“My name's Sunni, Yang Sunni. And you?" Sunni said trying to escape from the handshake.
The Young Man was still holding her hand firmly in a handshake.
When she finally escaped from the handshake, she smiled asking again as he paused without giving any answers.
He had his eyes one her. Those eyes that were both alluring and murderous, but ignorant Sunni didn't care less.
"Don't you have a name?" She asked again as he slowly nodded.
She was confused for a while. How could he not have a name? where could he be from? what situation could he be in?
All these questions rang in her head but she didn't care much to answer any of them. She simply sighed looking around.
"So you don't have a name?" She confirmed as he nodded cluelessly again." Which means I'll have to give you a name. Right?"
He went mute still staring at her but she continued.
"In that case....what name should I give you?" She thought for a while rubbing a hand on her jaw.
"What name.....what do you think of Mark?"
He shocked his head.
He shocked his heads once again.
He shocked his head once again.
"San?" She asked but he shocked his head again. She was running out of options.
"So what do you wanna be named?"
He hesitated looking down at the barge she had put on her chest side. The named written.
*Detective Yang Sunni*
He then slowly said" Sunni...."
She blinked shocked at his reply "What??"
He then looked up at her as he replied
" Sunni"
"No ... impossible....you can't have that name" She protested
"It's....just .... that's my name .... and u can't share it. Besides it's odd you having that name. Not for guys" She stated
He was mute for a while" So pick another"
"No. I want this one" He insisted.
She slightly slapped her face in frustration. what was wrong with this guy, was he perhaps retarded .
Brushing the thought off she looked at him "Whatever. but I'll call you the name I want from now. So... from now your name will be..... Lucas"
He stared plainly at her without any words.
"Don't try refusing. that will be your name. So I guess that's it for today. Bye...head home now and by tomorrow, we'll meet up for our mission planning. Give me your number so I can call you and tell you the Venue or perhaps do you use Wechat?"
He stared at her like she was speaking a foreign language. He didn't quite get what she was requesting for.
"What? you don't have a phone number or what?" She inquired.
He slowly shocked his head " I don't know what those are" He replied.
She almost fainted from his reply. was he kidding her? how can be not have a phone ? For a grown man like him it was typically impossible!
She sighed thinking of what to do. She wasn't in the mood to question him. So she looked around thinking of a solution.
"Okey. Meet me here tomorrow by Ten, Okey? bye!" She said as she turned walking off.
He stood there watching her walk away.
"Lu....cas" He repeated.
Sunni happily walked down the street at least excited about her new intern. Hopefully her efforts were not put to waste. She at least got one from her long waiting.
Now, feeling her grumbling stomach, she was gonna celebrate with a nice and decent meal.
But looking at her purse, she didn't have enough money. After thinking of a solution for a while. She decided to call Hana and ask her for money. she then did so.
After few rings, Hana picked up.
"What?" Hana asked.
Sunni smiled before going obvious. The smile was obviously observed from the other side of the line.
"Well.... actually....the thing is that....I'm hungry....so..."
"You need money for foods?" Hana asked already certain about the reason Sunni was calling for.
"Yes....yes" Sunni replied.
"okey Okey. I'll send it to you, don't bother me, I'm in the middle of our first blind date out" Hana snapped.
"Okey.. Sure and good luck on your love life" Sunni teased.
"Whatever, at least it's better than your no love life" Hana responded as she cut the line.
Sunni simply smiled. She didn't care much about her love life but excitedly enough she was gonna receive the money soon, she entered and sat to have a decent meal.
Picking up the menu she let her eyes surf it thinking of the perfect meal to celebrate with.
Just as she looked for a meal to have, the restaurant's door opened and Lucas walked in.
He stood before the entrance door looking around as if he was looking for someone.
Sunni on the Other hand was happily looking for a meal when she looked up to see Lucas.
Startled, her hands unconsciously let the menu fall. Her eyes widened and her mouth almost dropping open.
What is he doing here?? Was the question that triggered her thinking at the moment.
Immediately she picked up the menu and covered her face praying that he doesn't see her.
"Miss what do you want?" The waiter standing besides her requested. But she struggled hard to hide hoping the waiter would just puff away.
But she was quite unfortunate as his eyes fell on her the moment he saw the waiter talking.
With a plain expression he walked up to her and without asking sat opposite her.
She knew she was caught as she slowly brought down the menu from her face, looking at him.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"I'm hungry" He replied plainly.
The response provoked her. How could he meet her if she was hungry? was she his mum or what??
She glared at him really wanting to snap at him, but at the same time the thought of him being her only partner struck her mind.
Perhaps if she was rude to him, he would leave her and then there would be no hope of getting another partner. Although it was a hard decision to make, she had to think twice.
With a fixed smile, she asked "Eh...Mr partner... why do you come to me for a meal? "
He didn't reply to the question but rather kept staring at her. Besides, he didn't have any answer to that.
"Miss...are you ordering or not?" The waiter demanded.
Sunni felt defeated by him as she blinked holding on to her smile. She looked up at the waiter.
"Oh...I'll order....or we'll order" She guessed courtesy demands she treats her new partner to a meal. And perhaps that's what this man was pointing at.
With no choice left, she handed the menu to him. "Here....pick a meal"
Lucas accepted the menu staring at it. He didn't quite get what this was all about as he looked up at Sunni. "What's this about?"
"Point what you wanna eat" She replied with a smile but was burning with fury within.
He then stared at the menu for another moment before he began pointing at meals that fascinated him.
"I want....this....this....this......eh.....this, this, this....this....this....well.....this....and... this...."
"Enough...." Sunni chipped in snatching the menu from him. "That'll be enough...or more than enough"
Lucas still had the plain expression on as he looked at Sunni "And you? what are you gonna have?"
"Nothing.... actually...I'm not that hungry" She stated with a fake smile as she looked at the waiter.
"That'll be enough"
"Okey... we'll get that" The waiter walked away.
Sunni casted a glare at Lucas who was looking around in admiration of the place. she was angry but what could she do?
She simply opened her phone and texted Hana on wechat.
~Please, help me out!~
A while later, she replied.
~What now?~
Sunni wrote.
~Long story but summary please send me Some more money.... please~
~But didn't I just send some??~
~Its an emergency! please send me... please....I love you!~
~You! what trouble do you have now? Okey....I will ~
~Thanks. And good luck on your date~
Sunni smiled. It was good to have such a handy friend in case of emergencies. But worse to have an intern like this!
Briefly the meals were served and immediately, Lucas dug in.
She watched him eat as if he had not eaten for ages. And he really enjoyed it. But she didn't seem fascinated, she was infuriated. This was money going!
"Have some of mine if you wanna" He offered but she turned the offer down.
"No no no.... It's okey .. enjoy first" She insisted as he continued.
Sunni was hopeful that he might leave some for her but he ate it all up!
When he was done he looked at her. " I'm done"
She had to put up with another smile. "Really, then that's good"
She then waved at the waiter who approached them.
"I'd like to make the payment" She said as she got out her phone and scanned with the waiter's. The payment was briefly made as the waiter left.
Sunni was hungry but there was no money left to eat a decent meal. Perhaps she would have to grab some junk food on her way home or some snacks.
"Okey. since you've had your fill, I'll be taking my leave first" She got up "Bye...And this time I mean it!"
She quickly got up. This was indeed torture for her! He had literally stolen from her but yet again, what could she do??
In a hurry, she dashed out of the restaurant as he watched her leave. He still had the plain expression on his face indicating no emotions.
Then he stared at the empty plates on the table.Then he felt his stomach "That was good"
The night was calm and beautiful. It had a nice scenario worth of a night stroll with the half moon and stars exquisitely hanging up the sky in a rather fascinating manner.
Sunni had gotten home on that night after strolling the night and managing the junk food she had bought along with the snacks she took home.
Although they didn't satisfy her much, she had to bear it and look for a way later.
She took a long refreshing bath and then got ready to go to bed.
In a pink pyjamas, she curled into bed covering herself up with the blanket. As she closed her eyes hoping to fall asleep sooner or later and then waking up into a much better day the next day, hopefully.
But as she turned off the light next to her bed, she heard a knock on the door.
Startled, Sunni flipped opened her eyes. She went mute looking into the dark ceiling as the knock came again, and again.
She was now frightened as fear gripped her little self.
At that same moment, many thoughts ran through her little head, unpleasant and creepy thoughts!
What could that be? who would be knocking at her door at night? could it be a visitor here for Hana? a passerby? or maybe ....a ghost?! But how did the person get pass the sitting room and to the bedroom?
She didn't want to believe it was a ghost. She never did really believe in such myths of ghost or such thing but at moments like this, she was left imagining any possible thing And a ghost was no exception!
Gripping the bedcover tightly she buried her face into it. Perhaps it was her imagination, she tried fooling herself but the knock came again, twice and yet again, filing the dark room with an awkward silence and haywire imagination. Now she could have sworn she saw someone fly pass her!
Now she began reciting all the prayers she had learnt from early Sunday school. This was the time for those, right??
Her heart began skipping beats as the knock came continuously.
But hiding here in bed wouldn't make the knocking stop, right? The only thing left to do now was.... taking a look.
Sunni was against such suggestions but she reminded herself of the fact that she wanted to be a detective and this was something she had to cultivate. Fear was no option and she had to be brave to be a brave detective.
With l these in mind, she slowly got off bed, turning on the light and slowly tip toed towards the door. The knock came once again.
Sunni's heart was beating and skipping beats, this reminded her of one of those scenes in a horror movie and it was obvious that in those scenes, nothing good follows.
She forced herself to snap out of the thought as she slowly arrived at the door. Looking around, she searched for a weapon of defence and hopefully found a mop stick.
"Good enough" She told herself as she slowly reached out her hand for the door knob. But first, she took the initiative to ask.
"Who's that?"
After few seconds of waiting, came no reply which intensified the scenario making sunni's heart almost sinking into her stomach.
The knock came again as she swallowed. Summoning courage, she gripped the door knob and without a second thought quickly pulled it open.....