'Manik Malhotra, THE BAD BOY of the industry is accused for raping someone and making her pragnant. According to our sources he is in his way to the police station. Social media was in fire for Nandini kapoor's tax evasion and Now for Manik Malhotra's case. Fans are debating between them if he can do this or not. If the bad boy seriously did this then he will be in a lot of trouble.'
This news was going on everywhere. Nandini was pacing here and there in her room. She didn't call him yet, giving him the space to figure everything out. She knew he could never do this. But she also knew how some people could trap the celebrities. They never could believe even their close ones.
"Stop pacing. U are tiring ur self since morning. Please take some rest before you fall sick. I am sure he will be fine. It's not first time u both face some problems in ur careers." Her Manager Nick said.
"I know but I can't relax before I know that he is fine."
"U know if someone see you both freaking out for each other's problems, he cannot say that you both are distant friends not best friends."
"We better be distant friends than best friends and that's what we always will be." Nandini said looking far away..
"God, being in the same profession as your parents sucks. You already have a enemy even before you born, the enemy u don't even hate." Nick muttered.
"How can someone hate him, Nick? He doesn't even has a bone to hate."
"But his haters do hate him. U both will be facing problems because of what happened today."
"Time is the best healer. People will forget everything with each time passes. Yeah sometime they will dig it but it won't harm. And life of an actor is quite boring. All the time show off and all. These scandals are like entertainment for us."
"Babypie, u don't understand. There is a high chance ur upcoming film which is going to hit theaters in a few days, becomes a flop because of this."
"I know it's bad.. But I have some back to back projects. How long they are gonna hate me?"
"Everything is so messed up." Nick groaned.
"Stop complaining and try to contract Manik's manager Jimmy."
A Silver shiny BMW stopped in front of the police station. Even before the police could come, the car was surrounded by a huge crowd.. All chanting Manik's name.
"Look at that. As if he didn't come to the police station but to an award function." One policeman said to another.
"They are happy to see him. It doesn't matter where but as if they know that he is innocent and nothing will happen to him. What a life celebrities have!" another one replied.
With the help of his own bodyguards and policemen, Manik was walking through the crowd. They were asking for autographs, clicking photos.
In the police station, Manik was taken into the interrogation room. Manik was sitting on a chair and a police officer was sitting in front of him, a table in between them.
"Mr. Malhotra, Miss Neha accused u for raping her and impregnate her. She has provided few proves. She even said u both were close. So it's better if you tell us the truth and cooperate."
"Well, I don't know any Neha that was close to me. I am a very private person. I only keep few people close to me. So I would have remember if she was close to me."
"So, u are denying these proves too." the officer said and laid few photographs in front of him. In those photos he was holding a girl on her shoulder and smiling at the camera.
"She provided these photos to prove she was close me?" Manik asked and officer nodded.
"Can u see the backgrounds? Look at the crowds. These photos are from my various fan meets functions all over the country. There I click photos with my fans. It cannot prove that she was close to me."
"She said 28 February u raped her in ur room at Hotel Rose. And we got to know she indeed went there that day."
"28 February? Do u use internet? Then please search for the news of Ela Awards that happened this year. I was out of country attending that award function and even won few awards. That time I wasn't in the country for nearly two months. Then how can I rape her?" the officer looked at the glass wall and other officers were working on it.
They said I was telling the truth. The officer asked me a few silly questions and I answered him truthfully. It was a really silly case. If they could just investigate it on their own, they would have known. But no, A complain against a celebrity? How can anyone not make a big deal out of it even if the celebrity is innocent. People don't understand how it becomes a crisis in a celebrity's career.
"Mr. Malhotra, u have to wait as we will interrogate that girl again." Manik haffed and nodded. He was going out and the girl was entering the room. She beamed with happiness after seeing him just like a fan do, seeing her idol. As if she didn't lodged a complain against him.
Manik understood what happened and why she lied but she needed to accept it first then he would file a defaming case. He needs to stop his fans from going that extent.
After a wait of 30 minutes,The officer came to Manik. "She accepted that she was lying. She claimed to love u more than anyone and never miss any of ur public appearances but u never noticed her specifically that's why she did it to get ur attention. But u know the funny thing? We checked her twitter account and she is self proclaimed hater of urs from a few days. She tweeted many nasty things about u, tagging you to get ur attention but she failed there and filing a complain was her last option."
" I guessed it as soon as I saw her. I can't control the crazy fans. This news will go out and they will think of doing such stupid things and I want to stop them." Manik said sternly.
"Fake accusation and defaming case.. I need ur signatures to close this case, to open another and an autograph for my wife!"
After all the formalities, the officer came out of the station along with Manik. Reporters didn't wait for even a second and started asking questions. All of them were hungry for juicy news.
"Calm down please.. We can't answer if you don't keep quiet." The crowd started to be calm.
Q: What happened inside? Where the case went to?
"I know u all want to know what happened. It was a fake case. The girl was lying. She is a crazy fan of Mr. Malhotra and wanted his special attention so she did this and before that she used to stalk Mr. Malhotra everywhere."
Q: Manik sir, what u want to say about it and what are you going to do?
"If I want, I can let her go. But what massage it will carry? That if u do these things you can see ur favourite celebrities and have their attention? Fans need to know that there is certain boundaries they can't cross. I lodged defaming case against her. It's a lesson for everyone that think about yourselves before you do anything stupid. Meeting and having celebrity attention is nothing.. Really nothing.. Ur life worth more than that."
They were throwing more questions but Manik and The officer both dismissed them. Officer went inside and Manik was surrounded by his bodyguards and policemen till he reached his car.
Nandini saw the news and a short interaction of the officer and Manik. It wasn't quite shocking as well as a bit terrifying too. Fans go to any extent to get a reaction from their favs. She got a small text that and smiled, relaxing a bit.
"Relax.. I am fine."