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Chapter 7


I stare at the small figure in front of me, totally surrendered to the deepest and most serene sleep, appearing to be the sweetest of earthly creatures. Sweet deceit. I walk towards her and lightly caress her angelic face, I brush away the lock of hair that prevents me from admiring her completely and I stand still, just looking at her like a damn psychopath. The best of perfumes reach my nostrils as her body responds to my presence and she moves.

I inhale desperately.

I focus my gaze on her body in detail, the upper part is uncovered and reveals the youthful light pink baby doll, cute as hell, while the part of the bust covered in lace and which shares the same color as the fabric makes the blood run in my veins with more fervor. She looks so innocent, pure and helpless from this angle that it makes me question what I saw earlier.

But I saw it, it wasn't the creation of my screwed up imagination.

I suck in a stronger breath, pulling my body away from hers. It's crazy to keep her so close right now, every part of my body has started to react differently to her presence since that kiss and my fucking thoughts aren't contributing at all. That kiss ruined the beautiful bond we had, taking away the possibility of everything being like before.

Damn it.

Damn it.

I punch the wall in explosion, I'm so angry with everything that's been happening that I don't even think about waking her up, just a growl coming from her throat brings me back and I start to watch her sleep, for countless minutes until I realize how bad essideiaé.

Your regular breathing calms my heart, however I only need one look at your fleshy lips and the shitty thoughts start bubbling up again, in a much worse dimension than the previous ones.

I'm a grown man who went through a lot when I was young, I had trouble getting along with people and putting my shyness aside, I've been through a lot and I know what it's like not to have someone to lean on and hold when you're with afraid, sad or just venting and I recognize how strong I had to be to overcome everything and be who I am today, but what this girl went through is well, shit, she lost her parents and then she lost her aunt, the only family she had left . Solange was so selfish diving into those fucking drugs, we'd been through this when we were dating and she'd promised me to stop.

I'm a complete idiot.

My wife needed my help, but my work consumed my time. I loved that woman, but the passion had faded a few years ago with the ease and lack of commitment of both to marriage, but I would still do anything for her and I feel damn guilty for her early death.

I leave Mel's room after staring at her beautiful face for a while longer, knowing that she is safe brings me peace. The big question is whether I could defend her against me, the only one she can count on. I massage my forehead with the pads of my fingers, my head showing signs that it will explode at any moment. I relax on my bed, capture the bedside photo, something taken on the happiest day of my life years ago when Mel was five and she was in my lap, entertained with the flower arrangement her aunt held, it was on my wedding day . When there were only good thoughts and sensations. No sense of loss, no wrong thoughts.

Wrong thoughts.



I can't stop, not after what I witnessed in her room today. It was so surreal I refused to believe it was real, I'm screwed over that.

I'll fuck with her. She screwed me over right away, an unplanned revenge, but just as effective.

Having those images and sounds recorded. Damn. It would be easier not to go crazy, however, now I don't even have to close my eyes to visualize.

My psyche was damaged enough before that, the shitty trophy of the year already had my name on it. I can only feel anger and disgust, but every time I try to push the thoughts away from her there's a little part of me that wants to see her lips moaning my name, her fucking hips gyrating and her panties soaking wet.


I shouldn't have seen it, but the door was open and I had gone to try to reconcile. I had decided after much thought that the best choice was to pretend nothing had happened, I was going to resolve the situation for both of us. Except that the damn door was open and she was there, sitting on top of a pillow, swaying shamelessly, not even looking like my demure good girl.


I saw my niece bouncing around on a goddamn pillow pretending she was bouncing on my dick and it turned the fuck on. Much more than any erotic movie I've ever seen. I throw away the pillow that accommodated my head and rest now on the flat form of the bed.

Her pert ass as she nimbly rubbed herself, the way her head fell back, took my rationality for a few seconds and I almost screwed up. She was wearing a shirt and had her bra on underneath, but at one point I wished she was completely naked, straddling me. I was so mesmerized by the way her hips moved that I didn't move, when she moaned my name for the first time my cock grew and I went to hell, I almost had a heart attack with the rage that invaded me and I invaded her room. I was ready to ground her, but I couldn't confront her with a hard-on.

Shit. When she came, I almost died.

I left the small gap in his bedroom door and ran to mine, shit, it wasn't the fear of being discovered that made me rush out, it was because I needed a cold shower.

“She's just confused, it'll pass.” I try to convince myself.

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