As soon as the second can of Pringles was finished, Alexa was tired of watching TV and decided that it would be best to take a shower. She struggled a couple of minutes, trying to turn the TV off, muttering under her breath about any relevant curse word she could think of, and finally found the off button.
She walked around the house, saying her name whenever it was needed and groaned when she couldn’t find a bathroom. It was getting really late and she felt sticky ; she needed a shower. After a couple of failed attempts, she finally found a bathroom – in what seemed to be his room.
Alexa walked in slowly, widening her eyes in surprise at the plainness of the room. It had black, stoic furniture with a large bed in the centre. White pillows adorned the bed and a black comforter was placed neatly underneath. She let out a low whistle as she slid her hand over the bed, noticing that it was impeccably clean ; it didn’t even have wrinkles.
There was a medium-sized glassed window on the far right side of the room, overlooking the ocean. It wasn’t as amazing as her view, but it was pretty nice. She smiled, realising that he gave her the better room – and then it was gone.
He had kidnapped her to use her as a baby-making machine ! They weren’t her friends ; he was her enemy. She had to make his life hell until he finally budged and sent her back home. She was already missing her fiancé – even though they fought more than they made love.
She let out a sigh as she walked towards the bathroom and noticed a pretty framed picture on his bureau. It was the only thing on it and it added a certain type of elegance and persona-aura to the room. She picked it up gently, widening her eyes at the girl on the picture.
She was beautiful, bright green eyes and a to-die-for smile. Xander had her arms around her and they were both laughing. His eyes were twinkling with happiness and she was amazed that the picture could capture such a loving moment.
Whoever the girl was must’ve been really important to him. Her hair was jet black, making her skin a bit paler, but she added a nice contrast to Xander’s tanned skin. They were almost perfect together and it made Alexa jealous.
Not that they were together, but that that woman was so gorgeous. It was physically inhuman to be so attractive. The picture seemed to be a couple of years old because Xander looked much younger, as if he were in his teens. And even then, he was inhumanly beautiful.
Alexa shook her head, placing the frame back on the drawers and walked towards the bathroom.
She shrugged, stepping into the bathroom and let out a sigh of relief as things seemed pretty normal. She expected some intricate bathroom with 500 settings for water, but it was the standard left-hot and right-cold shower.
Different soaps were placed neatly on a basket hanging over the showerhead and she picked out the best smelling one. It smelled like Aloe Vera with a hint of mint, it was a strange combination, but it smelled wonderful. It was the least man-smelling soap that she could find.
When she finished, she grabbed a white towel hanging from the towel rack and quickly wrapped it around herself. She rummaged through the sink drawers, looking for toothpaste and a toothbrush and let out a triumphal cry as she found some.
She brushed her teeth, wiping her hand over the fogged mirror and noticed that her skin was almost glowing – and it was very soft. Whatever was in the soap had amazing properties and she was going to take it back home whenever Xander decided he had enough of her.
Alexa looked down at her clothes and grimaced. She didn’t want to wear her dirty clothes again, but she didn’t have any other type clothing. After a couple of minutes of hesitation, she decided to tighten the towel around her and hope for the best.
If Xander was outside and saw her, she’d kick him in the groin and run away. Although, the towel was pretty large, it covered most of her body, hanging right over her knees. She breathed out, picking her dirty clothes up and slowly opened the bathroom door.
« Hello… » she called out loud enough for someone to hear her, and was satisfied when no one replied. She took a deep breath, holding her towel for dear life and ran out of the room. After entering a couple of empty rooms, she finally found hers and breathed out in relief.
No one had seen her half-naked and she felt pretty accomplished.
She dropped her clothes in a corner and walked towards a couple of doors that resembled a closet. She held her towel with one hand and prepared herself to open the door with the other. Whatever was on the other side, could fall and kill her ; she didn’t know.
Alexa let out a giggle at her childishness and yanked the doors open, jumping away right after. Nothing fell out or killed her, so she opened her eyes and dropped her jaw open in astonishment.
The closet was filled with clothing – all types of clothing, ranging from dresses to jean jumpers and skirts. But what astounded her the most was the order they were in. It seemed like a rainbow, starting from the dark colours and ending in the lighter colours ; pinks with reds, oranges with yellow and blues with green.
She laughed at the colour coordination of it all and knelt down to look at the shoes. There were heels, flats, boots, and sandals – and they were all her size. She felt her cheeks turning a dark shade of red and then stood up, to walk towards the drawers.
The first one she opened was filled with miscellaneous hair things, like clips, hair ties, hair bands, diadems, brushes, combs and so on. The next one was filled with underwear and bras and she gasped ; they were her exact size.
She let out an uncomfortable squeal as she realised that Xander knew how big her breasts were. Nonetheless, she grabbed a pair of white underwear and forced herself to not think about the lace sets in the back of the drawer.
She continued looking through the drawers until she found a comfortable shirt she could sleep in and hung her towel over the closet door. A loud and unlady-like yawn escaped her lips and she shuffled towards the inviting-looking bed.
As soon as she crawled under the covers, she shuddered as the warmth enveloped her and felt herself drifting off into a blissful sleep.
Alexa opened her eyes slowly, the room hazily coming into view. It became clearer as she sat up and she bolted upright, the spotless white walls came into view. She looked around, taking in the large window that let in sunlight like no other and, glancing down, she noticed she was in a bed. She ran her hand over the dotted comforter, feeling the softness below her fingertips.
She threw the duvet away from her, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed and felt the cold wood against her bare feet. She stood up, shakily looking around. The previous night came rushing back like a shock of electricity and she froze on the spot.
The Aliens. Kelly. Xander. Seth.
Oh, god, Seth.
Her heart lurched at the thought of him. She missed him. She wanted him beside her, hugging her and telling her everything was okay. They fought, sure, every couple did but that didn’t mean they loved each other any less. She certainly didn’t love him any less.
She bent down to the floor to pick up the clothes she had discarded there last night and slipped on the jeans and top. She walked towards the door and looked at it curiously.
« Alexandra, » She said to it, waiting for it to wiz open. A little light on the hand scanner flashed yellow.
« Unknown identity, » The robotic voice stated. « Try again. »
« Stupid thing, » Alexa grumbled. « Alex-an-dra. » She enunciated, slightly mocking it for its robotic tone.
« Unknown Identity, » It said again, the light flashing orange. « Try again. »