The next morning, Flora goes to the kitchen to have breakfast:
Hortense: how was your night my princesses?
Patricia: good mom
Flora (pause);...
Hortense ( onne the envelope): Uhh… Patricia here is your money for the purchase of your documents
Patricia (happy): thank you very much mum I thought I was going to fail the exam
Flora: you should rather stop the classes to look for work than to study for In the end to become nobody
Hortense: Flora….
Flora: What! mom she's old enough to take care of herself now
Hortense: My darling isn't listening to her, okay?
Patricia: don't worry mum I'm used to cashing in on her tantrums if it blows up I have my paracetamol...pff
Hortense (sighs)...
Flora: I don't care, in any case, look for a job instead of always relying on others, no kidding, it's shameful
Patricia (stops eating): I better go (she goes)
Hortense: Flora... what's your problem!
Flora: What! oh she leaves me all that, ah thank you I'm going to enjoy myself I'm really hungry
In the big villa, All the kondo family gathered around the table for their breakfast:
BELIVE: Emmanuel, how are the activities going?
Emmanuel: well dad it's just that it's very tiring... pff
BELIVE: bah! you thought that working hard is what being a man is, you can only value yourself through work son So courage
Emmanuel: thank you very much dad
Marie: pff yesterday you just broke my eardrums, I couldn't sleep
Amina: Oh! mom you too, was going to send a servant to come and tell me so that I put an end to everything
Marie: it didn't matter that long, I hope you had a good party
Amina: of course yes, except that Emmanuel had not presented himself
Emmanuel: I was busy, I had urgent surgery for a patient who was in a bad state
Amina: so my appointments weren't important, huh!
Everyone suddenly looks at her
Amina: What!
Bénédicte: seriously my aunt we talk about the lives of people
Amina: I said the opposite?
Emmanuel: I'm not hungry anymore, dad, grandmother had a good day
Bénédicte: where are you going, nephew?
Emmanuel: At work (he leaves)
BELIVE: honey, seriously I think you need to learn to be quiet when you have nothing to say (walks away too)
Amina (fixed Bénédicte): and you, what are you waiting for to leave like the others? While the latter is focused on his food .
Marie: we've had enough with you Amina (also leaves)
Amina: if there is one thing I will not allow my son to be the laughingstock of our family, whether he wants it or not he is going to get married
Bénédicte (focus on her food):...
Emmanuel arrives in his office and finds Ezi talking to the nurses:
Emmanuel: wowowo, stop that he is not a good person
Ezi: hahahaha
Emmanuel: good follow meIn my office
Ezi: ok let's go then They enter the office,
Ezi: Ah! it's really funny, your dad owns a big company with big partners and you'd rather be a doctor
Emmanuel: my brother as long as it brings me money, it suits me at least it saves me insults from my mother
Ezi: speaking of her, did she leave the idea of marriage?
Emmanuel: I would like that to be the case unfortunately no, she only puts pressure on me.. pff (rubs his forehead)
Ezi: Oh! I see…
Immediately his phone started ringing.
Ezi (looks): Ah! not her, leave me alone
Emmanuel: who is it?
Ezi: it's the girl from the other day
Emmanuel: how can you get in a relationship with his kind of girls
Ezi: seriously, it's really funny she only talks to me about marriage affairs, she's really an opportunist, she sometimes forces me to buy her women's clothes and accessories
Emmanuel: it's simple Dude, you just have to cross that's all
Ezi: there's another case, this girl isn't as simple as you think, if I tell her that it's for sure that it's in the hospital you'll find me and you also know that I don't like to break a woman's heart but you here, so help me
Emmanuel (mouse): no way, I can't fix your mistakes
Ezi: please man
Emmanuel: I said no
As soon as Aimée enters:
Aimée: Uh... Emmanuel, Ezi it's you, it's been a while
Ezi: Oh! Aimée how are you? It's been a while
Aimée: fine by the grace of God and you?
Ezi: also in good shape, look at you, you have become a great lady in addition to being a doctor, you are superbly magnificent
Aimée (blushing): thank you
Aimée: Emmanuel here is the information for the operations of a while ago
Emmanuel: OK thank you, are there any emergencies?
Aimée: yes, but don't worry I manage
Emmanuel: ok
Ezi: Say, are you married?
Aimee: Wha... What? Uhh.. I..
Emmanuel (stands eyes): Ah! what an idiot doesn't answer him
Aimée (amused laugh): you haven't changed, you've always covered behind the girls since Les bancs.. for your info, no, I'm still single (looks at Emmanuel) I'm just waiting for someone (she leaves )
Ezi: Wow! Man you saw that, I'm just waiting for someone looking at you, I think that girl has feelings for you
Emmanuel: What? stop talking nonsense, she doesn't like me
Ezi: you're the one who says it, you don't really know Women are in love
Emmanuel: I think you should leave, don't you have anything to do?
Ezi: Not really!
In a restaurant we see a girl sitting at the reception desk as a receptionist to confirm reservations a couple arrives:
Flora: hello, welcome, do you have a reservation?
The man: of course in the name of Arouna
Flora: please wait
The couple: Okay
Flora (checks the data on the machine): Uh.. sir, I don't see any reservations under this name
Woman: what! So you take us for liars
Flora: I didn't say that, you will have to wait for my superior to come and settle your case for now, freeing up room for others
Woman: What! are you chasing us? Plus she's arrogant (Scream) Listen to me if you don't let us in I'm gonna destroy this place and you, rude girl
Flora (ah I thought I was having a good day, it's already starting badly..): listen to Madam, this restaurant is not a music room for singing, go do your blackmail elsewhere
The woman (shocked): what! do you hear yourself talking?
Immediately Flora receives a slap from the woman She gets up clenching her fists, she was going to retaliate that immediately her superior arrives;
Superior: what's going on here?
The man: this restaurant was my favorite but now I think I have to change The woman (angry)
Superior: don't say that Mr. Arouna, I'll settle it with her I'll find you a place (calls a waiter)
Waiter: yes sir
Superior: take care of Mr. Arouna
Waiter: ok sir
Flora: what an idiot
Superior: Flora, can you tell me what's going on here? How dare you treat our customers like this?
Flora: I didn't say anything bad but she raised her hand on me, I assure you if it wasn't that I was working for you, I would have broken her two things that serve as her arms
Superior: Flora!
Flora: What! Tell your clients not to bother me anymore
Superior: go for a walk you'll be back in an hour Just to calm down
Flora: it's better, I wouldn't even like to see her dirty face again, otherwise she'll smell me (she leaves)
Superior: Oh! if it wasn't that she's beautiful, I was going to fire her... pff
In the street we see Flora walking around and stops in front of a shop contemplating a dress and suddenly she remembers:
Frank: Oh! Flora you are really very beautiful
Flora: ha-ha ha-ha thank you very much dad, I'm a princess
Franck: come into my arms, daddy's pretty princess, you know what, I'm going to buy you a dress and pretty pairs of shoes, what do you say?
Flora: yup, thank you dad
Hortense (come): I think you should stop spoiling her seriously
Flora: Oh! no mum not that, don't you know that I'm a princess?
Hortense: yes, but not too much
Flora (leans over her mother's belly): little sister, I hope you're fine in there, huh,
Hortense (laughs): how do you know it's a girl?
Flora: because I know it and I need a little sister
Four years later, Flora was already 8 years old and her little sister was 4 years old when their father
Franck decided to abandon Les:
Flora (crying): Dad don't go away
Hortense (holds her husband by the hand): darling please don't abandon us, if you goCome on, how am I going to manage with the children? (crying)
Frank: no! let me go, you don't interest me anymore, I love someone else
Hortense (crying): please my darling
Franck: I'm sorry I can stay I love someone else, Flora takes good care of your little sister (wanting to leave)
Flora: daddy please stay i need you
Franck: I can't my darling
Hortense: know that if you leave, you are dead in our eyes
He turns to look at them before disappearing
Immediately Hortense and her daughter burst into tears
#End flashback
Immediately Flora's face became angry
Flora: never again, I'm going to beg anyone or beg anyone's forgiveness (takes her phone) I'm going to make a name for myself, a status, I'll do anything to get money no matter what the price, she tries to contact Ezi who rejects his calls
Flora: But what's been happening to him lately? Why does he reject my calls! (look at the clock) oh no I must have to go back to the restaurant
At the University of Lomé
Patricia enters and sits down when she sees that the benches have been added to the room:
Patricia: But what's going on here? why these new bench
Audrey (runs up): Patricia: but what's happening to you, you're running, it looks like you're being chased by bandits
Audrey (out of breath): didn't you hear the news?
Patricia: What news? Audrey: don't you see any new benches in the room? Patricia: of course I see, so what…?
Audrey: The Minister of Education has decided to unite The students of medicine With the students of economics Isn't it great to take two courses
Patricia (surprised): huh! you're serious there
Audrey: more than I have ever been Medical students are the highest rated in Togo not only in terms of their weight but they are also children from a wealthy family
Patricia: Really! that's not what interests me, you have no idea how proud and arrogant they are Suddenly
a group of medical students enter the room everyone looks at them with a surprised look, he was not only pretentious but also handsome, among these establishments one to stand out was Abel, the most popular guy in the University, he was in a completely black look with your headphones... he had a Beanie on his head while sitting down two Guys were standing next to him which made him inaccessible
Audrey: Wow! it's Abel you know he's the best student in the University
Patricia: (looks at her) I know I remind you that I also study here
Audrey: you're not funny...oh my God (touches her cheeks) this guy is so handsome
Patricia: (shakes her head) really! She looks at Abel who looked like he wasn't there with his headphones on,
meanwhile Flora had finished her hours of work in the locker room, she had changed and was about to leave when sheI hear two of her colleagues speak badly of her:
_yes today this woman has put her in her place, she who acts as if she is better than the others, I can't stand her at all
_me neither and you know what's the funniest? I know that these parents have absolutely nothing, her mother is a sari seller and she who always dresses in expensive and modern clothes she leads the life of another person it's really funny
Flora take her bag and walks towards them… _(surprise gestures to the other)
Flora' (smile) : I once heard that when a woman speaks badly about another woman, she's jealous of her, isn't she?
Flora: stop talking about others and at least make an effort to be pretty because seeing you, you look like zombies (she leaves)
Colleagues (shocked): What!
Flora arrives on the street and sees Ezi getting into her car.
Flora: Ezi? (she stops a taxi and gets in) sir please follow this car She tries to call Ezi but he wasn't answering her calls
Flora: what game is he playing he knows very well that I don't like to be put aside in this way, hurry up sir don't miss it After a few minutes of driving, Ezi's car stops in front of a restaurant.
Flora: but what is he doing here, he is supposed to be at work today (look at the time) Hold on sir She from the Taxi to go back to the restaurant when someone stops her, it was
Emmanuel (bars her way): where are you going! don't you understand that he doesn't want you anymore?
Flora: who are... oh no you're the gentleman who spoiled my evening the other day
Emmanuel: of course it's me anyway he asked me to tell you that he doesn't want you anymore So I took you from him leave alone
Flora: it's up to him to tell me not you and then who are you to tell me that, if there's someone who should have decided to break up it's me not him,
she's trying to create herself again a road when Emmanuel bars it again
Emmanuel: you're deaf, aren't you, I told you to leave Him alone
Flora (furious) gives him a very nice slap that throws him out of sight
Emmanuel (holds his cheek): Eh! did she really slap me or am i dreaming From afar
Amina and Bénédicte observe the scene and were shocked by the slap that Emmanuel received;
Emmanuel: this girl is really crazy (turning to leave and sees her mother and her aunt arriving)
Emmanuel (thinks): oh my God not them
Amina: Emmanuel who is this shameless girl
Emmanuel: Uh! .. it's nobody .. by the way it's my girlfriend
Amina: What? You're serious there, listen to me very carefully I can't accept these kinds of girls in my family, let it be clear to you.
Emmanuel: but mom...
Amina: spare me this but.. I'm done talking (she leaves accompanied by Bénédicte)
Emmanuel (thinks and smiles with an idea behind thehead): that’s good…
To be continued