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« That would be nice. » Harlow quietly said, feeling as if she was losing her family already.

« I also wanted to tell you that I found a top-notch doctor who specializes in your situation. He will be flying here tomorrow, and will be speaking with you and your doctors before your surgery. » he says smiling, squeezing her hand, feeling hope. « He thinks there could be other options for you, and that you could possibly beat this. »

Harlow leaned her head back into the pillow, staring at the ceiling while taking a deep breath. « I’m scared Antonio, I just want this over with, and I’m willing to do whatever I can to fight this. »

« I know, and that’s why I stayed up late searching for another doctor to help us out, I’m hoping he has more ideas to help you. » he says in a soft tone, stroking his finger softly on her cheek.

Sadie sat down at the table, she brought extra paper and crayons for the girls to keep them occupied while they were in the hospital, when she pulled them out and set them on the table, the girls got excited, ran over to her, and began coloring some more pictures for their mom. Sadie also brought tape, for when the girls were finished with their drawings, and could tape them on the wall for Harlow to see. Hoping to give her smiles, knowing they would be much needed.

Harlow watched Sadie like a hawk, she wasn’t sure what to think of her yet, and was beginning to wonder what her intentions were with Antonio and the girls. She watched how the girls interacted with her, and wasn’t sure if she liked the idea that the girls liked her, she didn’t want to lose them to another woman. She was hurting inside, knowing that she was their mother, and now must have someone else help her out with them.

Harlow did feel a little better, knowing that her girls felt comfortable with her, but at the same time she was feeling a little bit of jealousy. She wasn’t liking the fact that Sadie was able to do things with them while she was stuck in a hospital bed, and wouldn’t be able do anything with them that she normally does every day.

After being in the hospital for hours, the girls were getting bored and had wanted to go home. Antonio and Sadie were getting the kids ready to leave when there was a knock at the door, they all turned their heads towards the door while it opened slowly. A middle-aged gentleman walked in, and walked over to Harlow. « Hello, you must be Harlow Russo. » he says, reaching for her hand.

« My name is Dr. Abraham Jacobson, your husband contacted me this morning, I was able to make arrangements, and fly out much sooner than what I originally told Antonio. » he smiled, Antonio gasped in excitement that he was there. Antonio walked over to Dr. Jacobson, and introduced himself, shaking the doctor’s hand with a big smile. « You have no idea how much this means to me, well to us actually. » He was ecstatic that he came earlier than expected, relieved, and hoped that he would be able to pull off a miracle for the love of his life.

« I’m meeting with your doctor in about five minutes, I just wanted to come in, introduce myself, and say hi. » he says sincerely.

The next day Sadie stayed home with the girls while Antonio went to the hospital to be with Harlow for her surgery. The surgery was long, and when the doctor finished with the surgery, he came out to the waiting room, explaining to Antonio that they did the best that they could, with removing as much of the cancer from her body that they were able to, he then explained that the next step is radiation.

A couple days later Harlow came home from the hospital. As much as she wanted to spend time with her girls, she was too tired and sore, and headed straight up the stairs, and into her bed to rest. Antonio received a phone call, with an issue at one of his properties, and had to leave to see what was going on. He went and checked on Harlow, wanting to let her know that he had to leave, but when he saw that she was still asleep he didn’t want to wake her, and quietly shut the door, trying not to wake her.

The girls were also napping, so he went down to Sadie’s room to let her know that he had to leave. When she answered the door, he was in shock at how she answered the door. He closed his eyes and looked down at the ground, feeling embarrassed.

« Oh ! » Antonio says surprised. « I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you. » He was trying not to look at her, after seeing her dressed in a black laced bra, black laced panties and a white button up shirt that wasn’t buttoned. Looking like she just rolled out of bed.

« It’s OK, I just figured to try and get a little nap in while the girls were sleeping. » she said, sounding tired. She could sense that he was embarrassed, that she was only half dressed, and let out a little giggle. « I’m sorry, I should have thrown my robe on. Is there something you needed ? » she asked, covering herself up.

« I just got a phone call that there’s a problem at one of my properties, and I have to leave for a little bit. Harlow is still sleeping, so I was curious if you could keep an eye on the girls, which they’re still sleeping as well. »

« Properties ? I thought you were an attorney ? » she asked, sounding confused.

« I am, I also own various properties that I rent, and lease out. »

« Oh. » She said quietly, sounding amazed. « I do have to work tonight, is that going to be a problem ? »

« No that should be fine, I will only be gone for about an hour, two hours at most. » He assured her.

« OK, thanks. » she smiled.

He turned and walked away scratching his head, she thought it was cute and funny that he stuttered a couple times while talking to her. She felt she shouldn’t have answered the door like that, and could tell he was trying to keep his eyes focused only on her face, she shut the door and decided to shower, and change, before the girls woke up from their nap.

She quickly took a shower, put on her make-up, and pulled her hair up into a messy bun. She put on her work clothes, and headed upstairs to check on the girls. As she got to their bedroom door, she could hear the girls talking to each other, and slowly opened the door, walking in. « Did you have a nice nap ? » she asked, walking over to them.

They both went running over to her, giving her a hug. « Is mommy awake now ? » Isabella asked, with her arms up in the air, wanting Sadie to pick her up.

Sadie picked her up with a smile. « I’m not sure, I didn’t see her, but if she’s sleeping, we shouldn’t wake her. She needs all the rest that she can get right now. » she tells her, tapping her nose.

Gabriella walked out of the room while Sadie was talking to Isabella and peeked into her parent’s room. She saw that Harlow’s eyes were open, and ran over to her. « Hi mommy. » she said, climbing up on the bed.

« Where’s your daddy ? » Harlow asked her.

« I don’t know, but Sadie is here. » she tells her, laying down next to her.

Sadie walked out of the girls bedroom with Isabella in her arms, looking for Gabriella, and noticed Harlow’s door open. « She’s in here. » Sadie heard Harlow say, in a tired voice.

Sadie slowly walked in the room, setting Isabella down. « Sorry about that, I just told them not to wake you. »

« Oh, it’s fine I was awake. Is Antonio home by chance ? » Harlow asked, squinting her eyes like she was in pain.

Sadie walked closer to Harlow, she could see that she was in pain and curious as to if she needed anything. « No, he left about an hour ago, he said there was an issue at one of his properties, and that they needed to be taken care of. He did say he would only be gone for about an hour, or two. Is there something you need that I can get for you ? »

« I could really use a glass of water, and my medication. » She said, trying to sit up. Sadie noticed her medication was on the nightstand next to her and pointed over to them. « Your medication is right there ; I’ll go grab you some water. »

Sadie left the girls in the room with Harlow, grabbing her a glass of water. When she brought Harlow her water, her heart melted when she saw the girls snuggling up to their mother. She set the glass down on the nightstand next to Harlow. « I’ll leave the girls in here with you if you would like, and I’ll go start dinner. » Sadie said, she figured that Harlow needed a moment with the girls and it would give her time to make dinner.

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