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Josh kept calling me to join them, but I was too shy. I know, I'm pathetic. I don't know what's my problem. Nobody's judging me and it's obvious I want to have fun and these people want me to join the fun.

From where I sat, I saw Wes walking towards the beach. His hair was wet and in disarray. Water glistened on his upper body under the bright sun. He was smiling. Yep, he's been doing that a lot lately.

"Hey, why aren't you coming into the water?" Wes asked as he sat beside me, his bermudas wet and he's shirtless!!

Swoon!! (Okay, I'm starting to sweat....)

His dark hair was wet and water was glistening on his oh-so-hot body. All coherent thought flew from my head, so I just looked ahead. My mouth was very dry and my heart thumped wildly to be so close to such gorgeous perfection. Being so close to Wes made me crouch a bit, like hiding my body. It wasn't conscious. I just sorta hunched over. I wish I don't do this. It's not a good look.

"Erm, hi." A gorgeous blonde girl suddenly came up to us and smiled. Wes and I were startled. Both of us just looked at her, mystified. She was blushing and wearing this very gorgeous blue bikini.

"Yes?" I asked, starting to get annoyed at her twittering. She finally glanced at me. She cleared her throat.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm Aliah. Just, um, my friend, Sierra over there," She pointed at a tall, leggy redhead who waved timidly. "She wants to know if you guys are together...?" She asked hesitantly with a furiously blushing face.

I stared at her and felt a sinking feeling in my heart. Of course. She wouldn't have the nerve to come here and ask that question if I had been the typical, gorgeous normal sized girl. Looking at a lump like me, of course she assumed that I was just a friend. A gorgeous guy like Wes couldn't possibly be my boyfriend. I felt a little hurt, but I just plastered a small smile. No use getting pissed off at her. She did not do anything wrong, I guess.

Wes didn't say anything. He didn't even smile. I just plastered a fake smile on my lips and just shook my head.

"No, we're just friends." I said and the blonde smiled.

"Really? Um, ok!" She said happily and discreetly (or so she thought) gave a thumbs up at her redhead friend.

"Oh, look at the time...I gotta go. I promised I'd meet Josh. So, Aliah, nice meeting you. See you around." I got up and walked off without waiting for Wes to say anything. I quickly walked towards the water's edge, where I could see Josh and Daisy had just got into the water. I saw them looking at me, so I waved at them. They waved for me to join them. I waved back and waded through the water towards them, trying to make the lump in my throat disappear.

From afar, I watched the redhead walked towards the blonde and Wes. They shook hands and started talking to Wes. He was reluctant at first, but after a few moments, he seemed to enjoy their company. They started talking and he even laughed with them. I stared at them. Feeling strangely hurt inside. Like a huge needle was stabbing me repeatedly in the pit of stomach. Wow, I think I can safely say that was jealousy stabbing me repeatedly. I sighed and looked away. Suddenly, Josh grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the water. Daisy was close behind.

"Wait, Josh! What are you doing!?" I cried n alarm as he gripped my arm and pulled me with him. He was laughing and didn't say anything. Next thing I know, we stopped at a jet ski booth. Wait, he's gonna make me ride that?! Hell, yeah!

Josh rented one jet ski and we climbed on. I may look meek and passive, but I love jet skis and fast cars, fast bikes. I know, weird right? Josh started the jet ski and looked over his shoulder at me.

"You're ready?!" He called. I put my arms around his torso and cried,"Ready!"

Josh sped into the open sea, me screaming like a maniac in the back. Daisy was beside us and I looked over at her, screaming my head off. The water splashed my legs and arms, the wind whipping my hair all over my face. It was heaven and so, so much fun! We bounced countless times on the jetski, as the sea was pretty choppy and Josh was really speeding. Daisy was an excellent driver, she didn't have a problem keeping up at all. I gripped the life jacket he had on and felt free. I wish he would never stop. Suddenly the ride made me feel the huge heavy feeling in my chest started to dissipate.

After being on the jetski for a while, time was up so Josh and Daisy drove back to the dock and we got off the jetskis. My legs almost buckled when I stood up. Josh quickly caught me and I giggled. We gave our life jackets to the guy in charge of the skis and ran off, giggling.

"Oh my God! That was so much fun!" I cried. Josh just smiled and took my arm, guiding me to the water. In my giddy state, I let myself be dragged to the water. Daisy was yelling for us to join her in the water. I smiled and ran to her, Josh right beside me. We played in the water. The image of Wes with the gorgeous girls were temporarily forgotten. It's better that I spend my time with Daisy and Josh anyway. I didn't even know where Wes was. And judging by the girls whom he was talking too, I knew for a fact that he's not short on company.

As I was goofing around with Daisy and Josh, I saw Wes talking to the red head alone. The blonde was nowhere to be found. I felt crummy, but that's just stupid. He's not my boyfriend. I have no right to feel bad when he talks to other girls. And of course, he sees me just as a friend. I am as intimidating as a rock, so he doesn't really feel any sexual tension whatsoever. He thought nothing of waking up next to me in the same bed. Me almost sleeping on top of him didn't bother him one bit. I was as sexy as an amoeba. Yeay me. Way to be pushed into the friendzone. But I am not bothered...much. I could be the last female on earth, and he would not look at me other than as a friend. Oh well, at least we are friends.. I think. He might just be bored and I was the sap who's lucky enough to humour him. Beats having zero friends...

We were at the beach till almost 6. Daisy and Josh were talking at the bench while I was just sitting looking at kids running around. Wes was nowhere to be seen. Not that I care.

Grandma just called, telling me to bring the other 3 home for dinner because Josh's mom was not around as well.

"Hey guys, my grandma wants us to go back to her house for dinner. " I said and Josh and Daisy got up to pack and change. Suddenly, out of the blue Wes materialized.

"There you are! Where have you been? " Josh asked as he pulled on a blue polo t-shirt. Wes looked mysteriously sheepish.

"Sorry guys. I was..preoccupied. So, we're leaving..? " Wes said as he started to pack up.

"Yeah, it's getting late and Edith wants us to have dinner at her place." Josh said.

"Oh.. Uh, sorry but I can't. I got a date tonight." Wes said with a tiny smile. I was a little surprised but I kept quiet. It's none of my business what Wes does with his time. I kept a blank look on my face and kept packing.

At grandma's Daisy and Josh came with me but Wes went back to Josh's to get ready for his date. Daisy and I went up to my room for a while to get changed. I gave her a flannel shirt and we showered and then went down to help Grandma with the finishing touches for dinner.

During dinner, all of us talked. I was only half-listening. Josh and Daisy were telling Grandma a funny story and I laughed along, as if I knew what it was about. Inside I was very uncomfortable. I hated feeling like this. Like I was sad about Wes going out on a date. I shouldn't feel like this. He only sees me as a friend, nothing more. I mean, look at the redhead what's-her-face. Now, she would look great beside Wes. They belong together.

Before Josh sent Daisy home, Daisy pulled me aside and whispered.

"Whatever it is you're going through right now, I want to know everything tomorrow at work. Seriously. Ok? Goodnight, honey." She said and hugged me before I could say anything. Then she was gone. Josh hugged me by the shoulders and looked at me with understanding. Oh, crap! He kinda sensed that I was going through something too, huh?..Great...Just great..

I ran up the stairs before grandma could do the same and locked my door. I threw myself on my bed and stared at the dark ceiling. God, I wish I could get over myself. This possessive feeling is not a good look. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. Sleep, please come...


It was really hot the next day. It was only 9 am and we just opened, but the sun was so bright, it could be confused for noon. We would be fully open at 10 and so far I have succeeded in busying myself to avoid Daisy's questions. I wasn't ready to admit to anybody else that Wes affected me. Like my psyche, my thoughts, my dreams, my loins......

"Hey, daydreaming about lover boy?" Daisy said suddenly. Feeling weary, I groaned and threw her an exasperated look.

"Oh my God, I am not thinking about Wes! Can we just not talk about him today?!" I moaned with a world weary voice. Daisy giggled. I looked at her, confused.

"I never said his name. You did. You said Wes. I never did. Haha, you like Wes! I knew it!" Daisy said as she jumped and giggled. I groaned again and felt like smacking myself behind my head. Me and my big mouth.

"Hey, babe, I'll deal with you later ok. You are going to tell me everything.A problem shared is a problem halved..I think. Ok, see ya later..." Daisy said as she scuttle into the back to get the pink lemonade powder. I sighed and looked at my face on the glass surface. I looked tired. Urgh, Wes is not even my boyfriend and I've gotten this worked up about him going on a date. What would happen if he does become my boyfriend? Would I just flat out go berserk?! Wait, why was I stressing? It's not like he would be my boyfriend anyway.. Maybe I should just stop this obsession once and for all. I just read too much into how Wes was treating me. When for all I know, he was only treating me like he would a friend. Urgh, Addy! Get a hold of yourself!!

The whole afternoon, all of us were busy. I was manning the counter while Daisy was in charge of serving the drinks as Lola, a newbie was serving the corn dogs. Just as I was giving change to a customer, an elbow jabbed itself at my side, making me wince and almost dropped the change. I looked incredulously at Daisy who gestured to the front near the beach. I followed her gaze and almost choked when I saw Wes walking at the beach with the redhead from yesterday. Wow, another date today. Yesterday's date must have been a resounding success for them to have a repeat so soon. I gritted my teeth and sighed. Look at those legs..How could I compete with that...

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