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Chapter 5: My Love

"Wake up!" I grumbled, pressing my face on the pillow—hearing my aunt yelling at me early in the morning.

"Tía! Five more minutes!" I whined, groaning as I slide away from her hand on my body, and purr in pleasure as I felt myself back in my slumber.

A snort entered my ears before a yell followed. "You little—"

With that, I felt full pain on my shoulder with my Aunt continuously slapping me making me winced in pain and yelped at the same time.

"Tía—" I jumped on my bed, quickly throwing the pillow at her, directly on her face making me gasped, staring at her in frozen.

She looked at me in disbelief with wide eyes, nose flaring and teeth gritted in anger. "How dare you—"

"Tía!" I yelped, quickly darting myself on the way to the bathroom before locking the door to prevent any further bruises on my flesh.

"Jihyo!" My Aunt yelled behind the door, banging on it several times. "Come out there!"

"Tía!" I yelled back. "I love you! I promise to buy Jonathan some toys later!"

A moment of silence was going on before a crack of door was heard—meaning my Aunt already went away. I opened the door slowly, glancing side by side only to meet with a smack of a pillow on my face.

"Better be." She snickered making me glare at her with my body on the floor from the hard smack she gave me before she stormed out of the room.

"That Aunt!" I hissed before standing up, grabbing my clothes and making my way back go the bathroom.

What a good way to start a day.


Making my way to the coffee shop, shivers ran down to my spine as I tried not to mind the creepiness that I felt ever since I got out of the house. A sigh in relief left on my lips as soon as I entered the coffee shop, making my way towards the storage room as I settled down my things, anxiety filling up my entire body.

"Are you okay?" A voice came out of nowhere making me jump out of my feet. My lips quiver in fear, raising my hands in defend.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down!" A familiar voice exclaimed, making me relaxed a bit as soon as I looked over.

"Jin Oppa?" I inhaled sharply, putting down my arms and gripping down the table, letting my body fall limp.

"Are you okay?!" He asked, gripping my shoulders in support. I let out a shaky whimper before nodding, and standing on my feet.

"I am fine now." I managed to say before facing him. "You're done with your shift right?"

He nodded, hesitantly. "I am done. But are you sure you are okay?"

"I'm fine, really." I said with a nod and a reassuring smile before grabbing the apron. "Go now. I will take care of the shop."

He nodded again before grabbing his things, said goodbye and leaving right away.

"I will be fine." I told myself, inhaling deeply before going of the room, and started the day as usual.

Customers entered the room, and left right away with their orders.

Most of them were take outs making me have time to stumble my notification on my phone as a grin played on my lips when I saw the notification—excited at the thought of reading the full chapter one.

Novelistá de Pastor

CHAPTER ONE - A Dream Longing

"I'm Park Jaemin." Was what I said as I introduced myself with a genuine smile on my lips, gazing down at the beautiful woman in front of me.

The aura in her smile spreaded the entire room, not failing to make my heart race. Her eye contact made it even worse for my heart that got me excited.

My heart and body was shaking vulnerably at the thought of having my hands wrapped around those long beautiful neck with my other hand gripping her hair—gently and admiringly.

The woman in front of me was no doubt the same as the girls that I've been before. I cannot wait to have a taste of her.

She slowly reached out for my hand, waiting for me to receive it and never leaving her eyes on me as my heart continue to beat faster.

I lifted my arms, ready to take her soft hands in my hands that tainted with blood.

However, my smile soon disappeared— turned into a frown when her hands started to disappear into ashes, and realizing that it was just another dream of mine.

All of it was just a dream. A dream of longing.

It has been months since I've last seen her, and during those days had me weak for her. Even with just a one day meeting—she already had me on my knees.

Ever since the day that I met her, she never failed to keep running inside my mind and never had the intention to leave, and that moment of memory, she had me kept up—missing all the nights I was supposed to be with those women I had to kill.

She kept my mind busy for the time being, just by mentally invading my head all the tine.

Her existence was as if it made me stop from getting my hands covered with blood and should have her beautiful delicate hands in mine to hold. It was enough for me to forget the deed that I did.

I longed for her, I missed her for she had been in my mind all day and all night.

Seconds, Minutes, Days, Weeks, and months, I suffered without seeing her and trying to forget her face—I was wrong.

Days passed, more nights disappeared—the more I longed to be near her existence.

She took my soul away from my body. She definitely took it with her.

Whenever I tried to forget her, all that ever appear in my mind was a form of her face smiling at me, her eyes never leaving me and her lips full of temptation.

Have I gone crazy over her?

I wanted her more than anyone could imagine. I needed to see her because If I can't, I think I might lose my mind anytime soon.

Will she be able to remember me?

My hands gripped at the knife in my hands, glancing at the cat—blood pooling all over its body. A groan escaped my lips, gritting my teeth in anger.

I, all of a sudden, had the urge to kill someone but stopped myself as I promised that I wouldn't hurt anyone—for the sake of her.

I didn't hurt anyone, right? I just killed a cat.

A smirk found its way on my lips before putting back the knife inside my pocket as salty, bitter tears fell down on my cheeks.

I miss her so badly.

Unconsciously, my body walked around the area—not caring whether my hands are full with an animal's blood or not.

My heart ached. My heart was longing to see her.

My eyes landed at the beautiful sight I've been waiting for days now. Those days without seeing her that made me go partly insane.

She is as beautiful as I expected her to be.

Watching her in front of the coffee shop made me feel relieved in my entire system as she smiled at the costumers she was having—making and giving them their orders, respectively.

And that's maybe why I came to admire the beauty as she managed to steal my heart not even doing anything, but just exist.

As the last costumer went out, she immediately closed the door—flipping the 'open' sign into the 'close' sign before glancing from side to side.

She didn't even noticed me.

I watched her as she grabbed the bottles, cups, plates, and anything present on the table with her hands that might be rough from making those delicious coffee.

I missed those hands—Those hands seemed to have cleansed my soul the moment I touched them.

I, generally, missed her touches that sent electrifying shivers down to my spine.

Her every move was worth to see, with her curves aligning so perfectly with her body, and her posture being so perfect as she cleaned the entire shop.

With her being done, she quickly removed her apron before grabbing her necessary things from the storage room making me move on to my next spot.

Waiting for her, I tapped my foot on the ground with my hands on my pocket—feeling the knife along the way.

Doing these things has never been a thing for me. But if when it comes to her, I'd be willing to do so.

As she walked out of the shop in a hurry, I immediately followed her without any thought, and in any second, I grabbed her wrist with my hands before pulling her in the closed alleyway.

She gasped, eyes widened in shock as I placed my hand over her mouth with my heart beating rather oddly fast.

"I miss you, my love." a smile formed my lips before placing my lips gently on the back of my palm, imagining it were her lips.


"An indirect kiss? That's sweet." I muttered under my breath, squealing before shoving my phone back at my pocket when another costumer came in.

I can't wait to read the rest of the chapters.

I grinned, making my way towards the counter— punching the order of the costumer while my head wondered.

Mr. Chim, you never fail to amaze me.

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