I roll out of my comfortable bed and walked towards the bathroom. Time to get this job I've always wanted. Working at Omar's has always been a dream for me, time to make it a reality. I made ablution to perform Solat Fajr. After praying, I waked to the bathroom again. I took off my clothes, washed my hair with the shampoo, applied conditioner and scrubbed the dirt off my hair. Every day daily routine, you know.
After washing and bathing,I stepped out of the shower, grabbed and wrapped a towel around my wet body.
I applied lotion on my skin after drying up. I grabbed a loose trouser that came down to my ankle and a pink blouse. After putting on my clothes, I styled my hair in a bun and wrapped a veil around my head. After applying a light amount of make up and a touch of red lipstick, I grabbed my shoes,bag,phone and some files I had to submit to Omar's Holdings Company in search of a job. After college and a Masters degree in Business Administration, I've always wanted a job with Omar's. It just fits in every way. I love office-job. A last look in the mirror won't hurt. Good to go!
I walked out of my room,but there's never a bad time for selfie, right? I click and clicked and clicked photos to my satisfaction. I then put my phone away and walked to the living room. I heard my parents voices from the kitchen. So,I moved my feet there. I noticed my mom was serving my dad his breakfast of scrambled eggs with tea and bread. Great! I'm starving. I greeted them by placing a kiss on their cheeks after which I had a seat for breakfast.
"Good morning Dad" walking towards my Mom.
"Good morning Mom".
" Good morning dear" they both answered in unison.
"I see you're looking dashing for the interview today" Dad commented.
"I am, I really hope it goes well. I've been seeking for a job for a year now" I said which is the truth. Job opportunities are a bit hard here and the pay is little but with Omar's, I have high hopes.
After what seems like 15minutes of conversing, I let them know I'm about to leave.
"I'm going to Omar's now. Wish me luck"
"Oh, yeah, about that,I wish you the best of luck" Mom said smiling.
"You'll definitely get in" Dad chipped in.
"I'll be using your car,Mom". She smiled saying "It's okay, hun".
After bidding them goodbye, I walked towards the parking lot,got into Mom's car and started the ignition. I drove to Omar's which was 30minutes drive from my home. When I got into the company,it was really huge and had the best interior and exterior designs. I walked to the receptionist to make inquiries about where I had to go for the interview.
"Walk to your left, the door by your right leads you to the office" she said.
"Thank you" I said to her smiling. I followed her instruction and when I got there, I saw a queue of people on office skirts,shirt,and blouses,hijabs,trousers. Guess we are all here for the same thing - A job!. I waited on the queue for what seems like eternity until finally! I was called. I followed the lady who was dressed in red shirt and a black trouser and hijab also as she walked majestically and led me to the office where the interview was been held.
I was asked to sit by a man in his early 40's. I greeted and then presented my files to him. I was asked a few questions which I guess I answered correctly because he kept on nodding his head in affirmation.
"Thanks for your time" he said.
"We'll let you know if you're lucky enough" he added.
"Thank you, Sir" I said to him.
I took my leave. I walked to the receptionist saying "Thank you". She smiled back at me. I walked towards where I parked my car and hopped in. On getting home,I parked my car and walked to the front door which was locked. I opened the door with the spare keys in my bag.
I got in and saw a note on the center table which reads
" Hun, your Mom and I went to pay a visit to your Grandma. See you soon,Love You". -Dad.
I smiled remembering my Grandma, she's a pain in the ass sometimes but I do miss her.
I went to the kitchen to fix a meal for my siblings, Abdullah and Safia who will soon be back from school. Immediately after I finished, I heard the door bell rang. I checked the time, 12:47p.m. I wasn't expecting anyone. I walked to open the door and met with familiar faces around the neighborhood. What are they here for? I asked myself.
"Good day Sir" I said to them.
"Good day, Rabiah Sameer?" He asked.
I was lost for a moment ,I mean, How did he knew my name?.
"Yes, I'm Rabiah Sameer" I replied.
"Uhmm, we are just from the hospital and I'm sorry to say but your parents were involved in a ghastly car accident that took both their lives" he said.
My heart skipped a beat,it was so hard to breathe all of a sudden.
"What"? I asked in shock. I can't comprehend what he just said. I felt broken.
"We're so sorry for your loss" he added.
"What do you mean? I just saw my parents hours ago" I managed to say. I can't believe this.
"We're sorry for your loss" one of them repeated.
My breath stuck as my hands began to shake. Did I hear him right? Mom and Dad are both dead. But why? Why me?. Tears flood my eyes as I cascade down the floor and began to cry. I think I was trembling, oblivious of my surrounding. and I couldn't stop crying. I heard foot steps coming towards me, I looked up and saw Aunt Ameenah sobbing,that's when reality hits me that I was now an orphan.