Angel POV.
After the bus stopped, we were welcomed into the facility, what I'm going to call it, it's a facility, that looks very similar to the companies we have and I work in, the girl who was sitting next to me pushed me to get out of the bus first, she was all ready to meet William, but he wasn't here, or at least I couldn't see him yet.
"Welcome everyone, good morning girls," a guy welcomed us as we got off the bus, he's right, we're all girls how didn't I pay attention to that as I got in?
"Good morning, where's William?" Full Glam asks right away and she is met with a cold glare.
"Please do not speak unless spoken to, William is busy he'll be here later on," the guy says shutting her up along with the rest of us, not speaking without being spoken to.
"Now girls, everyone's eyes on me," the same guy says getting everyone's attention while full glam was fuming off with anger.
"My name is Victor, and I'm your guide for today, please stay at all times with your group, and keep your questions for last, there are people inside, and they are all working let's try not to annoy them," he says, and I feel like a young child going on a school trip.
"Now, let's walk in," Victor orders he walked in first followed by the rest of us, no one said anything, and none of us dared to, it was a silent walk as we walked into the facility, we went upstairs, and down others, we walked a long distance until we reached a big open space was sofas placed all around.
"Please take a seat, everyone," he says telling all of us to take a seat, and due to my lack of luck, I end up sitting next to full beat.
"Please pass these papers and pens around, please go ahead and fill them up for us, once you're all ready we're going to have a one-on-one meeting," Victor says and he takes a seat away from all of us, leaving us in peace.
"I hate filling papers," full glam whines as she starts to fill the paper, it's very simple questions, just about our name, ages, and other very small things, nothing too major or hard to remember.
"How the fuck should I know this," full glam whines, I looked at her side and she has hardly filled anything, she's stuck on the allergy question, doesn't she know if she has any allergies or not.
"Do you have any allergies?" I ask her, and she nods.
"I'm deathly allergic to peanut and bee bites," she answers me, so she's allergic, and she knows it.
"Then write that down," I answer her, and she groans all over again, I look at her confused, and then I notice her very bad handwriting.
"Don't you know how to write?" I ask her confused.
"No, it's just the letters are all messed up," she groans.
"Girls," Victor calls us out for talking.
"Excuse me Victor, but I think she needs some help," I say, she won't be done with these in days by the speed she's going with right now.
"Come here," Victor calls her and she glares a death glare.
"Do you need help?" Victor asks her and she shakes her head no, too proud to say she has trouble reading, or maybe she was never educated.
"Can I see your paper?" he says and she gave it to him looking away, she looked at me again mouthing the word 'Bitch' at me, I think I deserved it for stepping in.
"What's your name?" he asks her.
"Veronica," she answers him while in my eyes she was Full-Glam.
"There's nothing to be shy over Veronica, we're here to help you, why don't you take a seat, I'll fill this up in no time," Victor says in a nicer voice to her now, she takes a seat next to him and he read the questions and wrote them down for her, now that I finally had my peace, I could finish filling my forms.
The last question was hard, I wasn't sure how to answer it, if the world would end tomorrow, if we had a chance to be anything or do anything, what would we do?
I had to think about this, I can't say I'd just stay home, that I'd sleep so I wouldn't feel the world ending, but that wasn't a good enough answer, I knew they wanted a little bit more than this.
If tomorrow comes and the worlds end, if I have one last day to live, I'd spend every penny I have, I'd go crazy and visit the areas I was always taught not to go over to, the blast zones, the still and forever is radiocative areas, I wouldn't even wear any protection, I'll go out and play in the danger zone, the world is going to end tomorrow and I won't have a worry left in me.
"Is everyone done?" Victor asks Full Glam still sitting next to him with her paper now fully completed and filled in by Victor.
"Pass the papers along," Victor orders and we all gave him our papers, he called another person, it looked and reminded me of calling an intern to take the papers over to the next floor, and sometimes that used to be my job back in my work.
"Ladies," a very familiar voice says and all eyed went toward him, it's William, William is here for real, my mouht fell open, this feel like I'm meeting my hero and I couldn't move.
"Hello everyone," he says to everyone.
"Hello William," all of us answered him at the same time, he smiled at us and my heart melted a bit more.
"Thank you for coming ladies, we're very happy to have you here, I hope you didn't have any trouble filling your questionairs," William says and we all answered him that we did, he smiled again, the smile that had everyone feel under his spell.
"Now, we're going to call you girls one at a time, you're going to have a one-on-one interview with one of our specialist, I know this all feel too scary and worrying, but it's safe, I assure you. We only want to get to know you some more, to make sure that you'll have the best life going from here," William says, before he waved goodbye to everyone excused himself saying he got work to do.
The first girl was called and we all sat silently waiting for her to finish so others could go in, she didn't come out, not after a long time has passed, instead another girl was called in.
"What about the one before?" full glam asks worriedly.
"She's waiting for you on the bus," Victor answers her, they could be killing us one at a time, we could have walked into a trap but where would we go? We're on their lands now.
The next girl was called in next and my hearted started to beat a bit faster as my turn was coming closer, the death or maybe my future, only they know what's going on and what would happen when we get called.
"Veronica you're next," a girl who's dressed like a nurse calls, and full glam looks terrified.
"Thank you nurse Ellie, if you could please stay with the group, I'll take Veronica," Victor says holding her hand, going toward the exam room.
Victor didn't come back instead nurse Ellie took his place, and another intern took turn to call us one by one, guiding the way toward the room, I wasn't the last one, I wished not to go, maybe get forgotten behind.
"Angel," the intern calls and I wanted to hide, to run out, but instead I got up and walked along with him.
He guided me toward a room that looks like a normal doctor office, the intern left, leaving me alone with the doctor.
"Good morning Angel, I'm doctor Jacob," he says introducing himself but I didn't know why I'm seeing a doctor, I thought this was an interview.
"Hello," I say kind of worried now.
"I'm going to preform a physical exam just to make sure you're okay," he says, I haven't seen a doctor in over years, not even when I was a child.
"I don't know," I say worried, I wished Victor would come in with me as well, but I was alone.
"Now step up," he says starting with taking my weight and height, my blood pressure and temperature were next, my whole body was stiff and tight as he finished checking on me, the last step of the examination was something I didn't expect, he knew I was terrified and so he did it by surprise poking in the thight with a needle, and I hated needles, I screamed but then I fell asleep very quickly, I didn't feel a thing anymore, it was all a dream, maybe that's how I die.