Cheryl Point Of View :
After what happened, I didn't talk to Asher or the Nanny, although the Nanny tried to teach me things I should know about Asher in order to continue her work, but I didn't give her a listening ear. Asher stuck to his Nanny like gum throughout the stay in our supposed honeymoon.
It's been two weeks now, and we are going to the Williams Mansion where I would spend the rest of my life babysitting a grown man.
I scoffed.
"Miss, I'll advise that whatever attitude you gave to me and Asher should not happen in the Williams Home," I heard the Nanny say beside me.
I ignored her and looked out the window.
She held my hand and dragged me to face her. "You don't know the home you're entering, lady. They will use anything to bend you to their will, even hurting you! When you get there, be able to take instructions!" the Nanny said sternly.
I pushed her away from me.
Asher, who sat beside her, held her and glared at me.
I didn't bother looking at him.
"They don't own me. They might have bought some of my rights from my Dad, but I decide what I do or don't," I retorted.
The Nanny chuckled. "Do or don't?" She laughed. "No matter how strong you think you are, they will break you. They will use your flaws and secrets against you just like they did to my poor young master."
I raised a brow.
"Make sure you protect Asher with your life!" She said.
I scoffed. "And why would I do that? To me, my life is far more precious than that of an idiot."
She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the driver. "We have arrived."
She shut her mouth and made a serious face. "Remember all I've told you," she turned to Asher then me. "Both of you."
I didn't mind her and got out of the car. The house was beautiful and big, with beautiful flowers planted everywhere.
All the people from the Williams family that attended the wedding apart from Asher's father were all outside with a smile.
A beautiful elderly woman smiled at me. "Welcome to the Williams Home!"
Like a chorus, they all said the same word after her with a smile.
Looking at the scene, it did look like I am welcomed, but I felt a little strange.
I looked at everyone. They are all rich people who own a hotel, a mall, a company, etc. My sets of people.
I smiled. "Thank you."
She hugged me. "I'm Asher's mom. I hope you take care of Asher."
She's pretty, just like her son.
Then she looked at the Nanny. "Nanny, I'm sure you have told our guest what she should do?"
Is she the one that made Nanny say those things?
"Yes, Ma."
"Good. You can leave now. I don't want to ever see your face here again."
Nanny nodded and turned to leave.
"Nanny!" Asher called.
The Nanny turned sharply and shook her head, warning him not to call her back.
I watched him bite his lips, holding himself from crying after her.
The Nanny walked away escorted by guards.
"Alright then, before we start the welcoming celebration, I'll give my first instruction, and it could be my last if you do it well," she said. "Live quietly like you don't exist, and you won't have any problem with me or anyone, just like Nanny. We won't know your name even if we heard it before, live like you're dead," she said with a smile.
I clenched my fist in anger.
Live like I'm dead?
First, an idiot for a husband, now a mother-in-law who wants me to live like a dead person.
No, I can't do that. I can't live like this. I'll put son and mother in their place.
"No!" I answered.
I could hear gasps from his family.
"Excuse me!" She looked at me, shocked.
"I may have been forced to marry and to stay in the marriage, but I will not live like you want me to," I smirked.
It's time to bring out my bitchy side because this family is really messed up.
How can everyone smile while she said those words?
"Show me my room; I'm stressed, and the last place I want to be is in your presence. It's been a long journey."
These people have just brought someone they shouldn't have into their home.
Because I'm not someone who obeys instructions at all.
I'm a rule breaker.