This is the time that kingdoms fall, thrones are usurped and pretty prince's are in trouble...The Alik kingdom was alway...
Chapter ONE
A small framed boy runs after a slightly older and bigger male into the throne room, where their parents sat upon the throne. The sudden screaming had caught the attention of their father, King Kim.
"What is it now boys?" He asked while sighing heavily, he watched as his eldest son, Christian, ran toward them and hid behind the queen, laughing loudly as if he had done something so sinister. The youngest followed far behind, he stopped for a short while to catch his breath. After all, he hadn't been that sporty.
"H-he stole my c-crown d-dad." The small prince looked up with tears filling his eyes, his nose had turned a deep red along with his cheeks, his lower lip trembled.
This is when everyone in the room stopped to stare at the beautiful boy.
That was his charm, he could get his way with whatever he wanted or get whatever he wished by just acting like a victim. He would always do it innocently though, he was slightly evil like that and this is when Christian's mouth hung open in disbelief at the smaller male.
Once again, he was being dooped.
Christian's guardian,Yoon had dropped down from somewhere and with a slight slap to Christian's head, the older prince immediately handed the crown over.
Yoon, a proud guardian of the Kim's since he was only five, he protected the boys with all he could. He had blonde hair, slightly small but packed a strong punch. Everyone knew to never get on his bad side.
"Geez Xander... You're such a cry baby." The oldest prince scowled before he glared at the smaller and rubbed at his head to ease the pain.
Xander looked back and as he got a hold of his crown, he stuck his tongue out and wiggled it before he wiped his tears away with the back hand of his sleeve.
He then slowly raised the beautiful golden object to his head and rested it upon his hair with a sweet and satisfied smile. Everyone watched silently as the small prince stood delighted.
Xander giggled, the biggest of grins stretched upon his face before he looked back at everyone in the room with expecting and hopeful eyes -expecting praise- and just as he wished, everyone, except Christian, smiled back and nodded in confirmation.
The little prince giggled again in happiness before he began to spin around in circles and lost himself in his activity.
The king chuckled before he turned to his eldest son and found him scowling, King Kim smiled before he walked forward and placed a loving kiss to his forehead. The king knew that Christian was just short tempered as he was but with a little loving, he always came around.
"You're a good brother." The king tipped his head to his son and the queen came from behind and back hugged her son before stroking his hair.
"My handsome boy." She nuzzled into his cheek before placing a soft kiss, the attention had made Christian smile brightly and blush before standing up straighter with pride. Puffing his chest out further before he pretended to not like the attention.
"Oh, come on guys, stop smothering me." He slightly pushed them both away, both the kind and queen laughed amusedly at their son's behavior.
Xander couldn't even care less as he twirled and twirled. He loved his crown very much and he took a lot of pride to it. He received it when he was thirteen as a grift of entering teen hood. He was now fifteen years old.
The voice of his father had immediately had him stopping his antics, attention fully devoted to his dad's words.
"Come here... I'd like to talk to you and Christian for a little bit."
The smaller nodded immediately before obediently walking over to his father and brother. The king placed one hand on Christian's shoulder and the other on Xander's.
"Now listen here... you both know that your mother and I are getting old and due to my..."
The king trailed off and looked away with a pained expression, he looked as if he was holding something back. Christian had somehow caught on but Xander, however tilted his head and placed a hand on his father chest with a soft smile.
"You can say it dad."
King Kim smiled appreciatively to the smaller before he cleared his throat.
"...Due to my... sickness, I won't be around for long so Christian will soon be taking my place."
Christian's face paled at this. He was already aware that he'd have to take his father's place but hearing it out loud had put him into shock. He still wasn't ready, despite the ten years of training.
"...and you Xander... I expect you to always be by your brother's side no matter what." The king looked into each of their eyes. Xander lowered his head in sadness while Christian nodded determined.
"You two are brothers... And I expect you both to respect one another and hopefully be there for each other till the very last breath." King Kim pulled them both into a hug for warmth and just like that, Christian had held onto his father tightly and closed his eyes.
Slowly but surely, Xander intertwined his fingers with his brother and both males made eye contact before smiling. This was there symbol of loyalty to each other. The queen watched from afar and she couldn't help at smiling at her boys.
They had surely grown up to be fine men and Yoon smiled only slightly.
While the sweet moment was taking place, the thrown room doors were slammed open, Capturing the attention of everyone.
A soldier had ran in, his face was extremely pale and he panted heavily, his arms guard safely over his sword.
"What's the matter Gyo?"
The King asked in slight worry, something about the atmosphere seemed very off and he didn't like the feels of it.
"Sire.... There's an outsider who insists on meeting you...He wishes... H-he wishes to challenge you."