« Just here supporting a friend. Well she lives with me actually, » Jen smiled, glancing at me.
« Huh ! I didn’t know you got a roommate, » I said, turning my attention towards the field.
« Yeah. She’s an old friend. She comes here actually, » Jen replied, brushing the hair out of her face. « Lily. »
Immediately I spun around and stared at her, my eyes wide. « Lily, you say ? » I asked, a huge grin beginning to spread across my face. Could this be the Lily ? The one that I couldn’t stop thinking about….in a variety of different positions. « Tell me, does she have long blonde hair, and ride a Harley ? » I asked, crossing my fingers behind my back.
« That’d be the one, » Jen said. « How do you know her ? »
« I’ve seen her around, » I smiled, thinking about the opportunity that had just come up and smacked me in the face. Thank you fate !
All of a sudden I felt a punch in the arm. « You’re shit outta luck buddy… » Jen said. « She’ll see right through you. She doesn’t go for any guy. Especially a player. »
I placed my hand over my heart, trying to look innocent. « I don’t know how you could think that of me. I’m a gentleman. »
Even as I said it I couldn’t keep a straight face. It was an out and out lie and we all knew it. « Hey, wasn’t that the girl that knocked you back earlier ? » Dean asked, leaning forward, a huge smirk on his face.
« No, » I said, « She’s just making me work for it. »
As Jen and Dean snorted beside me, I focused my gaze on the soccer pitch. Scanning the girls I noticed that there were some real babes that had potential, but as soon as I spotted the long blond hair, all my attention was focused on her. I smiled as I saw that she was still wearing her shorts and her vest, and it made me groan inwardly, seeing her long legs striding as she ran. As she pumped her arms, she sped up, leaving the other girls in her dust. Seeing a girl play soccer like a pro was a huge turn on. Even as other girls entered my line of vision, I couldn’t even glance their way.
So this girl lived opposite me, huh ? This was gonna be fun !
Lily :
I ran up the stairs like my life depended on it. Jennifer had phoned me after the soccer try outs and told me she’d already gone back to the apartment. Probably an excuse to catch another hour of sleep. As I sprinted up the stairs I breathed heavily, seeing as I was pinching my nose with one hand so I wouldn’t breathe through it.
It had happened towards the end of the try outs. I had seen my opportunity, with the goal wide open. So with a running leap I jumped and smacked the ball in to the net, landing on my ass and sliding along the turf as I fist pumped the air. But that glorious moment didn’t last long. Obviously, some idiot had been using the turf to walk his dog and had forgotten to uh – wipe the crap that his dog had left behind. So here I was, sprinting up the stairs with a nice fat dog poo stain on my shirt, smelling like I just climbed out of a toilet. I needed a shower. And I needed one badly.
As I finally reached the apartment I swung the door open and cried with relief. « Oh thank you Lord, » I cried, lifting my hands in the air rather dramatically.
I cringed when I heard laughing opposite me. Turning in that direction I saw Jennifer arching an eyebrow at me, a quizzical look on her face. « Why do you smell like a toilet brush ? » Jen laughed, looking very smug for some reason.
« Because I rolled in crap, » I sighed, stomping over to the couch. When I found myself standing over her I turned on the spot and showed her my back.
As she burst out laughing, I just scowled and turned back around to face her. « Dude, this is so not funny ! » I practically yelled, folding my arms and glaring at her. « You should be comforting me. I smell like a camel’s backside… » I mumbled, scrunching up my nose and looking down at my shirt with disgust.
And did I get a reply ? Nope. She carried on laughing, rocking back and forth on the sofa. I stood there glaring at her, waiting for her to calm down. And let me tell you, it was a long wait. Sighing loudly, I tapped my foot, trying to resist the smile that was slowly creeping it’s way through. Finally giving up, I cracked a smile and shook my head at Jen.
« You just stay here and cackle like a mad woman on drugs. I’m going for a shower, » I smiled, walking past her and in to the hallway.
Her giggles were still audible, and suddenly a thought popped in to my head. It was mean, and gross. So naturally, I had to do it. Whipping off the t-shirt over my head, I cringed, trying not to get any dog crap in my hair. When the t-shirt was finally off, I tiptoed to the back off the sofa and smiled.
« Here you go Jen, » I laughed. « Give this a wash would ya ? Thanks man, appreciate it ! »
And I threw it over her, fighting back a laugh when it landed straight in her lap. Oh I’m good ! She must have jumped fifty feet in the air, like she had just been electrocuted or something. Good times ! « Damn it Lily, » Jen screamed, holding the t-shirt up between her fingertips.
As she marched over to me, I started to back away, a huge grin on my face. « Anywhoooooo….. » I said slowly, « Best be off now ! Time for a shower. »
And with that, I spun around and ran to the bathroom, laughing all the way as I heard Jen cursing under her breath behind me. As I shut the door, I leant back against it and smiled. This place really felt like home, despite me only having been here for two days. As I switched on the shower, I got undressed and stepped under the hot spray, sighing when it touched my skin. Now I don’t know what came over me, but the urge to sing was completely undeniable. And one song kept popping in to my head, since it had been playing on the radio all frickin’ day. Bobbing my head, I started to sing,
Sexy and I know it !
Girl, look at that body,
I work out !
Within ten seconds, I was doing a full on dance routine in the shower, using the nozzle as my microphone, (which F.Y.I does not work as the spray just whacks you in the face while you’re trying to belt out some pitch perfect notes). Almost choking on the water, I looked towards the bathroom door when I heard knocking coming from the other side.
« Get out here would ya ! » I heard Jen shout. « And stop that terrible racket ; the windows are shattering out here. The neighbours will think your murdering a cat in there ! »
« But we don’t have a cat ! » I yelled back, smiling.
« Yeah ! But they don’t know that, » she replied.
Laughing, I turned off the shower and stepped out. Drying my hair quickly, I wrapped a white cotton towel around myself. It was pretty short, barely reaching to mid-thigh but I figured it’s only Jen, so who gives a rats ass ! Opening the door and wondering out in to the living room, I practically had a heart attack when I saw Noah standing there, a huge smirk on his face.
Noah POV :
I knocked on the door, trying hard to fight back a grin. Finding out that Lily was my neighbour was just too good be true, so naturally I had to make full use of this opportunity. As the door opened I saw Jen standing there, a smile on her face.
« Hey, what’s up ? » She asked.
« Thought I’d come in. You know, introduce myself to the new neighbour, » I grinned, peering over her shoulder.