“Oh come on, Nk,” he intoned and started walking closer to massage again. Nku wanted to adjust yet further but he was already closed up on the wall. He stilled and got another mild massage from Sen. Madu. “You will get more of this. All I need isyour humility and cooperation,” he said and massaged with eyes half closed.
This time around the massage gave its message as Nku could feel the Romeo effect tickling his skin. “Sir!” he yelled louder and Sen. Madu was startled. “If you are really tired go and have some rest in your bed. My shoulders don’t look like the latest Vita foam,” said Nku with his wobbly eyeballs and enraged looks.
Sen. Madu smacked his lips, whirled around and quickly sat for breakfast.
“I will be in my room, sir,” Nku said and gently walked away. And Sen. Madu steadied his eyes on his buttocks until he was out of sight and then he opened the dish. Thick aroma hung in the air.
Nku locked the door quickly as he entered his room. His heart pounded with the effect of a heavy piston digging into a mortar. He held his chest and sat on his bed. The envelope looked flat and he knew it was cheque for a hundred thousand naira. It had been his salary for eight months now and he had been sending megabucks to his widowed mother in the village for the fixing of their uncompleted building which his father could not complete before the uncanny hands of death took him away. In a moment, he thought about the lawyer that promised him justice.
“All I need from you is the truth,” the lawyer had said immediately Nku sat down in his office.
“Okay,” he replied, nodding and blinking uneasily at him.
“Did you do it? I mean are you gay?” the lawyer asked and kept quiet for his answer.
Nku shook his head and squeezed his tiny lips.Aren’t you crazy for asking me that question? “What on earth would make me to be gay? I want you to take a look at me. I am just 25 years old,a boy that just left Enugu for Lagos all to survive. There are so many women out there to fall in love with, not with my fellow man.” His hand hit on the table severally.
“Calm down, young man. I’m doing my job and my job started when you saw me on the TV talking about fetching justice for the common man and you came around.” The lawyer shook his head this way and that way and said, “The man involved is a politician and the case is a sensitive one…”
“Meaning you can’t fetch me justice because he is a politician or the case is a sensitive one?”
“No. I mean every lawyer would want a case as this. I want to set the record, so I must win him.” He stared briefly at Nku. “I got to win this case. This is the only case coming my way in eight months.”
“Was that why you came on TV to source for clients?” Nku asked, staring around his scanty office and finally at the lawyer who was very much chubby on his cheek, baby-faced and could be in his early thirties.
“Aside that, the masses need to be reminded that there is justice and it pays…”
“Yes, like in my case now.” Talking about justice payinghope Senator Madu paying a fine of 150 million naira for bodily damages won’t be bad, he thought.“For bodily damages I’m charging him a hundred and fifty million.” He saw the lawyer’s face squeeze and he said, “Why not. I don’t know how he used me but I must tell you till now I can’t feel my penis and anus and I need to be treated. For chrissake he may have damaged my anal muscles.”
“Okay. That will be evidence. But I want you to get more evidences like photos and videos of you two kissing, making love…you know.” The lawyer shook his head slightly.
Are you out of your mind, you charge and bail lawyer? “Are you telling me to remain in that house and let him make love to me?I’mabout leaving him for good for chrissake, God!”
“If you really want justice to pay off you got to pretend…”
…that I love him, right? That I’m gay?” oh, not again. How do I wake up naked beside my fellow man just to get justice? Tell me how?
“He is rich. He is a politician. He has got what it takes to win us in court. He has!” he raised his voice.
Nku breathed hard. “Let me think about it” he glanced at his watch. “I got to return to his kitchen.” He stood up.
“I’m Ifesinachi, my pals call me Ife Law.” He stretched out his hand.
“You already know my name, right.” He didn’t look cheerful at all.
They shook hands together and Ife Law said, “Good luck.” and Nku left.
Right in the kitchen Nku was thinking.Yes, I will be made soon. He would be forced to pay when I bring up the evidences. It will be an end to him, an end to his career, and an end to his name. With the proceeds from justice, he would get himself a mansion at Victoria Island, divide his business time between Lagos and Dubai and then settle down with his Adam’s apple, Opula, who was still in Enugu, studying at law school; that was his Lagos dream; his future.
“If you really want justice to pay off you got to pretend.” “If you really want justice to pay off you got to pretend.” Those words repeated in his head. How do I do that? Oh, I love you senator come and kiss me. Or I need you right now, come over to the bed… “Shit!” he slammed his hand on the sink. “I can’t do this.”
He turned on the tap in the sink and kept staring at the water that gushed out.