~Kelly’s POV~
This is it..
I’m going to die..
My whole life I tried to stay out my mother and Fathers Mafia business. I don’t remember much about my parents especially my Father, mainly because one day he just disappeared and my mom gave me no explanation to it.
Later my mom gave me up to keep fulfilling her Mafia work she didn’t really care much about me I only know of one reason why.. because I’m not as strong as her and she knew I wouldn’t be able to carry on her work, so she just gave up on me eventually.
That was years ago, I was 14-15 years old when I had to move in with my auntie and uncle. I’m 18 now and have my own apartment, I had to move out of that toxic house hold as soon as I could. It’s not big and I don’t have many possessions, seen as though I have one job and it doesn’t pay all that well. I have pretty much no friends or family left I just try get on with life.
I knew my parents were in the Mafia but I haven’t seen them for years, it’s not like they want to see me anyway. I planned on keeping it that way for my own safety..that is until, now
I’m going to die.
3 tall men in formal black suits, invited their way into my home with guns in hands.
I was absolutely petrified.
These were extremely wealthy looking men from head to toe.
I was sat in the corner of my tiny apartment, my whole body shaking.
« This has to be a mistake » one of the intimidating men say in a confused yet amused manner.
« She looks like a child » another unknown man says.
« Hang on let me call boss, I think we got the wrong place. »
« Boss, we are here but I think you gave us the wrong address, this girl.. well she looks a little young to be.. Anissa »
Anissa, I heard that name, That’s the moment I new I was in danger if it’s to do with the one and only Anissa, my mother. I wait patiently for him to end the phone call, curious yet scared of what they might do with me. One of the 3 men on the phone seemed to be a little distressed, almost scared of whoever the person they are on the phone with, well I mean he did call him ‘Boss’.
« Okay Boss we’ll be there as soon as we can with the girl. »
Oh god
« So ? »
« Have we got the right girl ? »
« Boss said it’s Anissa’s daughter, he said she’ll have to do for now »
« Put her in the car and don’t let her escape. »
As the three men have a conversation about what they are going to do with me I sit in confusion, because why would they want me ? I have nothing to do with this ?
« Are you going to make this easy or hard for us young en ? » The tallest man asked me
I gave no response as I was shaking in fear, I couldn’t even speak.
We spent around an hour in the car, it was silent but the fear I was feeling kept getting worse and worse I have a feeling I won’t make it through the night. Who’s is ‘Boss’ ?
We finally arrive at the biggest building I’ve seen in all my 18 years of existence. If this was just a house then wow I must be poor
I thought my heart was going to pump out my chest as we approached the wide doors. When I entered I felt warmth hit my face and the fear just kept coming and I didn’t think it could get any worse until I saw..