I caught the unco-electricity bill on the table in the hope of distracting me of my enchanting girl and short-circuiting another incorrect erection.
By breaking the eggs in the stove, she declared;
➖Ih u dressed if I made you weird last night. I was in a kind of strange mood.
➖ME: No need to apologize.
I put aside the indefibractive bill and I looked at something else to see that the perfect ass of my daughter;
➖So all have weird moods from time to time. Some more strange than others.
She dropped some slices of bread in the toaster.
➖LUCIA: Thank you for supporting me.
She went out the butter of the refrigerator and put it on the table. His nipples came out visibly under the top. It was probably because of the cold air of the refrigerator and they would smell surely in one minute.
➖LUCIA: I like we can talk about all together.
➖ME: I too darling.
I tried to push back the dark pulses that spontaneously mounted.
➖LUCIA: I do not think that another father would be ready to admit to his daughter how he justifies.
She checked to see what kind of reaction was coming out of me.
➖ME: Maybe because most papas do not have a girl who wears his dildo wherever it goes.
She sent me a guilty smile over his shoulder;
➖Lay my new best friend outside of this.
Lucia picked up the eggs in a plate, released the toast of the toaster and put my plate before me with the salt. She sat in front of me and sirota his orange juice.
For the pleasure of saying anything, I said;
➖It look delicious
➖LUCIA: Can I ask you something?
➖ME: Ho, my daughter. I guess it's another of these personal questions, otherwise you would not ask for permission first.
The bad look in his eyes was enough to confirm my suspicions.
➖LUCIA: Last night, when we were talking, did you have an erection?
I almost buried me with my eggs.
➖ME: What? Why?
➖LUCIA: just curious.
She stretched me a towel;
➖Il is not serious, but it seems that you did it and I was just wondering. You do not have to tell me if you do not want. The last one was said as a veiled challenge more than anything.
I raised my eyes on my plate and saw my daughter leaning forward, waiting attentively an answer. I knew what she wanted to hear, but I also knew that I had not encouraged it.
I confessed;
➖Or I could have.
His eyes wandered with joy to my answer;
➖Why do you bandy?
➖ME: I do not know. This sometimes happens to men.
I was a loose and she knew him;
➖Propping is because of the way you touch your dildo, or maybe all that talks to masturbate.
➖LUCIA: You're so cute in the moment, dad.
She reached out and caught my forearm in a loss of affectionate support;
➖You have not be balied about it. I do not mind if you're getting hard with me. I know it's a natural thing that happens to the guys, and it's no longer like I was a little girl.
➖ME: No, you are certainly not.
➖LUCIA: I mean, I'm horny all the time, and it's not sure to claim that you are not like that too.
His nipples were again again taken through his top, and I could not explain it this time as caused by cold air.
➖LUCIA: It sounds idiot for us to have hide what we feel each other. You do not think?
I had to try to inject a little common sense in this conversation before she will go away too far.
➖ME: Listening, darling, I think you and I have an excellent relationship, and I would never want to do anything to lose that. It's just that I'm not sure that it is a good idea for us to be too open on our sex life.
I felt his hand slightly presumnate my arm.
➖ME: We should be able to speak if you have questions or problems, but I'm afraid it was inappropriate for me, as your father, to share too many things with you.
My heart was fighting fast and I had a sinking of sinking to the hollow of the stomach. I said what I knew how to do, but I hated each word that came out of my mouth. I could see some of this brightness fade on the Lucia's face as she absorbed what I told him. She made a brave smile and taped my arm in a reassuring way.
➖LUCIA: Okay, I guess it's logical. Oup, I forgot your coffee.
She got up and went for me a cup.
➖LUCIA: As I said, I was in the weird in the last time. Forget everything and do as if I was myself.
She delivered my coffee with just the right amount of sugar and cream.
➖ME: I do not want you to get angry, darling. I never want to do anything to hurt you or spoil things between us. That's all.
Without believing itself, she sat down me;
➖I'm not angry. I think you are the best father that a girl can wish.
She hugged me aside with his head nestled against my neck;
➖I love you so much.
➖ME: And I love you, darling.
I tapered her back. She held the hug long as usual. I wondered if she was about to cry, but when she moved away, she was also cheerful and joyful than ever. I knew she felt rejected and did everything she could to do so I do not path. She was trying to stop me feeling myself about what I had said. I loved it for that, but I always felt badly.
The next two days passed without incident. There was an intangible discomfort between Lucia and I, but I knew it would happen soon. I quickly reduced my lascinic thoughts about my daughter and she behaved much more appropriate. I was relieved that this strange storm is passed until I go to my laundry.
By opening the basket, I remembered that the Lucia panties was always hidden under my business. I searched but I did not find them. I emptied the basket in the basket basket an item at once, but they were not found. I have seen everything twice in more, but they were definitely not there. What is that?
This sensation of sinking was back in my stomach. I went to Lucia's room. She was in football training and would not be home before an hour. I looked in his underpinner drawer, but they were not there. I checked his basket without success. I pulled the blankets on his bed and my worst worry was confirmed.
There, near his pillow, was his purple dildo. Around this dildo were the panties I found in front of the door of my room. And they were still dirty. The places where my sperm had soaked them and dried were more than evokes. It was impossible that she does not know beyond any doubt that I had not only carried out underwear in my room with me, but that I was clearly connected to it. More than once.
It was pretty as humiliating as possible. I wanted to catch them and clean the evidence of my lubric sins, but she would know where I was driving in his room. She had not washed them themselves. What did this mean? Did she plan to sing me in one way or another? If one day on the road I told her that she could not stay late with her friends or go to a party, would they shut down this panties and would he normal shaking them? How could I practice any parental authority while clarifying this kind of lever? I was royal fucked the alloo this time.
I left everything where it was and I went out of his room in a fog. I did not know what to do, then I did nothing. Maybe it was not as serious as I imagined, and everything would be solicited. Unlikely, but possible.
Lucia got back to the training and took the shower. When she finished, my sweet girl entered the living room wrapped in a towel that barely reaching the top of his thighs. She held her purple friend.
➖LUCIA: Dad, are we having more batteries? I think I exhausted them.
➖ME: Already?
She just shrugged the shirts and sent me a shy smile. The naughty was back.
She followed me in the kitchen and waited for me to bring him a new pair of batteries.
➖LUCIA: Can you put me?
She stretched me the toy, then removed it quickly;
➖Oups, wait! I did not have it washed since the last time I used it.
She bit her lip in an attractive way and looked at me with these great eyes and beautiful eyes;
➖Ohhh, but it does not bother you, right?
She once again one offered his dildo. I took it, knowing that he was covered with the dried pussy juice of my little girl. Shit, this embracing was sneaky. I tried to keep my hands stable while I replaced the batteries, even if I suspected that she was perfectly able to do it itself. I put the toy and she turned it on.
➖LUCIA: Oah! It's more like that.
She touched the end of his false dick on his cheek and passed her on his lips;
➖I thought about that all day.
She turned around and headed for his room;
➖A in about half an hour.
I swear I saw the chest plane while she was going. It was all I could do for not to follow him and jerk again at his door while I was listening to my little girl gets bothering.
It had everything to do with the panties. The high moral level had evaporated in me as if he had never been there. She had her, and she was going to enjoy it. Well, let him play his small games. I was the adult. I was his father. Yes, I had a moment of weakness, but I was not going to let him take over on me. All I had to do was was ignoring his pederal seductions and she would eventually give up to try to excite me.
In the next days, I held good. She used to let her dildo on the house. It seemed that I could not go back without being there to narger. Lucia ran into the house as soon as she could get away. One evening, she was in the panties with which I had punked, and I was pretty sure that she had not always washed it. The next night, while I went to my room to fall asleep, I heard this revealing planning from the hallway. It sounded stronger than he had to. That's when I noticed that the Lucia door was not completely closed.
I stayed for a long time, hand on the handle of the door of my room. There was no doubt about what she was doing. But did she understand itself? Did she leave fantasy take over on her? I knew I had. The reality of what she was planning was too fleet to be fully appreciated, especially at his age. There was in a head a romantic and erroneous idea that I would bring only pain and suffering if it was put into practice. I heard a sweet geophot float in the hallway from his room.
My knees were low and my resolution even smaller. Everything was beginning to collapse. I thought she was too much about it. I had to hunt it from my mind and not give him the satisfaction to answer his provocations. She would understand early enough that she could not affirm his feminine power on me. I was his father, for God's love.
I slipped silently in my room, then I violently beaten three times before falling into a slightly sleep.
Working the next day was virtually impossible. I could not focus on anything without my daughter take control of my thoughts. I had to put an end to his obscene behavior. If she was acting tonight, I intended to confront him. It would not be nice, but being parent is not always easy.
Surprisingly, Lucia was a model girl that night. Football, dinner, homework and a little TV with his old. Nothing inappropriate. No sexual insinuses. Not even a revealing hold. Perhaps we had the hurry. I was more than relieved. At least until a blow to the door of my room later in the night wakes up.
➖ME: Lucia?
Already in my room, she murmured;
➖Or, it's just me. I can not stay?
I looked for the bright numbers of my clock, I saw that it was over 2 o'clock in the morning and I kgged. I felt it under the blankets with me and I marled;
➖ke is the problem?
To be continued...
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-PAGE: Erotic+ TV
-TITLE: My daughter's dildo