"Watch your mouth, Walker," Andrew threatened from across the room. "You're in front of one of our brightest students who could bring good reputation to our school. So stop bothering her."
"I didn't do anything!" he shouted pointing a finger at her. "She's just making shit up-"
"Gomenasai! Please don't fight because me!" She was just making this worse...and the worst part was that Ichigo could tell she was enjoying this, seeing him getting glared at by his fellow teachers.
"Why I ought a-"
Ichigo was unable to finish his threat when suddenly a brunette, big busted woman flew at him from the side, her arms wrapping around his chest, squeezing him tightly against her.
"I can't believe it's really you!" she squealed. "Fernandez-kun told me but I didn't believe him until I saw you myself!"
"K-Kyla?!" he screamed, noticing who it was from the glinting hairpins on either side of her head.
The woman stepped back, smiling, her arms still around his chest. "Yup! It's been a few years, Walker-kun!"
"Ichigo," called out a low, brass voice.
Ichigo looked up to see Zander walking into the staff room. "Zander! Where were you this morning? I didn't see you during the staff meeting."
Zander nodded before replying. "There are some students who come early in the morning for training. I help them."
"Oh," Ichigo nodded his head. "Well, I guess you're the lucky one who can skip out on those boring meetings seeing how you're the gym teacher and they don't really help you."
Zander nodded his head in agreement.
The three turned to the source of the sudden cough to see Andrew standing in front of them. He looked between Ichigo and Kyla, shaking his head. "I know we're all good friends and everything but please reframe yourselves from displaying too much friendliness, especially in front of co-workers and students."
Ichigo quickly yanked Kyla's arms away from him as the glares from throughout the room, especially those from other men, intensified. Not to mention Angel was looking at him with a blank stare, which could mean anything to 'I'm going to kill you' to-
Wait, why am I so bothered by what the midget might think? He thought to himself before awkwardly smiling to the staff. "Sorry about that," he waved, though it really didn't help much. He sighed, already feeling the burden on his shoulders growing. Great, another thing I need to be careful about; Reyes attacking me and my new co-workers thinking I'm some player with a bad attitude. He grabbed a piece of paper, looking back at his student. "Ang-"
"Bushū," Andrew suddenly interrupted.
Angel was shaken out of her daze when she heard her name. "Hai?"
Andrew came up and handed her a different piece of paper. "This is the new list of clean-up duties. I modified it to fit better with the new schedule and the new teacher."
Ichigo glared at his friend. "Isn't that my job?"
Andrew merely shrugged his shoulders. "I had a feeling you might not finish it in time for tomorrow. Besides, I'm more organized than you."
Ichigo was about to retort when Kyla suddenly chipped in. "I have an excellent idea!" she grinned widely, quickly getting the attention of the staff plus one student. She looked at the two men with sparkles in her eyes. "Let's go out for dinner tonight! We should celebrate Walker-kun's employment into our school. Then we should go karaoke!"
Everyone in the room cheered in agreement, while Zander merely nodded and Andrew sighed before also nodding his head. It wasn't often they get to drop their work and go out for a drink...without getting in trouble from the principal.
Kyla smiled when Angel suddenly caught her eyes. "Oh! I didn't realize you were still here, Bushū-san. But I hope you realize you can't come with us," she bent down to Angel's level with one hand on her hip and another hand in the air, wagging her index finger in front of Angel like a mother would towards a naughty child. "You're still too young to drink."
Angel looked at her school's nurse and smiled. "Of course. I was just wondering if Walker-sensei had anything else he needed help with." Before Ichigo could say anything about the piece of paper he still held the bell suddenly rung. "Oh! That's the end of lunch. I guess I should go back to class now," Angel bowed before quickly exiting through the door.
"I can't wait for tonight!"