Angel POV.
I woke up, and I felt very groggy, I had no idea where I was, but I knew that the doctor had injected me with something, I'm not sure what he had inside the needle that he stabbed my thigh with, but I was awake now and I'm not very happy about it, I whined and groaned, I felt like I have been sleeping for too long, maybe a whole day or more.
I opened my eyes and looked around, I wasn't in my room, I wasn't in my house or over my bed or even sofa, I'm asleep in the bus, the same bus I took this morning to get here to the facility, I looked around and saw most of the girls were awake, mostly the ones who went before me, only a couple are still asleep, but starting to wake up, who brought us here? I can't remember any of that, how did I end up here.
"Good morning girls," Victor says joining us in the bus, everyone is awake by now, it's been another thirty minutes since I woke up, and the rest are up as well.
"How did we end up here?" Full Glam asks out loud.
"You sweetie, I carried you out here, the rest were moved with a wheelchair and then helped into their seat, as promised you're all safe, you're back on the bus, next to you is a care bag, it has meals, and water, and some added on snacks, feel free to eat them on the way or when you get home. Thank you all for coming today, we'll keep you updated, now go home and rest," Victor says, the way Full Glam looked at him from my side broke my heart, maybe she felt more connected to him, maybe she thought she'd be something or maybe that he'd take her out for dinner, or something.
"Good night everyone," Victor finally says getting off the bus, and it started moving, taking us out of the blast zone and back to the city we're used to live in, the bus started dropping us off from last to first, the bus driver knew exactly where to drop everyone, no one ate in the bus everyone took the bag along with them, or at least they did that until it was my turn to get off the bus.
"Thank you," I say to the driver and walk off holding the bag, I walk into my building which felt abandoned, I know there's more people living around here, but I couldn't see them, I wasn't sure if they were kidnapped, or killed, or maybe just hiding.
I got inside my house and locked the door behind me, I went toward the kitchen and pulled the meal they gave us, it's a full balanced meal including meat, veggies, and even dessert and a drink, it's really good.
I heated my food up and sat down to eat, I turned the TV on seeing if William is out there telling us anything, but he wasn't there, there wasn't any new announcement, just the old ones along with some random shows that were on re-runs.
I finished the food happily, eating the dessert as well, I looked at the time, most of the day had passed with us in the facility, but what would happen next? Maybe they're just waiting to get everyone in, although we were a large group, I don't think that's all the humans that are still alive and haven't been killed yet.
Since my day was over already, I got ready for bed, I know I have slept for a very long time but I'm still tired maybe it's something that they injected me with, but I'm not sure what it is. I lay down on the sofa watching TV, I think I fell asleep while watching William, he's even hotter in real life, but he looks really good on the tv.
I woke up the next morning, well damn, I should have gone to bed, then at least I'd had a good night's sleep in my bed instead of the sofa, I groaned and woke up, the TV was still on, I didn't turn it off last night. I looked at the tv ready to turn it off or maybe leave it on as I went to the bathroom and got myself some breakfast, I turned the voice up and I went to the bathroom, it's nothing new they kept on explaining the messages, I wasn't sure how long it's going to take to get all the humans to fill in the questionnaires, maybe an email would have been better, still my opinion.
After my cereal breakfast, tidying up the house a bit, and doing some laundry, when I was finally done there was a new announcement, finally, I ran toward the TV to hear what this one was about.
"We would love to thank everyone who came by to the company, the ones that said hello to me, the ones that didn't make it, we're so sorry but this is going to be your last chance, come willingly or be dragged in," William says, so everyone have made it.
"On today's announcement, I'm not here to order you around, I'm here to explain some things, to tell the scared one who hasn't come yet what they are actually going against, and to the few that's left from the so-called resistance, by now you know about us and you know what we are, but some of you and the rest haven't had the pleasure yet," William says getting up, the camera followed him as he started to move, he's not in a normal studio, this one looks like an office with camera set.
He walked toward the window and then he opened the blinds allowing sunlight in, he stood against it with a smile on his face, step one, he can stand in front of the sunlight no problem, next he got a clove of garlic, he laughed as he bitten down the garlic with a chuckle, he's fine.
Finally, he showed off his teeth, the long fangs that were scary, they were real and he kept on showing off the real teeth.
"You don't believe that we are vampires, you thought that we could be scared by the sunlight or maybe garlic, but it's not a real thing, and the teeth, they aren't fake, and I'm about to show you all, now everyone I advise looking closely," he says, and then nods to someone, a guy was brought in, he looked furious, he was trying to fight the two guard who brought him in, they pushed him toward William who had held him in his arms tightly, he was much stronger than the man although he's a big man, he's not a skinny one and I knew holding him won't be easy, but William did it without breaking a sweat.
"Now everyone look," William ordered all of us in a colder voice in one that had everyone's attention with fear.
He bit down the guy's neck, at first the guy screamed and yelled, he called William a bloodsucker, but William made him shut up in the most aggressive way possible, he bit him down on the neck and the guy went yellow, then pale, and then paler until he fell down on the ground, William had a bit of blood left on his lips, he wiped those off and smiled to the camera, all of his teeth especially the canine had a red tint left on them.
"Now that we made things clear, we are vampires, we drink blood to stay alive, but we won't hurt you, humans, we don't want to eat you alive, we don't want to hurt you, but you should know and see what we can do," he explains, we all believed him now.
"Think of this humans, think of what we can do as you decide that you want to be rebels, as you think you want to take over, that you want to be in charge all over again, remember this moment," William says going back to his seat behind his desk, does he air from the same place we went to? From the facility, maybe it looks like it, but it doesn't look like any studio I have ever seen before.
"For the ones who haven't come yet, don't fight, believe in us, we want you to be happy and safe, we promise you safety, yours forever, and I do mean forever, we are immortals after all, William," he says ending the announcement and the presentation, the vampires are real and they are going to take over the whole world whether if we like it or not.
I didn't see William as sexy as I did before, every time his voice came on all I could imagine and see was him biting down and then killing him, he killed that guy and went back to his seat, is that why want the humans? To kill us? To eat us alive.