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"So, you guys wanna go? It could be fun... Plus, what are you gonna do for 3 whole days?" Josh said as he speared a fry from my plate.

We were eating dinner at a famous burger joint. Wes and the witch (the evil blonde) were there too. Daisy was devouring her chicken burger. She raised up her left hand.

"I'm in!" She said. Josh smiled widely.

"Good call! What about you guys? Wes? Addy?" Josh asked as he looked pointedly at me. I was never keen on camping or hiking. When I was 10, I got lost in the local forest near my neighbourhood while on a girl scout camping trip. I had to stay in the woods alone for the whole night. A strange man even followed me around, asking for my name. I ran away and hid near a huge tree. I cried the whole night and was found the next day, lying on the ground under a tree by a lake. It was the most frightening experience of my life. Since then, I could never bring myself to spend the night out in the woods.

"Um, I don't know..." I said hesitantly, fiddling with my hands. I never told anybody what happened to me. It was pretty embarrassing.

"Aww, come on. Are you scared? Hey, I'll protect you. You have nothing to worry about." Josh said. Wes just glanced at us disinterestedly. I looked worriedly at Daisy, who furrowed her brows quizically.

"Are you sure you're up for hiking? I mean, you need to be fit to do that. And you got a lot weight to carry up a hill." Trisha said spitefully and twittered. I glared at her. Daisy frowned and glared at her. Josh ignored her. Wes looked like he didn't hear her.

"Err, I'll ask my grandma. If she's okay with it, I'll come with." I said as casually as I could as Trisha scoffed.

"Great. Wes? You coming, alright? Okay, we'll take my mum's SUV. We meet in front of my house at 8 am on Saturday, ok?" Josh said with finality.

"So, where are we going? I hope there's a proper bathroom. I am not about to squat willy nilly on some dirt." Trisha, the evil blonde complained.

"It's gonna be pretty rough, so I doubt there's indoor plumbing. You might have to do your business in some bushes and clean yourself after in a stream or something." Wes said casually, his face relaxed and devoid of expressions. Josh frowned and turned to Wes. I had a feeling Wes was lying. Wait, I had a feeling he didn't want Trisha to come with us. Suddenly, Wes shot Josh a look. Josh caught on pretty quick.

"Yeah, Wes' right. It's pretty wild over there. Are you sure you're up for it?" Josh said, sounding as concerned as he could.

"Oh my god! Really? Urgh, then I guess I'll pass. Will you be okay without me for a while, baby?" Trisha said in a barf-inducing baby voice. I rolled my eyes as did Daisy. We both glared at Trisha.

"I'm sure I'll be fine." Wes said, sounding bored. Josh looked away, rolling his eyes behind her.

When we stopped in front of my house after dropping off Trisha, Josh put his head out of the window.

'Hey Addy. Make sure you come on Saturday, alright? I know for a fact Edith would never say no to me." Josh said as he wriggled his eyebrows. Okay, the guy's very cute and charming. Who can say no to that face..?

"Yeah, yeah ok. Goodnight!" I said, uncertain about smiling at Wes who was glancing at me but looked away bored. I'm really tired of his bored, zero expression face..really. He thinks he's the only one bored. I'm getting tired of looking at that face that's begging to be smacked. Suddenly feeling defiant and fed up, I looked squarely at Wes.

" Good night, Wes! See you tomorrow!" And I bounded from there, not even caring if Wes acknowledged me.


On Saturday, I fidgeted with my bagpack and kicked my sleeping bag lightly with my foot. I was so dreading this. Grandma practically shoved me out the door since she would not be at home. She's going to Atlantic City with the bingo girls. And she had been worried about leaving me alone at home.

About 5 minutes later, Josh drove up with his SUV to my grandma's driveway. Josh waved from inside the vehicle. I walked up to him as he got out and carried my stuff to the back of the vehicle. I got to back seat and saw Wes was sitting in front with his eyes closed and his head leaning back to the headrest. Thinking he was asleep, I ignored him.

We went to Daisy's house and picked her up. She looked so excited and kept bouncing around beside me, pissing me off with her endless perkiness. This was the only time I felt like strangling her with the strap of my bagpack.

The whole journey I stuffed my ears with my earpods and closed my eyes, not really listening to Daisy and Josh talking and joking around. I was trying to calm myself. I was worried I would just freak out suddenly when it gets dark or something. I don't know what would happen as I never went camping ever after the incident. My mom won't let me and I never wanted to anyway. I just hope nothing happens.

We arrived at a camping area. It was not very crowded. I guess most people are smart enough not to spend a long weekend getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. I dragged myself out of the SUV, lugging my stuff with me. Suddenly Josh took my sleeping bag from me and put his arm around my shoulders. I kinda froze and stuff went crazy in my stomach. I gulped as I let Josh pull me towards our campsite.

"What's up, babe? You seem weird. You ok?" Josh asked and helped me to get my bagpack off my back.

"Nah, I'm ok. Just sleepy, I guess." I said, not really ready to tell Josh about my fear.

We set everything up. Daisy pitched our tent and kinda took charge, which I was grateful for. Daisy kinda guessed that I wasn't comfortable. But she didn't pry. She just made sure she was at hand to help me.

After lunch, which we ate sandwiches that Josh packed, Josh announced that we would go hiking. I groaned inwardly. Walking uphill sucks major balls...

As I walked, hoisting my bagpack,

I heard feet dragging behind me. Wes was behind me, also dragging his feet. He hadn't said a word and just then his cold eyes fell on me. I gulped and turned away. He didn't say anything but just walked behind me.

Josh and Daisy were really enjoying the hike. They were so enjoying themselves that they didn't notice Wes and me were left further and further behind. Pretty soon, the pair was nowhere to be seen. I sighed and then Wes cursed under his breath. I looked over my shoulder at him. He looked bothered.

"What is up with you?!"I asked when he clearly looked uncomfortable. I saw beads of sweat on his forehead and I was a little worried.

"Hey, Wes, you ok?" I asked, moving closer to him. He winced and looked around him. I looked around as well. There was nobody around. What was he looking for, I wondered.

"Damnit!" Wes groaned and ran! What the hell?! I dashed after him. Wes ran really fast. It was really tiring keeping up with him.

"Wes! Wait up!" I called as I ran after him.

"Stop following me!" Wes cried as he stopped running and faced me.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, worried. Wes winced and put a hand on his tummy. Suddenly, I understood. I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing.

"Err, do you need to use the bathroom, Wes?" I asked innocently. Wes stared at me, his face red with shame, annoyance and urgency. But then he closed his eyes, as if admitting defeat.

"Yeah..you know where that is?" Wes asked, surprisingly polite, given to the fact that he was speaking through clenched teeth. I looked around. I had no idea. I mean, I've never been here before.

"Sorry dude. This is the first time I'm here." I said apologetically. Wes closed his eyes, disappointed. He then walked away from me, going to find the bathroom, I presume. I waited for him. And waited. And waited.

Just then, I looked at the time. It was almost 6 pm! Shoot! I looked around and there was no sign of anybody. I frowned. Didn't Josh and Daisy have to pass here to go back to the campsite? Or was there another road? Aw, crap.

"Wes, where are you? Damnit Wes, where the hell are you, you moron!?" I was getting impatient...and scared. Very, very scared. I rushed towards the direction that Wes went before. There was no sign of him. Fear gripped my heart. He better not ditch me or help me God, I would rip his head off. Visibly worried now, I walked frantically, calling Wes' name. Just then, I stopped short. I could hear a faint shout. That person was shouting my name. That could be Wes. Oh, God! Did something happen to him?! I ran towards the shout, calling Wes as I did so. The shout became nearer and nearer until I came to a ravine. I almost fell in, but I caught myself just in time. Feeling panicky, I called Wes' name.

"Wes! Wesley! Where are you?!" I calked as loudly as I could.

"Addy! Over here!" I could hear Wes! I ran to the voice and looked around frantically. Oh God, let him be okay. He may be an insensitive arrogant asshole, but he's too young to die! I prayed fervently.

"Wes! Where are you?!" I called again.

"Over here!" Wes' voice was much, much closer now. With renewed hope, I called frantically.

"Where?!" I called.

"Down here!" Wes called desperately.

"Down where, god damnit!" I called exasperatedly.

"Down here, moron! Look at your feet!" Wes said angrily.

I looked down, and sure enough, I saw a face looking up from the ravine. It was pretty deep. I scrambled towards Wes and reached down to him and he reached his hands up to me. But we were too far. Groaning, I leaned forward, further and finally grasped Wes' hands in mine. Suddenly, a thought came to me and I dropped Wes' hand from mine. Wes fell back into the ravine and landed on his butt.

" Damnit, Addy!What the hell is wrong with you!" Wes cried out in surprise an anger. I looked sheepishly at them.

"Erm, did you wash your hands after you took a dump?" I asked innocently.

I saw Wes stated at me in disbelief. His face was red, I guess from trying to control his temper.

"I used a hand sanitizer! Happy?!" Wes said and glared at me. I smiled guiltily and started to reach out for Wes' hands. Using all my strength, I pulled Wes as hard as I could.

I pulled hard as Wes tried to push himself up. He suddenly cried out in pain. It shocked me.

"What, what's wrong?!" I asked worriedly.

" My leg..I think it's sprained." Wes said, grimacing in pain. Oh, crap. I quickly reached down.

" Come on, give me your hands. I'll pull you up!" I said and Wes reached up for my hands. I pulled him as hard asI could . Suddenly, something slinky slithered on my arm. Shit, is that a snake?! I screamed and stopped pulling Wes up. I felt a hard tug and I tumbled down the ravine. I could hear Wes cried out, too. Oh mother of all crap! What the hell just happened?!

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