The group encouraged me to enter Orientation alone. Well, Lester’s words were hardly encouraging, but was more of the line of getting it over with quick, like pulling a bandage off in one sudden rip. I was also informed that there was no way to avoid going to Orientation, as the first doorway I entered would take me there regardless of my wanting to attend or not, and eventually, everyone steps through at least one doorway. They also rambled, or more likely bickered definitions with Lester, about how many things could actually be construed as a doorway, so deliberately going through an obvious doorway was often less disconcerting than say a random arch created by two trees entwining branches. I was so confused by their ramblings that I didn’t even bother to explain that I had no clue, but rather just kind of nodded as if they were speaking intelligibly. Loxy assured me she’d wait by the fountain on the side of the building where I would have to exit.
“No, we won’t,” Lester said.
“Not forever, anyway,” the anime chick, Keera, amended.
“No matter what happens, things will be alright,” Loxy insisted. “I’m not sure why, but I think I am going to see you again.”
At their behest, I entered the building and proceeded down the hall of alumni. None of them were readily recognizable, their names written in an alien script. Halfway down the hall I paused, fairly certain the portrait in question resembled an author I was fond of. I decided it best to not mention his name, in case it wasn’t him, and or, in case he might be offended being known as a graduate of this particular academy. If it’s him, I dare say his books of magical lands where puns tend to have an affect over reality is probably the closest fiction that would come to match my overall college experience. But we’ll get to that much later.
I pushed though the double doors at the end of the hall as instructed by the group, as well as the sign that said Orientation in a script I could read. I was three steps in when I paused to ‘orientate,’ allowing my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. It was as if I had walked into a theatre with the movie already in progress. There was something odd, but I was still acclimating, or, more likely, I didn’t want to believe what my senses were telling me. I continued down the perceived path, slow enough I hoped my feet might find the stairs if there proved to be any. I noticed movement on my left and right, shadows bobbing. There was the murmur of indistinct conversations, sighs, and moans. I stopped.
“I smell sex and candy here…” came the snippet of a song. Then my nose was overwhelmed by the smell of spilt sperm and sweat and…
A female clutching a shirt to her chest ran by, screaming; it was a laughing, playful scream, not one of horror. She was followed by a man in a crow suit, the kind of suit you might see on the side of a road while spinning an arrow sign saying ‘do your taxes here.’
I turned to exit the way I came in. Not only were the doors gone, but the man in the bird suit was doing the girl doggy style against the wall where I had hoped to egress. Regress? Regret? Egret! Oh, fuck, my mind was becoming mush, and though I had no specific female ideation, I was becoming more and more horny. I turned back towards the stage, which I could better make out now that my eyes had acclimated, and headed promptly to the front row, which seemed thankfully and surprisingly devoid of folks. I did this all the while trying to ignore the occasional hand that reached out and grabbed my arm in an invitation to join the play. The subtle and not so subtle shadowy throws of humanoids and non-humanoids was making me seasick. I wasn’t disgusted, per say. Vertigo, yes. An increasing urgency to indulge, yes! But there was an equally urgent compulsion to fly.
I sat down in the front row and concentrated on the stage. A dull, aged curtain gently wafted to an unseen force, perhaps the culmination of heavy breathing from the audience. The row of chairs directly behind me squeaked rhythmically. Without a watch, the squeaking became my measure of time. I forced myself to breathe in, despite the heavy smell of sex, holding it for a count, releasing it, holding empty lungs for a count, and repeating.
“Hello! I’m Fersia. Want to play?”
If she was 18, she was that only by an hour or so. She appeared human, with extra ‘accouterments,’ like furry ears that stuck up from the top of her head. If she had human ears, they were well hidden in a cotton candy like topping of pink, curly hair. She had an active tail that moved as if real, loosed out the back of her skirt, thanks to a slit made just for it. The skirt itself was pink fur, and her bra was pink fur, and her belly bare and taught. She wore furry pink gloves with the fingers cut so her painted pink nails were exposed. She wore furry boots, and like her fingers, her toes were exposed, revealing pink toe nails. That line delineating thigh muscle drawing my eye up towards the furry pink miniskirt made me lose my count and I struggled for air.
“I’m here for the Orientation,” I said, when I had the breath. OMG, I was horny, and if she and I were in a room alone together, I would have already been finished with the first go round.
“And I am testing your Orientation,” Fersia said with a coy smile as she drew closer. She went to her knees and her furry, pink paws drew down over my chest and stomach, ending in my lap where she began to knead my thighs, working their way slowly back up.
A head popped over the seats from the row behind. “I told you he was gay.”
“Oh, no he’s not,” Fersia said, knowledge gained through kneading. She smiled shamelessly at me.
“Damn it,” the boy from the back seat said. He had antler stumps, not ears. “Any chance you’re bi? Can the three of us play together?”
“Um, no, thank you, I prefer females only,” I said quickly and clearly to avoid any confusion.
“Suit your rotten self,” the horned guy said, pouting as he withdrew back to his row.
Fersia crawled up into my lap, straddling me, and began licking my neck.
On the stage, a woman emerged from the curtains.
“Hello, students. If I might have your attention, please,” the woman said.
“I think we’re supposed to listen to this,” I told Fersia, breathlessly. Her tongue, like a real cat’s tongue, had backward facing barbs; cat grooming just went up on the erotic scale.
“Oh, baby,” Fersia purred in my ear. “Someone gives that same speech every two hours.” She giggled as she pawed my bald head and began to grind. The flat of her tongue broad swiped my lips and she hummed in delight.
“I am supposed to welcome you to Safe Haven University, but I feel it necessary to dispel some myths and misconceptions,” the woman on the staged continued, heedless of the orgy in play before her. Was she blinded by the stage light that had come on when she stepped out? She was professionally dressed, librarian style. Conservative, but sexy. Her long, dark hair, was in a bun. She wore 1960’s style glasses. Her dress fell to just below her knee. Stylish shoes with half heels, but the most interesting piece was her amulet, half bronze and half crystal, over top her vest. Over all, she also seemed a little off color, as if she were a host of a vintage Disney commercial, or a TV host.
“You are not the chosen ones,” the speaker emphasized. “There is absolutely nothing innately special about any of you.”
Three males rushed the stage and I felt fear for what might happen to the speaker, and I leaned forwards as if to get up, and Fersia moaned ridiculously loud, as if I was leaning into her for her sake. My concern for the librarian was misplaced. An invisible barricade blocked the three males from harassing the speaker. Two gave up and went and amused themselves together in the corner, while the other dropped his pants there, exposing himself and beating it while aiming it at the speaker.
I looked away and found myself staring into Fersia’s eyes, her hands on my shoulder. She licked my nose.
“You okay, baby?” Fersia asked.
“I’m distracted,” I said.
“Oh!” Fersia giggled. Her paws fell to my belt and began unfastening it. “Me, too!”
“This is not Narnia, or Hogwartz, your father’s school, your grandfather’s school, or like any other place you think you may have heard of in a once upon a time. You’re not here because we need you. Forget the Matrix and Neo. You’re here because we have graciously embraced you, flaws and all. You are here because you are mediocre in every aspect of your lives. You’re boringly redundant, unnecessary, borderline ridiculously obsolete and useless, and you lack the discipline and knowledge to even recognize just how pitiful your state actually is.”
“Damn!” That was harsh.
“Oh, yeah, baby!” Fersia said, thinking she was in agreement with me.
“Are you hearing this?” I asked her.
“Don’t listen to her,” Fersia said, slipping off my lap and going back to her knees. She unbuttoned my pants, and before the zipper was halfway down, I was out and exposed. “It’s all lies. Depressing as hell. You’re special, baby. I am special. Look at me! We, together, are uniquely special. Oh my! It’s so hard!”
“The founding Mother of our University believes it is possible, given sufficient time and energy, for you to rise above your ordinariness! She believes you are all stars in the making…”
The ensuring tongue action was pleasantly erotic and unexpectedly abrasive at the same time and I had to stop her, putting my hand to her chin and drawing her up.
“What’s wrong?”
“Want me back on top?” Fersia asked enthusiastically. “Or would you rather do me from behind?” She turned and rubbed her butt in my lap, her tail brushing my face before entwining around my neck. “Oh my God, I want you,” she said, mirroring my own thoughts. She faced me and crawled back on my lap. I was so hard and she so wet, it didn’t take any effort or hand holding to guide it in… We became one.
“So, if you’re ready to rise to the occasion,” the speaker pressed on. “To step out of yourself and serve a greater cause, you will find the exit here to my left…” A door appeared against the wall where she gestured.
I stood up, dropping Fersia ungracefully to the floor, her hands catching so that she didn’t go all the way down. I carefully tucked in and zipped my pants back up and was securing my belt even as I headed for the door.
“Huh?!” Fersia asked.
“It was really nice meeting you, Fersia,” I yelled over my shoulder. “But I got to go.”
“Really?!” she asked, astonished.
I pushed through the door and out into daylight not looking back to see if the door would disappear. I gasped fresh air as if I had been underwater.
“Well, I am not waiting any longer!” Lester was saying.
“O M G,” Loxy said the letters, clapping her hands and bouncing on her toes. “I knew you would make it!” She ran to embrace me as if I had done something incredibly amazing, or as if I were a long lost friend, and since I wasn’t a long lost friend, I had to reconsider the first, but the truth was, I had only gotten out because I had been overwhelmed with fear, something primal, like perhaps my early programming of damnation and hellfire if you indulge in fornicating which was triggered by being in the proximity of an actual orgy and the personal disgust of the males jerking off in front of the stage. Had it just been me and Fersia, I would have never left, which was just an honest appraisal.
“He must suffer from erectile dysfunction!” Lester said.
Loxy hands verified her certainty, and she flashed a smile at Lester. “Nope,” she said. She turned her eyes back to mine. “I want you to come with us.”
Alish echoed the sentiment, followed by Keera. I shoved myself back in and carefully zipped.
“We don’t even know his bloody name!” Lester pointed out.
Loxy looked to me. “Jon Harister,” I supplied.
“Loxy Bliss. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Loxy said.
“What’s in a name? You could be inviting an axe murdered into our homes!” Lester said.
“Are you an axe murderer?” Loxy asked.
“I am not,” I answered.
Loxy looked to Lester. “Really?” Lester asked. “Isn’t that exactly what an axe murdered would say?”
“He’s not an axe murder,” Loxy said. “And I believe him.”
“And, you’ve been out voted, three to one,” Keera said.
“Umph,” Lester said, pouting as he started the