I went out of my remote control and he treated it. She taissed with his new toy and after some missed tests, she installed the batteries. I noticed that his hands trembled more than mine. Lucia played with the joystick. His purple dick took old and began to burst up.
She causing pleasure;
➖Oh my God, it's so much weird.
My daughter again touched his sex toy against his cheek, then took it along the top of his naked thigh. She handed his hand and touched my leg with. I was justified and she did my fun;
➖Nh not afraid, dad, it's not a real dick!
➖ME: I know, but still ...
She put it on the average setting and his smile has expanded; At high speed, his jaw fell. She looked at me with an unfleed joy. It would have said that she wanted to say something, but retained knowing that it would be too much to share with his father. It turns the device until he was silent.
➖LUCIA: I will try!
She boned and made me a big hug;
➖Thanks, dad, I love you so much!
And on that, she fled in his room. I heard his door close and a strange feeling has grown. Despite all the opposite efforts, I could not help but imagine my daughter lowering his short, jumping in her bed, to spread the legs and slip his new toy in her sweet and young pussy. I tried to divert my attention and I tried to change chain on the TV several times before realizing that there were no batteries in the remote control. I got up to get to replace.
Instead of heading to the kitchen where I kept the spare batteries, I found myself to gently lead me to my daughter's room. I stopped at the end of the hall and pistely. Everything was calm. I got closer. Once I was at his door, I could hear it. This low and regular booming. She did so really. My daughter dear was on the other side of this door masturbating with his dildo.
My dick was solid as a rock in my pants. I was disgusted of myself. It was already serious enough that I violate his privacy, but to get a whole erection was simply wrongdoing. I diminished my jeans and I took out my dick.
By mentally closing, I tried to hear more then than I began to kill me. I was lower as low, but I could not stop him. All I could think, was at this big purple dick that entered and came out of my daughter's pussy. I wanted to see the pure of delight on his face as she was fucking. I wanted to see her nubile body twist on her bed while she was happy. I wanted to see the smooth juice flow from his little hole as she was doing.
The sound of an "Ohhhhhh" from the other side of the door. A breeding ran from my balls to my asshole. I thought I had to leave, but instead, I stayed there to be justify my straight dick with my pants around my knees as a perverse dirty. I heard him again. It was a series of small moans who quickly managed to something. My little girl was doing. It was really going on. And she was there with the dildo that his father had bought him.
A sputter jet burst out of my dick and hit the door of the Lucia Chamber. I quickly put my hand in cut on my head dish and caught the rest in my palm as my balls would be and more sperm wrapped. I enjoy with my daughter. It was simply fantastic.
It was only a question of seconds before I'm taking my minds. The flood of horsesphable and shame that had been repressed during discharge quickly increased. Oh my God, what was wrong? I was holding up my daughter's room with my dropped pants and a handle of my own sperm. The buzz was stopped. She could come out of one second to another.
I rushed in the hallway as silently as possible, holding my pants with one hand and my sperm in the other while my erection bouched freely. If she knew what I had done, she would never talk to me again. She made me confidence and I had betrayed it. There would be enough guys in the world trying to enjoy her, the last thing she needed was that his father is one of them.
Once in the kitchen, I cleaned myself, I put my pants and decided that this would not happen again. I fished a new pair of double a in the drawer to Bric-to-Brac and I went back to my chair. It took almost half an hour before Lucia arrives in the soil and collapses on the couch. His cheeks were roses and she had a dreamy smile.
With a shy laugh, she raised;
➖Mmm well, it works. I will certainly need not a boyfriend for a while.
I still could not believe she was talking to me in this way, but I can not honestly say that I did not like that.
➖ME: I'm glad you are happy, darling.
I forced me watching TV and not looking at my daughter's body.
After a few minutes, she began to get on, then shot up and went up to his room again.
I will pretend it;
➖Na don't do not the first day, darling
Without conviction, she insisted;
➖Dad! I'm going to do my homework
I teased it;
➖Ewards, of course you are ... Have fun
She made me a narquois smile that told me that I was right before rushing in his room for another part with his new favorite toy.
I managed to control myself well enough during the next week. It was a torque during these moments when I suspected that she was putting himself, but I kept my distances and gave him the respect that she deserved. However, I was not able to fully control my thoughts. At night, when I was trying to fall asleep, I imagined him bunch on his dildo in the neighboring room. My dick would be last in a moment and I had to justify myself on the sick images that filled my head. I did not stop telling them that it was a passive phase and that things would come back to normal soon. And they could have done it if there was no barking unbelievated girl.
I trailed in the bathroom one morning and I stopped net in my momentum. The luca dildo was laid on the vanity next to the sink. Did she washed her and forgotten? Or did she use it here? He seemed to be a torque bigger than in my memory. My heart has caught. This thing was in my pussy of my daughter. Several times. I could not help but ask me what it felt. Maybe if she had not washed it, I could just take a blowing.
She is over;
➖He, dad, you saw my dildo? Ups, that y It he is there
She rose to her in her panties and bra and caught her toy.
She gave him a kiss and said;
➖Do not want to lose you ...
I kidded;
➖'ll hope you do not bring this thing to school with you.
She was dwelling;
➖No today.
His eyes shone down for a second quick. She sent me one of his neighborhood smiles and closed the door of the bathroom by leaving.
I dropped his eyes to see that there was a tent that was formed in my bay of pyjama. This little dynable was going to be my death. I was snapped in the shower as an excited teenager. At the moment I had finished, Lucia was part for school. I went to his room and pushed his door.
The smell of the body spray that she had been before starting was still strong in the air. Lying on his bed was the dildo. She did not even make an effort to hide it. I was once again surprised to see how the children were open to this kind these days. I felt like a full scalp, but I could not help but pick it up and sniff quickly. It smelled soap for hands and latex. She had to wash. It was embarrassing to see how I was disappointed.
I rested the toy where I had found it, but I could not solve myself. I dropped my towel and caught my tail. I was standing over the bed where my little girl played with itself. It was the place where she would be able to enjoy. My cock was stiff in a few seconds.
I said aloud;
➖You is a little horny thing, is not it, Lucia?
I felt like a fool;
➖You likes to fuck the toy that Dad bought you.
I beat my dick stronger;
➖You like masturbating your little hot pussy, is not it?
I caught my balls and I continued to shoot my tree for everything I was going;
➖See of horny slut! You are a beautiful little horny slut!
I barely had the presence of mind to catch my sperm before giving it on his sheets. I fell on knees and I kgged while I got my hand on my hand on my hand as a degenerate perverse. A few weeks earlier, I would never have had such deviant thoughts, but now it was about everything I could think. I had to be retired for the good of my daughter. I know I was not the best father, but I was better than that.
It was only a matter of days before I was tested again. It was Friday night and I was in my chair to watch television after a week busy at work. My brain was grilled and after a few beers, I had trouble keeping his eyes open.
Lucia came back from his evening, making a nobody's burst as she bounced from one piece to another by singing a shift notice of the last successful pop-up song.
I called it;
➖Heh was the film?
➖LUCIA: sucked! But there was a theater the fight, so it was cool.
She passed his head in the living room!
➖Se you do it?
➖ME: Highlights.
➖LUCIA: Let's look at a movie or something like that. You want?
I never let an opportunity to spend time with my daughter, especially when it's his idea.
➖ME: Of course.
➖LUCIA: Cool!
She went to his room, and I heard it for drinks and snacks in the kitchen. She came back to pyjama and bare feet, his hair raised in a pretty horse tail. She put a glass of coca on the table next to me and dropped a bag of griouillis to cheese on my knees (that she knows how to be my favorite favorites). She dropped over the couch with its drink and a bag of chips. She had stole the remote at a given moment for all this, sailled to the menu and selected a film that was more expensive than he had the right to be.
I was able to remain aware for the first twenty minutes, and I apparently watched.
There was a buzz. I dreamed of Lucia again using his toy again. I had to stop doing that. The sound persisted, no matter how I try to hunter it with my mind. Wait. It was not in my mind. The sound was in the room with me. Impossible.
I opened his eyes. The movie still played. Lucia was on the penalm sofa and looked at the screen. She had his dildo in his hand and played her slightly on his priesthood. His feet were on the couch, his knees spread, and she massas her pussy through his bay of pyjama with his vibrator. It had to be a dream.
His eyes posed on me and she noticed that I was awake.
She quickly closed his legs and turned the toy;
➖Oops! I thought you were sleeping
I was half in reality and half outside;
➖Aiiisis ... but I probably have to go to bed so you are alone ...
Quickly, she said;
➖No, you are not obliged to go. I will keep that for later.
She put the dildo on the coffee table;
➖Was just ... You know.
She shrugged, blowing me of eyes to standing with her.
I had certainly no longer sleepy. Even if I could not quite understand what I had just seen, my dick understood everything perfectly. I was sure the bulge of my pants would not be perceptible in the dark, and I did not care about it almost.
With a core core and a blunt of gliffings, I tried to catch up with the foolish intrigue of the film. I could not help but have stealthy looks at my daughter. It was difficult to say with the pattern of his pajamas, but I thought I could see his nipples to eat. I noticed that she was causing me of stealthy looks when I did not look at. What was happening here?
➖LUCIA: Dad, can I ask you a question? "
To be continued...
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-PAGE: Erotic+ TV
-TITLE: My daughter's dildo