Hortense brings Emmanuel and Ezi into her house and serves them tea:
Emmanuel: the tea is really good aunt
Ezi: (fat eyes rolling)
Hortense: I'm glad you like it, but hey, we're really surprised that you're visiting us,
Emmanuel: Really? (Puts the glass on the table) Didn't Flora tell you about me? I guess I have to present myself properly I am Emmanuel kondo and ..
Hortense: I know you're her boyfriend, but she's...
Emmanuel: (hold hortense's hands I'm really serious with her, (sighs) my mother has already accepted it and the choice is up to you please allow me to take Flora as my wife '
Ezi (Think: he's having fun with a mother's emotions anyway I feel that this story is going to end really badly for you Emmanuel)
Patricia: mum but listen to him he really seems in love uh
Emmanuel right? Mom is a little skeptical we don't really know you and then how can we trust someone we don't know?
Emmanuel: so you're right... Why not get to know each other?
Patricia: what?
Ezi yes what?
Emmanuel: Aunt and if we go out for lunch it will give you the opportunity to know me and then I will be really happy to offer you lunch
Hortense: Uh...
Patricia: mom and if you said yes? You know sister well it's so hard to get details of her life and if we all went out? Hey mom says yes
Hortense: okay.. If you say it's better for us
Emmanuel: (smiles) let's go I saw a cool restaurant nearby
Ezi: (whispering) Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean.. I know Flora and she never introduced me to her family
Emmanuel: so what? I am not you! Come on, we're going to have fun at worst if she gets angry, what is she going to do? I am still his employer (To Patricia and hortense) let's go
Meanwhile, they were having tea while being silent Benedict: (cough)
Flora: I guess you have something to tell me otherwise why would you have made me come here?
Amina: I like your direct side, In short, I'm here to tell you that I finally accepted your union with my son
Flora: Really?
Amina: (smile) Of course, but I don't think you're too happy
Flora: sorry I'm not too expressive (smile, holds her chin) but there's something that really surprises me! How can you allow a girl like me to marry your perfect son? (small laugh) it seems that we all have our weaknesses and yours may be your son
Bénédicte: (surprised) Flora! Uh... Amina she's just trying to joke don't get mad
Amina: why should I get upset? (Takes her bag) I think I said it all They were going to leave Amina turns around,
Amina: one thing... Watch your manners because if you want to be part of myfamily I will not accept your behavior from street girls! If this continues even if it should break my son I kick you out of my house like a female dog I hope that's understood (She leaves)
Bénédicte: bye bye darling take care of yourself (follows her)
Flora: do they think I need to join their weird sect at all costs? Ah this woman if I didn't want this money I would have told her what I think of her and it won't be sweet words! (Takes his bag) Ah I need to relax Ah!
In a restaurant,
Emmanuel: (looked at Hortense)
Hortense: is there something on my face? Why do you keep looking at me
Emmanuel: I can't understand something, You two are so simple and so sweet, why does Flora have such a strong character?
Patricia: (laughs) at least you know she's not a barbie princess ha-ha ha
Ezi: ha ha ha
Hortense: stop making fun of her, she's a good girl
Emmanuel: (Think: we must not be talking about the same person)
Hortense: life was just a little hard with her, otherwise she's adorable
Patricia: mom are you sure? I've lived with her forever and never seen her being sweet to anyone
Emmanuel: (surprised) really!?
Patricia: But you are her boyfriend you have to know her how is she with you?
Emmanuel: we are here to talk about us, not about Flora... What do you do for a living?
Patricia: (smiles) I'm a student, I work really hard! Ezi: that's good
Emmanuel: yes you are also as pretty as your sister you must have gotten that from your mother
Patricia: (blushing) oh thank you
They were having fun, Later Emmanuel receives a call from Aimée:
Emmanuel: yeah Aimée what's going on?
Aimée: Emmanuel you should come to the hospital there was an accident on the main road and we have two children who are seriously injured hurry
Emmanuel: oh I'm coming right away (hang up) Uh Ezi can you drop them off I have to go to the hospital I have two patients
Patricia: Doc.....doctor? Mom isn't that a great job?
Emmanuel: I'm sorry aunt but I really have to go (he leaves)
Ezi: (smiles) I'll drop you off okay?
Hortense: oh Ezi you seem to be close to Emmanuel can I really get an honest answer from you?
Ezi: yes what do you want to know?
Hortense: is she a good person?
Ezi: (nods) he's a bit mischievous ha-ha ha trying to always get what he wants but that's the downside of only growing up with his dad who's a billionaire but other than that it's is a good guy! he really thinks of others and has a good heart
Hortense: (sighs) I'm relieved
Ezi: can we go?
Patricia: yes let's go mom
In the evening, Flora comes home and falls asleep on the sofa until Patricia arrives to wake her up:
Flora: (touches her head) what time is it?
Patricia: (looks at her watch) 7 p.m. you have been home sinces when?
Flora: for an hour now but where is mom?
Patricia: she's resting the outing with your boyfriend exhausted us hahaha even if it was super funny
Flora: going out? With my friend Patricia what are you talking to me about?
Patricia: your boyfriend didn't tell you anything? She explains everything to him and Flora was shocked,
Flora: what?
Hortense: (arrives) why do you look so surprised? I saw her she seems like a good person (take Flora's hands don't worry honey I support you completely I feel like he's the right person for you
Flora: he loses nothing by waiting (she leaves)
Patricia: Flora! But where is she going?
Hortense: Did I say something wrong?
At the kondo family Emmanuel and Ezi were drinking wine looking at the stars
Ezi: I wonder why Flora hasn't called you yet
Emmanuel: but why would she do that, you worry way too much
Ezi: I would just like to have the signal when to run away (touches her cheek) if my cheeks swell no girl will want me!
Emmanuel: and you have a new girlfriend?
Ezi: 'I've seen a super pretty girl but she's really boring
Emmanuel: (laughs)
Mical: (comes) sir, you have visitors
Ezi: why is my heart beating so hard?
Emmanuel: (sighs) let's go
They arrive at the living room and Flora was waiting for her,
Emanuel: Flora?
At the same time Bénédicte and Amina were going down the stairs
Bénédicte: what is she doing here?
Flora: (approaches him) do you think it's a game?
Emmanuel: Flora I know you told me to stay away from them but it was the best way for things to move quickly
Flora: (smiles) the best way? Did I ever tell you that I wanted things to move fast? Did you even take my opinion into account!
Ezi: Flora he...
Flora : shut up!
Ezi: ok I tried to help you man (back up)
Emmanuel: don't act like a little girl Flora you know it was effective plus she said yes
Flora: you (takes him by the collar) why did you have to give him false hope?
Everyone is shocked Bénédicte: what is she trying to do?
Amina: (blinks) I think I'm dreaming how a woman can behave like that?
Emmanuel: (notices his mother) listen leave my collar mom and aunt are there they will ask questions Flora please... Flora gives him a slap
Bénédicte and Ezi quickly run to separate them during this time
Amina was shocked Flora forced her to reach Emmanuel and kick him
Emmanuel: are you crazy? (out of breath, touches his face) but you almost hurt me!
Flora: really I should have just cut out your tongue!
Ezi: Flora calm down!
Bénédicte: darling it's normal for a couple to have arguments but don't be angry darling come sit down we'll discuss it
Emmanuel: What a madwoman!
Flora: relationship problem? Hahaha definitely! Listen to mewell it's over!
Emmanuel: (surprised) Huh?
Flora: it's over between us, don't come near me and my family, otherwise I'll do better than kick you
Emmanuel: (holds her hand back) Flora, you can't do this to me, our...
Flora: (pushes him away) stay away from me (she leaves)
Bénédicte: (shocked) Wow what a girl with character, Emmanuel, what the hell are you doing to her?
Emmanuel: (annoyed) Aaah!
Amina: (smile) you can see that she doesn't care about you
Emmanuel: (leaves)
Benedict: Emmanuel! Emmanuel!
Ezi: aunt leave the alone I will also go home good night aunt
Bénédicte: these young people of today seriously In the street, Flora was on her way home when Ezi's car stops in front of her.
Flora: my God but what do you want from me?
Ezi: Flora listen I know we're not on good terms you and me and I assure you that it suits me like that ha-ha ha but I don't like you being like this with Emmanuel and cutting our contract like that
Flora: I said everything leave me alone
Ezi: Flora he really needs your help
Flora: (smiles) I don't want my family to get involved in these rich kid crises! Let him find a girl who will do it, I'm not that girl...
Ezi: but i thought money was important to you
Flora: Money is important but it doesn't buy my mother's wishes or dreams stay away from me! (She goes)
Ezi: why is she picky? Ah Emmanuel I warned you
A week goes by, Flora was completely ignoring Emmanuel and Ezi...
During breakfast
Amina: I have news that will surprise you a lot my darling
Emmanuel: when you use this word to call me it's never a good sign
Marie: at least we agree!
Amina: Can't I be affectionate with my own son?
Emmanuel: (laughs) mum tell me what you want
Amina: The Blaise family want to see me for business
Emmanuel: and?
Amina: you seem to have forgotten that you went out with lidya... She would like to see you, it's been 2 years since you last saw each other
Emmanuel: and thank God...I don't want to see her again she's so sticky and weird
Amina: but you went out with her
Emmanuel : because you forced me mom I don't want to play that game
Amina: it's just for today and then you go back to your life before please!
Emmanuel: (pause)
Amina: on top of that you are single, right?
Emmanuel: I will come then
Amina: I'm happy thank you darling
Later at the restaurant,
Amina: you are now a great woman you manage your dad's business
Lidia: yes aunt he has aged and I have to take his place (looks at Emmanuel) it's been a long time how are you?
Emmanuel: so good!
Amina: Emmanuel!
Lidia: I dared to hope that you missed me even a little
Emmanuel: (smile) lidya!
Lydia: yes?
Emmanuel : don't dare because I didn't miss you ( lidya esyou surprised)
Amina: at this point it doesn't surprise me anymore
Emmanuel: I hope we'll never see each other again mom I'm going to the hospital
he gets up to leave lidya grabs him by the hand
Lidya: I'm sorry Emmanuel, I am aware that our relationship broke down entirely because of me
Emmanuel: (Think: was it my fault?)
Lidya: (sheds a tear) please let's start from scratch
Suddenly a hand grabs Emmanuel's, he turns around and is surprised,
Emmanuel: Flora?
Flora: (sighs, Thinks: what am I doing? Am I really going to help her?)
Lydia : who are you?
Flora passes Emmanuel behind her..
Flora: I don't want you near him He's my boyfriend
Amina was surprised,
Lidya: Emmanuel who is this girl?
Emmanuel: (surprised) her? Uh.. she..
Flora: (whispering) God forgive me! She turns to Emmanuel and kisses him on the mouth
everyone is shocked Amina is shocked and does not believe her eyes.. Emmanuel is surprised then Flora releases him
Flora: do you believe us now?
Emmanuel: (surprised)