It all happened very quickly. He turned me around to face the wall, grabbed me by the hair, and pulled me hard. I didn't even have time to cry out before I was pierced by a sharp pain between my legs. Tears rolled down my face as his rough thrusts never stopped. He was penetrating me hard and fast, and all I could do was cry silently and pray that this nightmare would end soon.
After a few minutes he left my body with a groan. Something hot spurted onto my back and buttocks. Not waiting for him to come to his senses, I pushed the bastard away and quickly hid in the women's locker room, locking the doors. I was in pain, my whole body shaking with coarse shivers. I couldn't believe that something like this had happened to me.
Seeing the blood on my thighs brought me to my senses a little. I need to wash it all off of me, both the blood and his cum. "Good thing he didn't cum in me," I thought bitterly, stepping into the shower on woozy legs. Today Shevtsov outdid himself. What should I do now?
Does he think I'm crazy? Thinks that all this is not enough? I'd rather die than open up to him now. Fuck him.
It took me a long time to bathe. The cold water dulled the pain a little, cleared my mind. There's no point in going to the police. I'm just a student, he's the son of an oil tycoon. I could go to jail for slander. I just have to accept it and get on with my life. Finish university with all my strength and finally get away from this nightmare. Once and for all.
It must have been hours before I dared to leave the locker room. It was already dark outside. Shevtsov was gone. Breathing a sigh of relief and writhing in pain, I slowly wandered home.
As a child I was completely different - a very obedient, phlegmatic child. Although I was the son of a major oil magnate, my childhood was not a happy one. From my earliest years I was surrounded only by strangers, constantly demanding something, pointing, forcing. I had no free time, I did not know what video games, amusement parks, parties were. All I got from my father was curved lips and a look of disappointment. The only ray of light was her, the little hot little girl. She was the only thing that gave me joy and drove the loneliness away for a while.
As we got a little older, I began to have feelings for her of a different kind. It was my secret, but not for long. One of the servants reported to my father that his heir was spending a great deal of time with a person not of his status. It was the first time my father decided to speak to me himself.
I was summoned to his office. Father was, as always, all business. I walked in quietly and sat down in the chair next to his desk. My father had a luxurious office - mahogany and leather furniture, expensive wallpaper, many paintings by famous artists, and a beautiful view of the garden from the window. But I would never just go in there. I always felt very uncomfortable there, even if my father wasn't there.
Then he broke away from the pile of papers and looked up at me-as always, with an expression of universal disappointment.
- Is it true?
I didn't understand then, what was he talking about? Had I done something wrong?
- I don't know what you mean, Father.
- That girl, my secretary's daughter, what's her name?
- Masha.
- Yes. Is it true you're always seen in her company?
- Yes.
- I forbid you to see her again. Her company tarnishes your reputation. Choose someone from your own circle.
I've never crossed my father, never asked him for anything or shared my worries. But that day, he attacked the one thing that still made me want to live. I couldn't just let it go.
- I couldn't.
My father had already resumed his occupation, but he looked up in surprise at my words.
- What?
- I'm gonna keep talking to her.
- You don't seem to realize that she's not our bird. She has no right to be around you.
- I don't care.
- Well. He rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly. - Then in a week's time I'll send you abroad to study out of my sight. St. Patrick's High School. Is that what you want?
I'd heard of that school many times before and knew how much obedience was honored there. Disobedient children were punished very severely, even to the point of serious bodily harm. It didn't scare me, but if he sent me out of the country, I wouldn't be able to see Masha anymore. My father used a forbidden technique. Well, it'll be like you said.
- All right. (Sighs) I'll stop talking to her.
But that doesn't mean I won't see her anymore either. My decision was simple. I will do his bidding in my own way.
A look of satisfaction flashed in my father's eyes.
- I had no doubt that you would make the right decision. You may go.
I made up my mind that day. No matter what he thought of me, his plans would never come true. In the next few years, I would be completely free of my own dependence on him. I have a purpose. He wants to take what I hold dear? Be prepared to reciprocate.
But first I had to convince everyone that I was playing by his rules. And I got my chance to do that the very next day when Masha confessed to me. I will never forget the expression of pain on her face, her blue eyes full of tears. I was in a lot of pain at that moment, but I knew it was the right thing to do. Even if she hated me, even if our communication was only mutual insults and cruel teasing, but this way I was at least a little, but close to her. I needed it like air.
As time went on, I made her life a living hell, so that my father would not doubt me, and I myself began to attend classes in various martial arts. My plan was simple - through participation in underground fights, make money and make my own business. But in practice everything turned out to be very difficult.
For the first two years I only trained and made new acquaintances in the martial arts circle. I needed to reach out to those who had the information I needed, so I did not spare myself. It was only when I got in great shape and started competing that I got the chance to squeeze into the right circles.