One week later
Xander stood still atop a short pedestal as the tailor began to place the garment on him. The brunette usually loved having fittings, he usually loved picking out colors and making designs for his new shirts and his new clothes.
But never in a million years would he have thought that he'd hate it. He bit his lip to hold back an angered groan when the man began to pin together his garments.
Reason for hating this?
Number one: Amos had ordered it.
Number two: They were making a dress for him.
Personally Xander has nothing against dresses but right now... It became his enemy. He had no fucking idea why Amos wanted him in a huge ass ball gown.
"Just a little more my Queen and you'll be ready."
The tailor flashed his almost yellow teeth and Xander cringed. He quickly darted his head the other way and stared out of the window. The birds flying in the distance as the sun began to set had calmed his nerves. He's been depressed ever since his parents had been killed.
He cried every night. He missed his brother.
All he could hope was that Christian was safe and okay, being fed and warm. Xander doubted it.
Therefore he promised himself that he would wait for Amos to go somewhere and then he would search for Christian in the dungeon.
The slam of a door had brought him out of his reverie and he rolled his eyes because he knew exactly who it was due to the gate of his steps.
"My king... What do you think?" The tailor smiled before stepping back and gesturing toward the gorgeous golden dress that adorned the Prince's body.
It was no doubt beautiful. It highlighted his golden skin and made him look ravishing.
Amos eyed the smaller male with hungry and admiring eyes. A large smile spread across his face, allowing for the little crinkles in the corner to pop out and if Xander hadn't hated him right now, he would have admired him. Would have.
"Stunning... Absolutely stunning." Amos had said almost breathlessly, he seemed awestruck and at a loss for words.
Xander watched as the king grazed his eyes up and down as if he was analyzing a piece of art.
The tailor seemed happy with himself because he chuckled lightly. Xander was starting to feel very very uncomfortable so he looked up at Amos and his breath hitched when he noticed the males dark eyes boring into his.
The king looked very different. He had this far away and distant look but he stared at Xander admiringly at the same time.
The brunette averted his eyes frantically to the tailor in a gesture to tell Amos to get him out.
Amos stared at him, just stared at him with dark eyes and Xander was afraid that the king hadn't got his message so he was about to say something when he was stopped,
"Leave." Amos said strongly, all the while staring at Xander. The mere word held venom and it was directed toward the tailor.
The man nodded his head a bit frantic,
"Yes sire, at once."
And before you knew it, the old man had left and slammed the door shut. Leaving Xander alone with this... Evil king.
Suddenly, the little Prince had regretted making that decision as soon as Amos began to circle him.
Like that of a wolf eyeing it's prey, Amos' eyes had darted to every nook and curve of his Queen and he had to admit...
He was impressed.
Xander stayed still, not even moving a muscle. He just stood where he was and directed his gaze to the door where he sought relief. Xander figured that by avoiding eye contact, he wouldn't feel the pain and hurt swirling with him. Especially hatred.
"You look so breathtaking..." Amos had suddenly appeared behind him, causing for the brunette to stiffen up quite a bit.
Xander flinched once he felt fingertips begin to graze against the skin of his bare shoulders.
The king lingered there, as if tasting the male or trying to read him by mere touch. His fingers began to trace upward and this caused for shivers to shoot through Xander's spine.
Oh how he wanted to drive a dagger through the man's face.
"I almost pity you..." Amos whispered once his fingers had stopped at the boys neck, a little over the pulse. He could feel the erratic beat against his middle and pointer finger tips.
Xander narrowed his eyes at the statement. There was so many things he wanted to say but he stayed silent. He didn't know when Amos would do something irrational.
"... Parents killed, Kingdom taken right from under your feet and your brother jailed... " Amos said huskily, his lips right next to the shell of Xander's ear making the smaller male bite his lip, holding back a snarl.
The very words were making his blood boil but what pissed him off more was the way Amos had laughed at that fact.
He had laughed over his grief.
"I don't see why you should be so upset tho... "Amos whispered but he trailed off, he remained silent for a while until the next words had been spilled,
"I had rid you of poison and filth."
Xander had no idea what had taken over him when he whirled around, his vision filled with red, teeth grinded and he delivered a hard slap against the King's face.
His face moving to the side a little, barely even budging.
The room had fallen eerily quiet, the atmosphere had become thick and filled with rage. Xander, despite being angry, he was also scared. He knew he fucked up as soon as his hand came in contact with the King's face but he regretted nothing.
Amos turned forward with fire in his eyes and next thing Xander knew was that he slammed harshly against the wall and his jaw gripped tightly.
"How dare you.. " The raven hissed.
Xander sniffles slightly, tears over-flowing from his eyes. He didn't know what to feel. This was unfair, he was angry, scared and depressed. He obe-diently stared up at the king, he didn't even attempt to escape. The raven haired was furious, his breathing uneven but managed to calm down a tad once he realised he had lost his composure.
"You see these pretty little fingers?"
Amos lifted up Xander's right hand - the one he had slapped Amos with- and brought it up to his lips and began to plant soft kisses on his knuckle.
The brunette sniffles but watched as the king surprisingly placed soft kisses on his skin, leaving it warm and tingly.
"I asked you a question my Queen..."
Amos spoke with ice once he hadn't received a reply. Xander couldn't deny him because Christian's life was on the line so he nodded obediently, tears falling.
"Next time you raise them against your king... I'll see to it that they get a little hurt."
The king thereafter began to nip at the tips to emphasize his point. Xander winced when Amos bit a little too harshly into baby finger.
"Got it?" He asked and received an instant nod.
"Words Xander." The way the king had addressed him by his name had his body quaking in fear.
"Y-yes your Majesty." Xander had looked down as he said it and instantly the king had let his fingers go, to which the brunette retracted them quickly and balled them up to try and stop the tingling in each fingertip.
And with no further words exchanged, Amos walked stately out of the room.