It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that Jamison was judging me just as much as I was judging him. Everything I did from waking up and not making my bed, to putting my can of soda on the ground made him cringe. I could tell how uncomfortable me being « normal » made him, though he tried his hardest not to let it show ; which I actually appreciated. Last thing I needed was an OCD nerd on my back twenty-four seven.
« Jamie, you have one more day of freedom before classes start tomorrow… What do you want to do ? » I asked, almost regretting making it sound like an offer to hang out.
« I think I’m just going to stay in… I mean, what is there to do ? »
I groaned internally as I shook my head. What did he mean ‘what is there to do’… He is in college for fucks sake. This is his time to live and to be free, which I can clearly tell he never had the opportunity to do before.
« There are a lot of things to do… Like… Going outside ? I’m sure your skin could use some sun. » I said as I got up. « C’mon, we’re going on an adventure. »
The look this poor boy gave me nearly made me want to pat him on his head and tell him I was joking, but lord knows I’m not that type of guy.
« W-where are we going ? » He asked as I ushered him out of the dorm.
« Outside on the exclusive Keagan Bradley tour ; you’re going to see sites and sounds many other students on this campus could only dream of seeing ! » I shouted, causing Jamie to shudder.
« I really don’t want to get in trouble. We haven’t even started class yet… »
« Oh jesus… Jamie, calm down. We’re going on a walk, that’s all. Get your panties out of a bunch and be a man ! » I groaned. I knew my general tone of annoyance must of hurt his feelings, but for all that is holy he needed to chill out.
« I-I’m sorry. I j-j-just… I’m not used to this. » I shrugged and lead him along.
The campus was huge so I knew I’d wear out this little dude in no time and I planned on taking him everywhere.
« As you know, this is the cafeteria slash food court thing. » I stated as we passed by. « This is where you go and eat and stuff if we don’t stalk up on food for the dorm. »
« Where do we get food for our dorm ? »
I looked down at him and shrugged. « I have this thing called a car, and there are these things just right outside campus called grocery stores… I don’t know if you noticed, but we have a fridge and a microwave, thanks to my old roommate. »
« Oh, I didn’t know you had a car… » He mumbled.
« Yep, I sure do. Now over to your right is the Science building where I’m sure you’ll be spending most of your time at, are you keeping up ? » I looked back down at him with a smirk and he just rolled his eyes and smiled.
« Yeah, I have that photo whatever memory, remember ? »
« Oh you got jokes now ? » I laughed as I playfully bumped into him, well… At least to a normal person it would have been playful, but I forgot completely forgot Jamie was pretty tiny. So my playful bump turned into a deadly shove, sending him falling to the ground. « Oh shit dude ! » I laughed as I hurried over to him, I tried helping him up as well, but I was laughing far to hard to be anyone any good. « Oh god, I am so sorry. » I panted.
« What was that for ?! » He whimpered and I immediately stopped laughing. His face was bright red and he was sporting the most mortified look I had ever seen.
« I didn’t mean to push you that hard, I was just trying to nudge you. I’m sorry you’re only like twenty-five pounds and couldn’t take it. »
« It’s fine. » He sighed. « I’m just going to head back to the dorm room. »
« Oh come on Jamie, don’t be like that. »
« It’s Jamison ! » He snapped but immediately held his hands up as he took a deep breath to calm himself down.
« My bad, my bad. » I chuckled. « Jamison is just too fancy. It’s like calling a Chihuahua Reginald. It just doesn’t work. What about Jay ? Are you cool with that ? » I could tell I was poking at his last nerve now, and honestly though it was fun I wasn’t trying to make living with him a complete hell. « Fine, Jamison it is. Lets continue our walk ? I’ll make sure to keep to myself now alright ? »
I honestly didn’t intend on calling him Jamison any other day but today. I figured basically pushing him down was enough trouble for today, and that I should probably lay off for a bit. I know my limits.
We didn’t get much further down the path before Jamie- ahem, Jamison, needed to sit down. As soon as those park benches came into view, he nearly sprinted his way over to them.
« I’m not out of shape, I promise. » He laughed as he plopped down on the nearest seat. « I’m just not much of a distance walker. »
« That’s fine ; it’s a beautiful day outside. » I shrugged, taking my seat next to him. A few people who recognized me from god knows what stopped and waved, I knew they were stopping to see who I was with, but I gave them a disgruntled head nod that just sent them on their way. Let them think what they want about me and my new roommate. Their opinions matter less than their names to me.
« So you’re pretty popular around her ? » He asked, shifting his body towards me.
« I wouldn’t say popular. » I laughed. « That’s a high school thing. I’m just known. »
« What’s the difference ? » Normally I would have snapped back with something snarky, but I could tell he just really didn’t know.
« Popular is like… When you’re part of an elite group of people and everyone wants to be your friend, where as I’m just known from the shit I’ve done. » I could see the wheels turning in Jamison’s head. He was definitely trying to process something, but I thought I had made it pretty clear. « What ? »
« So, are you going to have a bunch of parties in our dorm ? »
« No ! » I laughed. « Hell no. Last thing I need is for some crazy girl to know which dorm I’m staying in and try to stalk me back there again. » I watched as a wave of relief swept over Jamison’s face. « BUT, » I interjected, making that frown pop right back up. « Just because we’re not having parties in our dorm, doesn’t mean you can get out of actually going to a party with me. I’m not letting you waste away your college days with your nose in a book. »
« Isn’t that what college is for ? » He asked in all innocence. I swear it’s like this kid has never watched TV.
« Yeah, but not when you’re rooming with me. » I chuckled. « Now come on, we’ve got a whole other side of the campus to explore. » I briefly patted his leg as I stood up, and I could feel his entire body tense under my hand. I didn’t know whether to be offended or worried, so I decided to just not be either. If it bothered him enough, he’d tell me.
The rest of the trip around campus was pretty quiet, some people actually did stop us to talk which was ridiculously annoying, but I played nice and kept my words short. Jamison didn’t talk at all when people would stop us, unless asked a direct question. Which I found out is how he deals with most things. Getting him to talk was almost like prying teeth, but I guess in some ways that’s better.