this year, guys?
Ice: No, but I figure the Cabrals should be given a little warning. They are gaining ground and that does not bode well for us. They have already occupied a quarter of our territory, but they seem to want more.
- And you Santiago, what's your excuse?
Santiago: Boss, these men are real pain. In addition, they work as a family, which is their advantage. They monopolize the narcotics market.
- Shit, but why am I paying you? I don't want to hear that nonsense again next time. I'll deal with these invaders when the time comes, but you mustn't let them. Damn you are in the service of Anton Kovalski yes or no?
John: Yes, but we have to be discreet Mr. Kovalski. Anderson and his entire "SHARP EYE" team are watching us closely.
- How is it on your side?
John: The Victoria Diamond will be well and truly in Pretoria in three months and according to Nkossi we are the first to make an offer.
- I want that diamond. Make sure you have it in your hands during the auction.
John: You would have it boss.
While I was talking quietly with my men, a great ruckus reached my ears. I glance at the door and see my old "friend" McAllister. Said I almost waited. I signal to the guards and they give way.
- McAllister? What is it to me...
Before I finish speaking, a punch lands in my face.
Mike: You bastard. Where is she ? Where did you put my Nora?
-Nora? Am I supposed to know her?
Mike: Bastard.
- I could file a complaint against you, but I see that you're desperate so I'll let it go this time.
My men had tried to stop him, but this man was unstoppable. I motioned for them to let him. I take off my suit and fold up the sleeves of my shirt. This man loved a fight and so did I. We are alike in many ways and under other circumstances he would have been a perfect friend. We were almost the same ages, the same corpulence except that he was brown and now bald while I was almost blond with short hair.
A good fight begins between us and blows rain down. Nearby tables are expensive. I confess to having dreamed of this moment for more than fifteen years now. This man was tough and I liked it. But just when things were getting interesting, the police siren sounded. Soon we are stopped by McCain and his men.
This Captain McCain, I knew him very well. If he wanted to stop us both, it was just to help McAllister buy some time. But I let them, because the little one was already far away.
So we spend most of the night at the station before I lose patience and threaten to file a complaint. Having no charge against me, McCain was forced to release me. So I go back to my apartment to take a good shower and review my next actions.