Classroom 3-2...
...It was loud as any other day.
Angel took a step to her left just in time to avoid the human-missile attack, which ended up smashing into the classroom door behind her instead. "Ohayo, Lopez-kun," she greeted Jonny Lopez with a fake smile.
Jonny jumped up and saluted, completely ignoring the stream of blood falling down his forehead. "As expected of the lovely student representative; you are always quick on your feet. My love for you only grows stronger by the day. Bushū-san!" he squealed as he tried to hug her again but ended up kissing the ground when Angel swung her bag and knocked him down on ground.
Angel smiled at his twitching form as she made her way to her seat.
"Geez Angel, I don't know how you can stand him jumping at you like that day after day," Jane Bieber said, "Why don't you just get rid of him once and for all?"
"I could," Angel tapped her chin with her finger as if thinking before ginning up at her friend, "But it's kind of stress-relieving to see guys like him getting hurt like that once in awhile."
"You're amazing, Bushū-san," Joshua Gaston chuckled, "You sure know how to play with a man's heart."
"Aw, you're so cute, Angel!"Bia Santos squealed, hugging her smaller friend against her large bosoms.
Angel let out an awkward chuckle while patting her friend's arm. "A-arigatou... I can't breath," she wheezed.
"Let go of her before you suffocate her," someone said by the door. Santos turned back to see Justin Tan walking into class. The red head paused for a second before kicking Jonny on the ground. "Still not giving up are you?" he asked before he reached the girls.
Bia pouted as she started wiggling her upper body with Angel still in her arms. "I'm not hurting her. Why do you hate it whenever I try to show affection to Angel?"
"Because you have a tendency to show your affection in a dangerous way," he reasoned.
Bia reluctantly released her hold and Angel popped out from between her bosoms, gasping for air. Jane grinned before smacking her petite friend on the back to help her breathe. "I think today's a new record!" she teased.
Angel glared at her before looking at her childhood friend. "Thanks Justin."
The red head merely shrugged before going to his seat behind her.
Ding ding ding!
The school bell finally rang but nobody really paid too much attention to it since there was no teacher in the room.
"Okay kids, settle down!"
Never mind.
Angel sat in her usual spot next to the window as Andrew Fernandez came in.
"Okay guys," he started, "as you know, you guys will be having a new homeroom teacher who will also be your new literature teacher since Mina-sensei is on maternity leave." Everyone cheered at this news. Andrew sighed as he pushed up his glasses. "ANYWAYS!" he shouted over the noise, "I want to introduce to you guys your new teacher." He looked over to the door and nodded.
And in came the most unexpected person, ever.
Angel wasn't paying much attention until she saw something orange from the corner of her eye. She slowly looked to the front of the class only to see...
"Ohayo. Watashi wa Ichigo Walker desu. Dozoyoroshiku."
No fucking way!
Placed into a state of complete shock, Angel was about to jump up and yell, when suddenly...
...someone else already beat her to it.
Angel looked over to see Jane standing up with an even more shocked face. "What the fuck are you doing here, Ichigo?" she asked.
Everyone gasped when they heard her use their teacher's first name and talking to him in a familiar way.
Ichigo smirked. "Hey there, Jane. I haven't seen you since you were in middle school."
"No shit," she crossed her arms across her chest, "That was when you moved away to go to college."
There was another gasp of surprise.
"Um, Jane," Bia poked her friend from the side, "How do you know the new hunk?"
Jane raised an eyebrow before pointing at Ichigo. "What the fuck are you talking about? Him? A hunk? I think you might need to get your eyes checked, Bia ."
Ichigo glared at her. "Glad to know your manners haven't changed."
Jane ignored his remark and continued. "This guy used to live here in Tokyo and he babysat me and a few others in this classroom before he moved away."
Andrew looked at his friend and raised an eyebrow. "You babysat kids?"
Ichigo rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I watched other kids along with my sisters when I was younger." When Andrew kept giving him suspicious looks, Ichigo groaned. "I needed some money!" he reasoned.
"Right," Andrew smirked before looking back at the students. "Please sit back down, Bieber," he said.
But as Jane sat back down someone else jumped up.
Jane, who was still on the ground next to the door, jumped up and flew towards his old babysitter. "I HAVE MISSED YOU MY SENPAI OF PORN-AUGH!" Before Jonny could get too close to him, Ichigo threw out a huge fist, which collided with the young teen's face.
"Glad to know you're still the same too, Jonny," Ichigo scowled, while still kicking Jonny to the ground each time he tried to grab him.
Andrew cleared his throat to get back everyone's attention. "Anyways, I have to get going since I have my own class to attend to. Will the class rep please stand up?"