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Chapter 6: Indirect Kiss

"Thank you for coming!" I said with a loud voice for the costumer to hear as they smiled back and greeted goodbye.

I looked down, breathing in and out, trying to warm myself with my palms on my arms. "It's so cold."

Sniffing, and unintentionally sneezed, as I groaned. I feel like going to be sick after having those costumers. Even though the coffee shop is a small area, but cozy, it still has a lot of costumers coming in day and night— maybe because of the good coffee the employees made. The one Jin oppa and I made.

I shook my head, purring. "I need to slow down the air conditioner."

I grabbed the remote, and made my way towards the air conditioner. I glanced at the number to see that it was set to 18 degrees celsius, and that's probably why it's so cold.

A sigh escaped my mouth, lifting the remote to adjust the temperature but my eyes widened to see that the number was slowly getting higher. I took a glimpse at my hands to see it wasn't pressing anything, and looked over the number written on the air conditioner to see that it was already adjusted to 24 degrees celsius.

Yup, I am hallucinating.

Goosebumps started to rise on my skin as I whimpered, trying to act like I wasn't creeped out after all. Months of working in this coffee shop, I've never experience horror events in this place until now. Or was I being crazy and seeing things right now?

I shook my head, decided to shrug it off as I approached the counter again, and putting down the remote control. I rubbed my temporal for relaxation, waiting for the next costumer to come.

"I'd like to order one coffee of Han Jihyo." A voice came in—not aware that a costumer entered, and looked up to see Jimin.

"Pastor Park?" My mouth went agape, and abruptly stood straight up as he smiled at me.

"Hola, Jihyo." he greeted sheepishly, side of the lips curving upward making me raised my eyebrows.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just like what I said, I'd like to order Han Jihyo." he said cheekily grinning making me snort.

"That's so cheeky, Pastor Park." I scoffed, unamused.

"I intended for you to smile." He pouted making me giggle. "Also, it's Jimin for you, not Pastor Park."

"Para mí?" I scoffed, furrowing my eyebrows before rolling my eyes.

"Yes, for you." He grinned, excitement could be heard in his voice. "We're amigos!"

"Since when did we become friends?" I teased, wiggling my eyebrows as he pouted in return.

He muttered—in a sexy and attractive accent, frowning. "Maleducada."

I rolled my eyes, hearing those words remembering that it meant 'rude'. Was I being too rude?

"Anyway," I bit my lips, gripping the cash register. "Seriously, what would you like to order?"

"I'd like any coffee you have that relaxes you." He said, pointing at the menu on the counter. "Oh This!"

He pointed at a certain order. "I'd like one Aroma Coffee."

I nodded, immediately punching his order, and giving him a number. He smiled, marching his way towards table five before settling himself down.

Grabbing the paper, I stamped it on the wall before grabbing the coffee bag and pouring the powder on the machine.

"What name would you like me to write?" I yelled, enough for him to hear.

"Just Jimin!" he yelled back making me nod, and he continued with his own world just by looking at the window.

Minutes passed after the coffee processed, I poured it on the mug slowly. I grabbed the marker, raising the cup and wrote 'Just Jimin'.

A giggle escaped my mouth, putting the mug on a tray before lifting the tray up, and moved towards Jimin.

"Here." Putting down the mug with a suppressed laugh.

He smiled and adjusted it on the table, saying a soft "Gracias."

I nodded, going back to my station and putting down the tray behind. I could hear a hissed coming from Jimin making me snort, and looked at him, sticking my tongue out.

"Come back here!" he growled making me freeze. He wasn't amused at all.

I mentally facepalmed myself. What am I doing? He is a costumer!

Gulping down my saliva, I approached him hesitantly, and biting my inside cheeks at the same time the more I get nearer to him.

"Y-Yes?" I choked out.

"You drink this instead." He huffed, standing up from his chair before walking passed by me. I turned around to stop him but was startled when he halted. "I ordered that for you."

"What?" I was taken back.

"You looked stress," He blurted out, looking down with his cheeks tainted with red blush. "That's why I ordered that for you. You need rest after having those bunch of costumers."

He added with a smile. "You are a human, not a robot."

With that said, he left the shop without me having the chance to reply back—literally left me speechless by his words as my heart palpitated rather fastly.

I took a glance at my watch to see it was already 4:15 pm and should have been time for Jin to overtake the coffee shop.

"Sorry!" A voice yelled from behind and looked to see Jin panting heavily. "Sorry, I'm late."

I smiled, going back to the counter. "It's fine. I got caught up with a costumer anyway."

Literally, Park Jimin.

"I'll clean all of this up in exchange for being late." I nodded and grinned, cheekily. "There must've been a lot of costumers today?"

"Been hectic." I pouted and shrugged, entering the storage room and grabbing my things.

I went out of the shop, putting down my apron on the counter as I watched Jin cleaning up.

"Is this your coffee?" Jin asked, lifting the mug. I nodded, about to grab it but he interrupted as he asked. "Want me to get a cover for it?"

"Sure thing." I said, grabbing the mug as he walked towards the counter to get the cover for the mug.

Actually, all the mugs are made of glass and have covers. It's quiet a unique cup—and maybe that's one of the reason why people in the neighbourhood tend to love this shop.

"Here." Jin said, putting the cover over the mug on my hand. He backed away, turning me around. "Now go."

"Alright!" I giggled, leaving the coffee shop. I waved goodbye at him as he waved back before turning around and walking down the road on my way to the house.

Smiles played on my lips, looking at the coffee mug with 'Just Jimin' written on it, from time to time. His words still lingers, giving me goosebumps and sparks in my entire body.

'You drink this instead.'

'I ordered it for you.'

'You're a human, not a robot.'

"Wait, he didn't pay?" I gasped, stopping my tracks as my eyes widened, realizing that he didn't even pay.

Blush creeps on my cheeks as I shook my head, pressing my lips into thin line. Everything seemed my mind is in illusions, thinking about Jimin, until a hand grabbed my wrist making me gasped.

The person dragged me towards the alleyway, looking at the male with a beanie on and shades. I tried to struggle from his grasp, trying to get away but it only tightens more as he pushed me against the cold solid wall—in a closed alleyway.

My breath hitched as my eyes landed at the shadow figure in front of me as the person put its hand on my mouth to shut me up. My eyes fixed at his face, eyes could barely be seen through those tainted shades, and mouth covered with a mask. I couldn't even figure out the color of his hair with that beanie covering all over his head. I couldn't even see a single flesh from his face except his hands as he was wearing a black turtle neck with a jacket on partnered with a tight pants and boots.

He leaned towards me, making my heart leap in fear. Him getting closer, hot air hitting the flesh of the skin on the side of my neck as he whispered in a seductive voice.

"I miss you, mi amor."

My knees feebled and went weak. I heavily breathed as he pulled away before feeling pressure on my mouth deeper.

He kissed me behind those palms.

And his voice is familiar.

Whimpering, my mind suddenly goes slowly black before hearing words from someone.

"Are you okay?!" The voice—the familiar voice.

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