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Chapter 3


I swing my legs from side to side, restlessly biting my lip and tapping the sleet that makes up the counter with my freshly painted pink fingernails. I sigh and tap some more. Eyes stare at me in impatience, I keep a wide, content smile on my face.

"I like people like that." Nod, as a confirmation. The dimple that's been hidden for so long settles in her cheek. Her eyes shine in my direction.

I bite my lips and watch as his attention suddenly focuses on them. The hard, confused expression drags me down to the fear that I've ruined this moment. “Uncle Enzo?”

Damn it.

“I'll take a shower.” The rigid posture confuses me, something has changed and the mood feels heavy now. I nod my head, to no avail.

"Look at the food for me." Don't let it burn.

“Don't count on it.” I whisper. Almost like an appeal. His left eyebrow rises and I understand what he means.

“Don't let the food burn, or your potato will cook."

I shift my attention between the two pots in front of me, mentally asking for this fucking bath to be quick. I inhale the delicious smell coming from the bigger pot once more, I haven't eaten Lorenzo Cavalieri's food for a long time. I run my tongue between my lips and get irritated with this man's delay in a shower, just take off his clothes, wet his body and apply a scented soap. How time consuming this should be.

"I'm going to starve while I wait." I grumble, stirring the smaller pot just to pass the time, the bigger one has meat that looks so delicious.appetizing covered with a thick sauce that makes me uneasy just being so close without being able to taste it.

"I would never let you starve." I must have been so involved that I didn't notice your steps. He's so close I can smell the aftershave.

“You took your time.” I complain. He comes closer and takes my place with the pans. “ Good job.” Praise, giving me a wink.

“I thought you had slipped in the bathroom and fallen, I was about to go there to help you. His arm stirs the spoon in the larger pot and a smile forms on his lips.

“Sorry,” he asks.

“I'm not that hungry.”

"And even? It's a shame because the food was just ready." He looks at me playfully.

"Thank God! I was about to pass out here."

We set the table and enjoyed dinner in silence, that night was nothing like I had imagined. Not a single compliment did I receive, my dress was too pretty to go unnoticed.

“Need to talk to you.”

“What there was?” The white envelope positioned on the table from the beginning of the meal catches my attention again. "Does that have anything to do with it?" ’ I point with my finger.

“ Open it.” Speak and I take the intrigued envelope. I stare at him hopefully, but I don't get a clue. I open it and a document with tiny print is revealed, I narrow my eyes in its direction. His pragmatic expression frustrates me and brings irritation to my veins.

“What does that mean?” I ask after reading it word by word, paragraph by paragraph, rereading it twice more and not sure I understand the meaning.

“Exactly what you read, you're mine now.”

His last word shocks me, causing a stir of unknown sensations within me, I turn my attention to the paper in my hands still without reaction.

"You adopted me?"

“I became a kind of tutor, actually. Responsible for you until you reach the age of majority. Which will only happen in seven months.

“I'm moving in with you. ’ I catch his eyes in mine. It wasn't a question.

“Just like you always did.” I smile.

“Thank you, Uncle Enzo.”

“Don't thank me, you're my only family and I'll take care of both of us. You will always come first princess.”

"And when you marry again?" My voice comes out disgusted, my mind producing the scene of him with a wife and baby in his arms.

A tightness forms around my chest.

Bitterness and pain transform your gaze. He is silent and frowns, just like he does whenever he has intriguing thoughts swirling in his brain.

“You'll always come first, Melissa. As always was.” he says, picking up her plate and leaving the kitchen, but before her feet reach the first stop of the stairs, I grab her waist.

“I love you, Uncle Enzo.” I feel your body relax in my hands. Her scent hits my nose and I inhale hard.

“Me too, princess.”

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