The lady had been stealing a glance at Ife law for more than thirty minutes now and she was willing to exercise more patience and to do that she beckoned on the bartender that walked past her with a tray of wine and cigar.
“A cigar and a shot of whisky, please,”
Her order was served and she gently lit the cigar, drew from it, her gaze still on Ife Law, who had his back to her, at the wine bar, sipping from his gin; it was his ritual whenever he closed late at his chamber. One more gulp of gin, and Ife law was done paying his bill to the bartender and picking his step gently to retire home.
Outside, he located his Benz, hopped in and turned on the engine.
“Hi, Ife Law,” the lady said into the windscreen of his car, her smile hugely held. “Are you going my way?”
Frowning at her and looking down her loosely held, firm breasts and butterfly tattooed on her neck, he said, “I’m not sure I know you. Besides how did you know my name?”
“Ibu nwa Igbo, you are Igbo. So, tell me that Igbo person in this Lagos that doesn’t know Ife law, even Yoruba and Hausa know you.” She said,shrugging and her cleavage deepened. She opened the door herself to hop in. “Biko, please, drop me at the first junction.” Her light thighs called on Ife as she sat carelessly, her short gown covering nothing. “Is that how you tend to your clients?”
At that Ife apologized. “I’m sorry, just that a beautiful lady like you shouldn’t be keeping late night. I mean this is Lagos.”What lagos! You smelling prostitute, he said in his head.
“--Too risky for me, right? Thanks for your concern,” she said sensually and stroke her braless breasts gently.
They drove out, Ife looking at her with the corner of his eye.
She smiled and stroked her thighs. “The last they will do is rape me and I’m used to that,” Ife turned to her and focused on his driving again. Prostitute! Who will rape a prostitute? What is she up to? Who knows what she will do next? Please keep shut while I drop you. “Are you kidding me? Have you been raped?” he said.
“Countless times, although I enjoyed them,” she said smiling now.
“Then it is no longer rape,”said Ife, glancing at her naked thighs and breasts which shook alongside thecruising Benz. “Rape is a serious case that should never be enjoyed.”
She quietened for a moment and then asked, “How often do you have sex with your wife?” she asked, smacking her lips.
“I’m not married yet,” he said coldly, perceiving the lust within him and wishing he could overcome this one. His erection held out in the dark.
“How often do you have your girlfriends?”
“I don’t have one. I’m a busy lawyer,” he said and was getting upset. If you think you can charm me into having sex with you, then you are out of your mind.
“Are you gay?” she asked and Ife recalled Senator Madu and Nku: I hope he is doing as we agreed. I must win that case. I must be made through that case.
“No.” he halted at the first junction and inwardly did the sign of the crucifix. He was finally forced to speak out, “See lady, we are at the first junction. You may leave, biko, please, I beg of you.I don’t like your conversation.” He wanted to tolerate her but he wished he could even when they finally arrived at her destination.
Quickly she took her hands under her gown and took off her red undies and slid into her handbag “The last time I did it in a car it was awesome. Park under that dark pedestrian and show me you haven’t done it for a long time and I won’t charge you a dime,” she said and stared at her.
He shook his head and with his palm he wiped the sweat on his face. I saw this coming. I shouldn’t have allowed you in here. That is how guys go around infecting every man that comes your way.“I don’t do prostitutes,” he said and didn’t anticipate she would still press on after hearing that.
“Who says I’m one, tell me, Ife. Sex is a gift and anyone can have it,” she intoned and sat up and started to take off her gown. “In twenty minutes we will be done and you’ll be happy you did.”
He was pressed beyond measure in his groin yet he didn’t want to do it. She stroked her naked breasts, moaned,and bent over to kiss him. “Heh, heh, ok, fine, fine, fine,” Ife said and turned on the engine again.In twenty minutes, just twenty minutes I’ll be done. Is it not twenty minutes?I will do whatever you want even if it be sucking your vagina and I will so push you out of my car if you don’t leave.
She was already stroking his penis before they drove under the shady pedestrian. She sat across his laps, bent over, kissing him. Ife obliged himself her buttocks which he squeezed gently and to her breasts now. His lips perched on her nipples and she leaned back to notice his eyes were shut while he sucked. She dug her hand into her handbag and he was almost opening his eyes but it was too late when she sent two stabs of the knife into his neck, and again and again. She watched Ife jerk and jerk and finally stretched under her. She brought her ears to his chests and quickly wiped the blood on the blade on his sleeves.
“Kodi, bye, my learned colleague,” she said and picked up her phone to put a call across. “Hello senator, the bastard lawyer is out of the way.
She opened the door and ran across the pedestrian, into the dark street.