We became best friends in middle school and ever since then we’ve been pretty much inseparable. I felt bad for leaving her behind, but she was a grade below me, there wasn’t much I could do. I mean I could have stayed local but I didn’t. Michigan State gave me the best scholarship so I had to come here. I only hoped that next year she’d be here too.
Calm down ! I’m coming home in a few weeks. Or you can totally come visit. I’m sure I can get a guest pass thingy or whatever they have here. It’s pretty ok, I’m heading back to my dorm now because I got out of my first class early and my other one doesn’t start until after 11. I have so much to tell you, so I’ll give you a call a little later or tomorrow or something. Miss you and love you too !
It didn’t take that long to walk back to the dormitories. The campus was huge but I learned quickly that you must be a fast walker to make it on time anywhere around here. People just push right past you and don’t even apologize.
It was definitely something I’d have to get used to. Back home everyone was really friendly and cool. Around here, not so much.
« Could you have came in any louder Jamie ? I was trying to sleep. »
I bit my lip and let my head fall.
« I’m sorry Keagan I didn’t think you’d still be asleep. You missed your first class and from the looks of it you’re about it miss your second one too, » I said in a matter of fact tone. « And for the last time, it’s not Jamie. It’s Jamison. »
He slowly sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes.
His hair was still intact from yesterday somehow. He must put so much product in it for it to stay like that. Either that, or he’s just really blessed with good hair. I don’t know yet.
« Relax. First of all. It’s too early to correct me. Actually never correct me, I don’t like it, » he said. « And I will not miss my second class, it’s not until after 11 so there. »
I took in a breath to hope for just a second that we didn’t have the same class together. I was actually surprised that we never really compared our schedules at all. Probably because we weren’t in the same year or major, but I guess in college it doesn’t really matter about any of that.
« What class do you have ? »
He finally emerged from his bed and walked over to his desk.
I tried not to make it look like I was praying we weren’t in the same class.
Nothing against him, I just figured it would be best if we didn’t. I’d get a lot more done, and I wouldn’t have to worry about being a teacher’s pet. Not like I would be, but he’d probably think I was because I like to ask and answer questions. It makes the classes go by faster, and it helps connect with teachers.
« Um, today’s Monday… I missed sociology. So uh, » he moved closer to his notebook. « Geography with Hodes. »
I wasn’t even going to ask him why he hasn’t taken geography before. That would make him mad.
« Keagan, do you wear glasses ? »
He shot me a look.
« No… why ? »
I shrugged my shoulders and pretended like I was about to mind my own business. But that type of thing wasn’t easy for me.
« Well, you might need to. Your face was practically in your notes to read your schedule. »
He was giving me such a death glare. It was kind of funny. But I kept my serious face on.
« I do not need glasses. I have 20/20 vision. Thanks for your concern though. »
« It’s not a bad thing, I have glasses as you can see. Ha ha jokes. » Oh that was not funny at all. Damn I need to work on my puns. « I mean, you should probably go get checked out again that’s all. »
« It’s early and I just woke up, of course I needed to get close to see. Everyone does, » he said defensively.
I held up my hands. I was in surrender mode. I was just trying to help.
« Ok ok. You can see. »
He ignored me while he got himself ready for the day. He may walk fast, but he was like a sloth when it came to putting clothes on, brushing his teeth, and finding his books. What he wasn’t slow with was eating. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a skinny guy eat as much or as quickly as Keagan did.
I could assume that he comes from a large family. With lots of men. There’s always competitions between brothers with that sort of thing.
But it’s only an assumption.
He had a habit of drinking when he was still chewing.
So gross.
« So do you have any night classes ? »
I guess he wasn’t the type to hold grudges. He seemed so mad before and now he’s starting a conversation like nothing ever happened. Not like I’m complaining or anything. It’s just interesting I suppose.
« I have one on Thursday. What about you ? »
He took a sip of his juice and then swallowed before answering me. Thank god he doesn’t talk with his mouth full.
« Same. It’s a health class I forget the name. I’m gonna try to get out of it though because I never really go to night classes. They’re so long and I just want to party on Thursday’s so yeah. »
I blinked and shook my head.
« It’s not Society and Heath is it ? »
« That’s the one yup, » he said with a hint of remembrance in his voice. « Oh you’re in there too ? Maybe I won’t switch out then. We could like… study.. or something. Yeah hm I don’t know I’ll probably still try and switch it. Nothing against you, I just really won’t go. Like, at all. »
I cleared my throat and smirked.
« Why doesn’t that surprise me ? Like, at all ? »
I couldn’t help it.
I was a little bit sarcastic at times. It was fun.
He squinted his eyes at me.
« You know what Jamie ? »
I knew he said that variation of my name just to get on my nerves, but I played along.
« What ? »
He pointed at me.
« You think you know so much about me by first impression. I’m sticking with that class. And I’ll do better than you too. You’ll see. »
Again, I smirked.
« You’re gonna have to actually go if that’s your game plan. »
He put his finger down.
« Shut up and eat something before you snap in half. You skinny little.. ass. »
I wanted to throw something at him, but he’d probably not take that too well. So I just laughed and put my surrender hands back up.
I guessed I’d be doing that a lot.