For the next few months Harlow had been receiving radiation treatments, and at her latest checkup they found out that the cancer had spread again, Dr. Walters explained to them that the radiation was not working, and that they also discovered that she had a rare form of aggressive breast cancer, still being at stage four. Antonio and Harlow were devastated to hear about the prognosis « So what now ? » Antonio asked, choking up.
« Well???we never tried chemotherapy, we could try that, it would be our best option. Or she could even try some clinical trials that are out there. But I must warn you, the more we try different things on her, it could do more damage than good, if it comes down to it, we can order hospice care for her. They can make her feel more comfortable, and still be able to enjoy life. Whatever you decide to do, is totally up to you. » Dr. Walters explained while taking his glasses off. He pinched the bridge of his nose, hating to tell her how things were looking for her.
« I need some time to decide what I would like to do. » Harlow says sadly, she stood up and looked over at Antonio « I need some fresh air. »
She left the room, leaving Antonio with Dr. Walters. Antonio looked over at the doctor after Harlow left the room, taking in a deep breath, trying to figure out the right words to the question he was about to ask him. « Can you be honest with me ? »
« I can be, if I know the answer???which I have a feeling to what you’re about to ask. »
« How much time do we have left with her ? » he asked, with hesitation.
« Honestly???about six months, the cancer is spreading fast???faster than I’d like to see it, I’m sorry. »
« Don’t be sorry, you’ve done what you could, as well as Dr. Jacobson. » he says, running his fingers through his hair.
Hearing how much time he had left with her made his heart drop, he then stood up trying to hold back from breaking down, and shook the doctor’s hand. « Thank you, we will be in touch. »
Antonio left the room, inhaling deep through his nose, wiping away the tears that were starting to form. He walked outside looking for Harlow, and found her standing at the side of the building. « Ready to go home ? » he asked her softly, he placed his hand on the small of her back and walked her to their car.
The ride home was quiet, when they got home, Harlow walked past Sadie and the girls without saying a word, and went straight to her room, slamming the door.
« What’s wrong with mommy ? » Gabriella asked, sounding scared.
Antonio walked over to her, picking her up. « Mommy needs to rest, she wants to be alone for a little bit. » he says, kissing her cheek.
Sadie was sitting down on the floor and stood up, and walked towards Antonio. « I take that it didn’t go so well ? » she asked quietly so the girls wouldn’t hear.
Antonio put his hand on Sadie’s shoulder guiding her over to the kitchen. « No, it didn’t go well at all, the radiation isn’t working and the cancer has spread. » he says sitting down at the breakfast bar. He started to tear up, and rested his elbows on the counter leaning his head down, and rested his hands on the back of his head, while clasping his fingers together.
With his head down he mumbled. « There’s more… ??he says, pausing to breathe. Feeling as if he were about to hyperventilate. « Harlow doesn’t know it yet, but the doctor didn’t give her much time. »
Sadie stood there listening to him, she didn’t know what to say to him. Over the last couple months, she had developed some feelings for him, but hid it well. She felt sorry for him, and knew he was having a hard time dealing with Harlow’s cancer. « Not much time ? » she questioned.
« Six months… ??he tells her, choking up. He stood up abruptly, scaring Sadie. « Excuse me, I need to go take a walk. » Antonio walked past the girls in a hurry.
« Daddy where are you going ? » Isabella asks, running up to him, and grabbing his hand.
« Daddy is going for a walk, you stay here with Sadie OK ? »
« OK. » she pouted.
Sadie looked over at the girls, and saw the sadness in their eyes. Harlow never said anything to them when she got home, immediately hiding in her room. Now Antonio left the house, not wanting to be around them. She figured she better step in and take the girls minds away from what was going on. She smiled at them, and tried to be cheerful. « Do you girls want to go swimming ? » Sadie asked, knowing that would cheer them up.
« Yes. » They screamed excitedly, and ran upstairs, to change into their swimsuits.
Sadie quickly went downstairs and to her room, changing quickly into her swimsuit, she then checked on the girls to maked sure they found their swimsuits. As she was walking up the stairs, the girls came running down the stairs with towels in their hand. Sadie had to giggle at them, at how excited they were to go swimming. Sadie saw their lifejackets hanging up as they walked outside and put them on. The girls excitedly walked over to the waterslide climbing up on the steps. « Sadie watch us ! » Isabella screamed excitedly, before sliding down into the water.
« Sadie come in here with us. » Isabella yelled, smiling while splashing water everywhere.
« OK, I’ll be right in. »
Sadie got into the pool, started playing, and laughing with them, getting splashed by the both of them as they tried to swim. The girls both then got out of the pool, and stood at the edge of the pool, wanting Sadie to catch them as they jumped in. « Catch us Sadie ! » Gabriella yelled, as she jumped into the water.
Antonio finally came home from his walk, and had heard laughter coming from the pool. He walked over to the patio door, watching the girls smile and laugh. It made him smile, and then began to frown when he thought of Harlow. He decided to go check on her, and see how she was doing, he walked up the stairs and into the bedroom, he saw her sleeping and sat down on the bed next to her.
He tried to wake her, but she just rolled away from him. « Go away Antonio, I don’t want to be around anyone right now. » she demanded, with harshness in her tone.
« Harlow come on, don’t do this. »
« Antonio???I mean it, leave me alone. Please just go away. » she snapped, grabbing a pillow and putting it on top of her head.
« Fine???is this how it’s going to be ? » He stood up, yelling back at her.
« Antonio, please…go ! » she yelled. Her voice sounding muffled as her mouth was pressed down on the bed, with the pillow laying on top of her head.
He walked away slamming the door, feeling frustrated and hurt. He walked down to the bottom level of the house and over to the wet bar, looking to see what he had that he could drink. He grabbed a bottle of bourbon, and started to chug it. When he emptied what was left in that bottle, he looked around and found another one, chugging the entire bottle.
He then made himself a drink, and stumbled as he walked upstairs, he walked over to the patio door and stood there watching the girls play in the pool and talking with Sadie. Damn he muttered under his breath when he saw Sadie in her bikini, while she stood at the edge of the pool while talking to the girls. He slid the patio door open slowly and walked over to a patio chair and sat down.