Shila Kapoor turned and looked at her only daughter blankly. She just arrived from after she attended the event she was gone for. She was tired but she definitely needed to talk with her daughter.
Nandini knew that look. She knew that the flood of questions were waiting for her.
"U must be tired, Mom. Go freshen up. I prepared your favorite dishes. We will have lunch together. Okay?"
"U have time to prepare a meal for me? U didn't even have time to receive my calls." Shila shouted.
"Because I wanted to talk to you face to face. I knew talking on the phone will create more confusion."
"There is no confusion. U are clearly working with that Malhotra boy."
"I am."
"Why? Even after knowing how much I hate them, u agreed to work with him."
"Mom, u know how this industry works. We don't mix personal and professional life."
"Don't give me that crap! That line is to fool the media not ur mother."
"Mom. Even exes work together and we don't have anything to do with Manik."
"So? He is the son of Manoj Malhotra who nearly ruined me and his wife Rumana did the rest."
"His parents did not him. I am also the daughter of my dad but u don't hate me."
"Why will I hate my own daughter? It's my fault that I choose ur dad. That man was useless. But u, my darling is the sweetest thing happened to me. U are working hard since ur childhood."
"Exactly mom! I am working hard but I am not that recognized internationally. This project is a golden ticket for that mom."
"U are famous enough and u can do other projects, Nandini."
"No mom. I am not an idiot to lose the opportunity. Actresses are crying out there fir not being in my place. Mr. Pant is directing it. It is such a big project that can change my whole career. I am not going to lose it bcz of the enmity."
"Mom. Do u want Manik to be more famous than me so that Mrs. Malhotra can flaunt it in front of u? Manik has no problem working with me. Because he very well know what he will be getting from it so it's impossible for him to back out. It is all over the news mom. If I back out now, u can think what kind of news is going to be there. My career will be at stake. No one will want to work with the actress who can't keep her personal and professional life apart. I worked too hard to let that happen."
Shila Kapoor sighed. She understood what Nandini tried to tell her. But she also knows a horrible outcome. Malhotras always had a charm that Kapoors could not resist. They were always heart breakers and She never want Nandini to suffer the way her family dud in the past. She wanted to warn Nandini but remembered that she too was warned by her mother. But she fall for Manoj Malhotra and rest became a history.
"So u want to work in the project because it is one of a kind."
"Yes mom, It is. This project is going to create a history. And ur work will increase."
Shila frowned, "What do u mean?"
"After the announcement, I got so many commercial offers and also few future projects. Just think what will happen after releasing of the series. Nick can't do everything so u need to choose what I am going to do. Just like before." Nandini said hugging her mother.
"U were a kid then. U sure, u want to go with my choice?"
"Of course. Ur choice always proved to be best."
"If you insist."
"Yes. And if ur interrogation is over than let's go and eat. Those delicious food is waiting for us."
"Okay. Let me get fresh first." With that Shila went to her room and Nandini sighed in relief.
She typed, "My plan worked" and sent it to Nick. She knew Manik will come handy. That's why she brought up how Manik would never back out from such project and he would be more famous. She felt exhausted. Coaxing Shila Kapoor is not an easy task.
Soon Shila came down and they sat for their lunch. She seemed to be calm and talked about the event she attended. Nandini noticed that her mother became happy whenever she talked about her work. Being a workaholic is one of her traits that Nandini got along with the beauty.
"The collections were so good. But there were few odd ones which only looked good on the stage. No one is going to wear them in public."
"Mom, now a days celebrity likes to go funky in public. It gathers more attention. They don't care if it is good or bad."
"Time changes everything. At our time these things were disgrace. Actresses had to maintain their grace and elegance. I can't count how many times I had to eat like a bird in the functions when I was starving."
"It's still here. That's why I always prefer to eat before any function. U know I can't bear hunger."
"That's why you don't look like a fit person."
"I am fit enough. My weight is the perfect weight an actress can have. I don't have any plans to become a skeleton."
"Start other side business. You can't act all ur life. And when you will establish something you can leave the industry or be a little more choosy. But u are still young to quit the industry."
"I know. I am thinking what to do as side business."
"I won't interfere in it. It's totally ur choice."
"How can you do that Manik?!"
"Do what, mom?"
"U don't know?! This boy is going to make me crazy."
Manik very well knew that last part was meant to be for his father. His parents didn't come back from their trip and he decided to finally talk to them and got over it.
"Why u didn't pick up our calls?" His father asked.
"I needed time to understand what was happening."
"See he didn't know what he was doing." His mother cried out.
"I very well know what I was doing. I actually got the biggest project of the I-don't-know-of-how-many-years."
"He is so excited for the project." Rumana said disbelieve voice. "You are so excited to work with her!"
"Mom, u are over reacting."
"I am over reacting!! U heard what he just said."
"Yes mom, ask dad. He knows that u over react every time."
"What?? He told u that! How dare u, Manoj."
"Manik, this is not fair. You are not supposed to do that to me."
"U are upset because he spilled the beans! Unbelievable."
"We are getting side tracked here, don't u see Rumana?" Manoj threw the ball in Manik's court again.
"Oh yes. Explain yourself young man."
"U already know that this is a big project and it's going to be a life changer for me. Nandini is going to be my co-actor even she doesn't have any problem working with me. Now I am not going to be the egoistic brat and ruin my career."
"U should have consult it with us first." Rumana said.
'Yeah that's why I practically signed the contract like I was in a race.' Manik thought.
"Mom, trust me everything will be fine. I am an actor and I know the difference between personal and professional. This project is best for me and I know it that's why I agreed to do it."
"U never listen to me."
"Because I can decide for myself."
"When u are going to start the shoot?"