I cringed inwardly when I heard it. Usually this is the part where I say, ‘What a beautiful name,’ but I just couldn’t bring myself to say it in this case. Gertrude ? I mean, wow ! Just as I opened my mouth to give her my best come on line (cheesy I’ll admit, but it seems to work), Dean barged in to me and almost knocked me off my feet.
« Dude ? » I almost yelled, stepping to the side and rubbing my elbow where he had just ran in to me. « What are you doing ? »
Staring at him, it was plain to see that he had a look of fear on his face. He was standing ridiculously close to me, and I arched a brow when he slipped his hand in to mine, entwining our fingers. I immediately tried to pry my hand away, but he held on tight. « What the hell are you doing ? » I whispered, trying yet again to pull my hand free.
« You know that girl I went over the road to talk to ? » He said, glancing over his shoulder.
« Yeah…. » I said, urging him to speak faster.
« Well, her boyfriend just turned up and he was frickin’ huge. Looked like he was about to beat me into oblivion with his pinkie finger, » Dean cringed, sneaking glances at the girl I was trying to score with.
« And what does this have to do with me ? » I asked curiously, well aware that we were still holding hands.
« I – uh – told him that I was gay and that I was here with my boyfriend. It just slipped out, I’m sorry, » Dean said, cringing at me.
Raising my eyebrow at him, I turned to see the girl that he had tried to hit on chatting with some huge guy, that pretty much looked like a pro-wrestler. As he glanced over in our direction, I took one for the team. I held up the hand that Dean was holding on too and I waved it in the air, smiling like an idiot. Before dropping it down again, I kissed Dean’s hand, trying not gag at the same time. I grinned as the dude and his girlfriend turned and began walking down the road.
« Thanks man, » I heard Dean say, « But did you really need to kiss my hand ? »
« I went with it, » I shrugged, snatching my hand back and glaring at him. « Do you – uh – mind giving me and…… »
Oh shit ! I had totally forgotten the girl’s name. Gerry ? Grace ? My mind was drawing a complete blank. Glancing up at the blond chick whose name I had totally forgotten, I saw that she was scowling at me. « It’s Gert, » she said before she stormed off, throwing an evil glare over her shoulder in my direction.
« Well great. Thanks a lot buddy, » I said as I shoved Dean. « I could have gotten laid tonight. »
Dean held his hands up in front of his chest. « Bros before hoes dude ! » He smirked, « I was in an emergency. »
As I shook my head and smiled, I noticed a motorbike pull up at the road that was adjacent to the college entrance. Even from this distance I could see it was a Harley. Now they’re sweet rides, and I had always wanted one. I know Dean did too, so when I glanced at him I wasn’t surprised to notice his gaze fixed on the motorbike. Pulling down my black t-shirt, I decided that I needed to see this bike up close. And I’m sure any guy would appreciate having someone telling him that his ride was sweet ! So I left Dean ogling the Harley and made my way over. But the closer I got, I noticed something that got my pulse racing.
Looking at the driver, I saw that they still had their helmet on, so their face wasn’t visible. But it was definitely clear to see that this was no guy. This was a girl, with a smokin’ hot body I might add. As I got closer, I felt my mouth drop open as I saw her. She had on a pair of tiny denim shorts, with rips up the side. They stopped mid-thigh, showing off her long pale legs.
I groaned as my gaze trailed down them. They were the longest legs I’ve ever had the pleasure of setting my eyes on. Dragging my gaze up, I noticed that this girl was wearing a tight white shirt, showing off her toned stomach. The leather jacket she was wearing was blocking my view of what I really wanted to see. As she got off the bike I stopped and waited for her to take off the helmet.
When she did, I gulped. Her long blonde hair fell messily over her shoulders. I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she reached up and brushed it out of her face with her hand. When she looked in my direction, I groaned inwardly. She had the most unusual eyes I’d ever seen, a deep grey. And those full lips of hers looked oh so kissable. In fact I imagined kissing them all night long, after getting her into my bed. After raking my eyes over every inch of her, it was a no-brainer.
As she stepped off the bike, I walked up to her and smiled. « Well hi, I haven’t seen you around before. »
« I just moved here, » she shrugged, searching for something in her rucksack.
« Makes sense. I certainly would have remembered you, » I smiled, waiting for her to smile back at me and take the bait.
So I was surprised when she burst out laughing, arching her eyebrow at me. « Is that what passes for a pick up line these days ? » she asked, trying to stifle her laugh.
« Uh, no. It’s the truth, » I said, trying to recover. « A girl that looks like you probably gets noticed wherever she goes, am I right ? »
I scratched my cheek when she burst out laughing again, looking at me like I was completely stupid. Shifting on my feet, I waited for her to finish. After a couple of minutes she was still chuckling so I folded my arms, huffing out a breath. Another minute passed until she finally finished and looked up at me. This time she was smiling. Alright, time to get this show on the road.
« What’s your name ? » she asked me, looking genuinely curious.
« Noah. What’s yours gorgeous ? »
« Lily, » she replied, already walking past me and marching up the steps. My eyes immediately went to her ass as she walked. God I couldn’t take my eyes off it. So when I heard her voice in the distance, I managed to pull my eyes up and look at her face. Just. As I glanced at her, I knew that she had caught me looking, but to my relief she didn’t say anything, just smirked at me.
« Well Noah, tell me something. If you take away the last two letters of your name, what does it spell ? » Lily asked, smiling at me.
I wondered what that had to do with anything but I played along. I would pretty much do anything to get this girl in to my bed. « Uh, no ? » I said, making it sound more like a question.
« Hmmm, no. You got it, » she winked, before turning around and running up the stairs.
Realizing what had just happened ; I stood there gawking at the place she had just vanished. No ? Scratching my head, I watched as Dean swaggered over, a huge grin on his face. « Crash and burn did ya ? » he asked.
« No. Just a minor speed bump. Nothing I can’t handle, » I said confidently. After all, I was sure this girl would fall for me. They all did. As Dean and I ran up the steps to class, my mind kept drifting to Lily, to her smokin’ hot body. To her grey eyes and the lips I just wanted to ravage. But I didn’t worry.
I always get what I want. And I wanted her.
Lily POV :
I ran like hell down the deserted hallway, swearing all the way. Glancing at my watch, I saw that I was ten minutes late to my first lecture. Just great ! My first bloody day and I’m probably going to get an earful from some pompous know-it-all professor. As I charged down the hall, I started breathing heavily. I do sports, but running with close to ten text books in my bag was giving me a serious cramp. As I rounded the corner I almost cried in relief as I saw the room I was looking for. Stopping outside to wipe the sweat off my forehead, I opened the door and walked inside.
When I entered the room, about one hundred faces all turned in my direction. Oh jeez ! Turning to look at the professor, I saw it was an old man who looked about ninety. And he did not look impressed. « What time do you call this ? » He barked, eyeing me over the rims of his glasses.
Whilst I got my breathing under control, I looked at his tweed suit and his bushy white beard. He did have a slight resemblance to Santa Claus if you just squinted a little. Once my breath had come back I smiled sheepishly. « Uh, sorry ! I’m new here and I kinda got lost. This place is frickin’ huge. »
I frowned when I heard laughter erupt from the seats opposite. Why the hell are they laughing ? Shrugging I turned back to the professor to find him glaring at me, looking like he was sucking on a lemon, his face all scrunched up. « There is no swearing in my class young lady. Take a seat in the front row please so I can keep an eye on you, » the man said, gesturing forward with his hand.
« But I uh – I didn’t swear, » I argued, frowning at him.
« Don’t back-chat me. Just take your bag and sit in the front, » he snapped, « You’ve wasted enough time already. »
Huffing out an annoyed breath, I turned and stomped over to the first row of seats. I tried to ignore the snickers and whispers that were going on behind me. Grinding my teeth, I unzipped my bag and got out my workbook. But no matter what the professor nattered on about, I could not for the life of me pay any attention to him. I mean, I was majorly pissed. It’s my first day and the pompous know-it all can’t even give me a break. Sheesh ! As I got my frustration under control I felt a light tapping on my shoulder.