He was a bit too bold to repeat it again! " I have no home. So I want to stay here with you. Can I...?"
"No!" Sunni snapped even before he ended the words harmoniously. "You certainly can't stay here at my place!"
Sunni didn't know what she was feeling right now. Shock? panic? Whatever! The feeling was awkward.
What was this guy saying? was he really too dumb that he didn't know the implication of what he was spouting out?.
"Why?" He asked.
"You....are you trying to tease me or what? How can you say that?'
"Well I just wanted to stay here...."
"No you can't" She chipped in again "Don't you know it's inappropriate for a boy and a girl to stay together in one room? No, I refuse"
"But why is it inappropriate?" He asked
She was gonna go insane from his ignorant questions. Who on earth asks such questions??
"it's just inappropriate.. only couples and married ones can do that" Sunni tried to explain to him. She presumed that he was indeed retarded and ignorant perhaps due to a mental issue. On the one hand it was pitiful and on the other annoying!
"Then let's be a couple or get married so I can stay here"
Sunni was shattered by his last statement. What was that about?? What is wrong with this guy? How could he offer such a thing and did he even know the meaning of marriage.
But on another side, here was a totally handsome man offering the Poor- in - Love Sunni marriage. It would be a pity to refuse. But look on another side, he was sick!
"Do you even know the meaning of marriage? How can you say that?. Forget it...you can't stay. I guess I'll have to find you another place to stay tonight faraway from....."
Before Sunni could complete her statement he walked pass her and then settled down on her bed. He looked at her.
"So it's settled. I'm staying here .. right?"
She blinked looking a this guy. was he mean, it ignorant, sick or just doing this intentionally??
She didn't know what to do now.
She wasn't sure of how to persuade this guy. Besides, he was kind of a psycho after all. she didn't even study psychiatric or know how to handle such people. But she had put herself in such situation. Now she had to handle it.
"Okay. You can stay" She agreed reluctantly, walking up to him. "But only for tonight. By tomorrow, I'll find you a new house" She stated.
He gave no reply but had his eyes on his. It was kind of making her feel awkward as she looked away" So. If you have to stay in my place, there are certain rules you got to follow"
She watched him again. His eyes was still on her as if he was paying much attention.
"Rules like. Don't sleep on my bed ... because it belongs to me"
"But where do I stay?" He asked as she pointed to the floor.
"You sleep on the floor" She said.
"But I've always wanted to sleep here" He pointed out.
"Who cares. This is my room so I make the decisions. And besides I'm your boss and master so you have to acknowledge me and call me that. So quite arguing with your boss and get down" She ordered as he got up from there.
Sunni dropped a bed sheet on the floor for him and a pillow as she got into her bed. "Now go to bed" She said covering herself up with the blanket.
He stood there and watched her close her eyes to fall asleep. He again looked at the bed sheet on the floor and the pillow.
He stood there too long enough. Long enough for Sunni to fall asleep.
He looked at her watching her sleep soundly.
Then he took few steps towards her and stared at her. He could sense mosquitoes flying around her and he then felt the need to protect her.
Lucas spent another hour killing the mosquitoes with his power. He would wave a finger around her to cast away the mosquitoes who faded away into blue dust.
Then when there were no sign of any remaining, he looked at her.
The aura of his instrument in her was strong and dominating. He could sense it and it strengthened him more.
He slowly walked up to her and leaning closely raised a hand above her chest.
Blue light from her chest reflected on his path as he felt much stronger. It was strengthening him more as he sapped some energy from his instrument.
Then inside Sunni's heart was a blue crystal which was suddenly glowing unconditionally.
It was unusual. it had now come it contact with his owner and things would never be the same. Because it beared now a strong reaction that had equally positive and negative effects.
Sunni on the other hand suddenly twisted and frowned her face. Something was happening to her.....she was having a nightmare....or something worse than it as she panted slowly and uneasily.....
It was a dream but to Sunni she couldn't quite tell because it all felt real.
It was night, and she found herself in a street pathway.
The night sky was abnormal. It was radish and quite creepy like the sky was bloody.
And adding to that creepy scenery was the dead people littered on the floor.
She walked pass them as she observed in fear. They were killed, perhaps slaughtered because blood was literally everywhere on the floor and around them. Some had lost their hands some legs if not both and some even head. It was a disgusting and scary scene to be at.
Sunni herself was creeped out. She couldn't quite tell what was going on because this seemed too real to be a dream! Was she perhaps in a horror world?!
With fear she Closed eyes walking pass these with her eyes closed and hoping to escape but then she heard cries and mourning. She flipped open her eyes in fright looking around but saw no one.
But only the dead, bloody slaughtered bodies were still around, almost everywhere!
Lucas saw the fear in her face as he quickly saw the need to comfort her.
He slowly got into the bed besides her and immediately she grabbed him. Her hands were around him in a cuddly hug with her head on his chest. He held him tightly in fear.
Lucas was shocked by the action. He didn't know what to make of this. He could feel his heart racing but he didn't know why. what was this feeling all about.
Slowly he took got his hand gently wrapped around her head as he cuddled her gently Like his kid.
Sunni'sheart raced as she quickly ran off. The voices of cries were approaching her and yelling out to her. She could hear what was said.
"Please save us! make him leave! Save us!"
She didn't get what they said and didn't care to get it. she only wanted to run for her dear life!
Just then as she ran amongst the unending corpses, she suddenly came to an abrupt stop. A short wall had appeared before her .. a dead end.
With panic, she looked around and on looking up saw a man standing on the wall..His back against her.
He was totally in black and with the little detail she saw, his hand was covered with blood. Maybe he was the killer!
With fright she tried moving back but also the man slowly turned to face her.
Turned halfway, Sunni could only see a side portrait of his face and all she could discover from it was that his eyes were glowing blue!
With a heavy pant, Sunni quickly jerked up from bed. Her heart was racing as she looked around In fear.
It was only a dream. But she couldn't tell why she had it. she had never had such terrible dream before.
Intending to forget about the nightmare. She slowly got out of bed looking around but didn't see Lucas.
He briefly wondered where he could be but without much consideration he left to take a bath. "It'd be great if he Left" She told herself.
She headed to the bathroom and then pulled the door open. Then with a heavy and sleepy eyes, she looked up only to see what her innocent eyes shouldn't have seen.