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As I sit on a wall outside of the party, curling my body up while little sobs escape my mouth, i just want to go home.

I hear the doors slam open, someone must of shut them behind me, I hear a sigh of relief come from a person, I instantly know it’s Cade. He probably thought I’d be running for the Hills back home or somewhere far away, but no here I am, the only place that didn’t have fricken guards had to be a garden surrounded by gates.

I stay silent, tears still running down my face I feel so hopeless, I want my life to have purpose and not just be ‘Anissa’s daughter’ for once.

« Please don’t kill me » I whimper.

« What makes you think I’m going to kill you, Kelly ? i said i wouldn’t. » He replies.

« You’ve saved me twice now and I cant do anything to repay you for it, he- he touched me, down there, I should be ashamed. Your probably on the edge of going mad at my presence, I was meant to die the day your men brought me here, you said your self ‘no wonder your mother didn’t want you’ so who else would if my own mother doesn’t. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry » more sobs pass threw my mouth as Cade stands there with a look of guilt on his face.

« Kelly I saved you because those men were hurting you and they had no right to touch you, you have absolutely no need to feel ashamed it wasn’t your fault » he says getting angry at the thought of Daniel and that random guy from the party. « W-what ? »

« You heard me, do you want to go back to the house now ? »

No i want to go home.

« come on I’ll take you back let’s just go tell Mia and Adam we are leaving »

We enter the building again and set eyes on drunk Mia and Adam. We approach them and Adam looks at me « kitten !! I’ve been looking for youuuu, dance with me »

« She doesn’t want to dance, she’s going home and I’m taking her, we came to say goodbye »

« Whatever your just jealous cause I got to dance with the sexiest girl in this place » Adam slurs.

As my cheeks glow red, Cade rolls his eyes and we are about to leave the building again but Mia gives me a hug goodbye, looks at Cade then back at me, leaving me with a wink. She’s definitely drunk.

We’re about to get into the car, but before I get a chance to open the door a pair of masculine hands grab the handle and the door opens « thanks » i mutter.

We drove the rest of the way in silence, he looked over at me at times but i just pretended to not notice. I couldn’t stop thinking about Daniel, it made me feel sick, thinking about his hands on my body made me shudder.

We finally arrived back to the house and

He opened the door for me once again.

We enter the house and he guides me to the kitchen. He takes out ice cream from the freezer and I make a weird noise from excitement. He hands over a bowl of ice cream and i quickly snatch it from his hands scoffing it down like I haven’t eaten in days.

« Oh god thank you » I say with my mouth half full. « You like ice cream huh ? » Cade says amused. « absolutely »

I hear chuckles coming from him and I instantly stop biting on the ice cream in my mouth and just left it to sit in there, I didn’t even move as I looked up just to see him smile. He must of noticed I wanted to see his smile because it grew wider as I stared. I sat and watch him smile for a few seconds until I finished with my daydreaming and continued to eat my ice cream. I wish this man wasn’t so damn handsome, it would be so much easier to hate him.

I’m now finished with my ice cream so I get up to go put it in the dishwasher and Cade follows me there. « Look at me »

I stare up into his eyes and he brings his hand to my face and uses his thumb to remove the ice cream at the side of my mouth, sucking the excess off his fingers once doing so. My heart is screaming at me right now. I seriously need help.

A few hours pass and I decide to go to bed. I quickly get a hot shower and after, dive into my covers ready to sleep, but I can’t seem to drift off all I keep thinking about is.. Cade. It’s wrong seen as though he wanted to kill me and i’m going to sound absolutely insane saying this but I feel sort of.. safe with him it’s like he changed into a different person now to what he was like the first day I met him. I’ve never felt like this before he makes me feel something but I don’t know what. His masculine hands, his black wavy hair, the strong abs on his stomach and wow seeing his smile made me feel some type of way. I hate feeling this way, he could never like me back he’s a mafia boss and I’m a nobody he probably hates me.

Stockholm syndrome much

Hours pass and I still can’t sleep. I eventually decide to go back Downstairs to make a quick drink, no one will her me.

I enter the kitchen and my legs lead the way to the sink, I grab a glass and fill it it « what are you doi-« 

« AHHH » I scream turning around seeing Cade Leaned against the wall. « Jeez Kelly it’s just me calm down, why are you up ? » Cade asks smirking from my fear.

« Why the hell did you do that to me ?! and I couldn’t sleep so I came to get a drink » I say.

« Right. Oh and Mia and Adam got back like an hour ago if you didn’t know » Cade adds. « Oh.. okay » i reply.

« Oh and Kelly »

« Yes ? »

« Your shirt is see through » he whispers into my ear after walking closer to me.

I quickly look down and realise he’s been able to see practically everything- fuck fuck fuck.

The only thing I can think of is doing is running out but I quickly let out « shit » before I run off back to the bedroom to change my shirt. Great. Now I can’t stop thinking about the shivers he gave me whispering in my ear. Oh dear what’s wrong with me ?

I’m finally able to dose off into a deep sleep..

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